看板 Gossiping
作者 LWong (人人期望可達到)
標題 [爆卦]蔡英文 魚蛋革命港大學生會:永遠站在反抗
時間 Wed Feb 10 15:14:42 2016

台灣蔡英文成榜樣了, 對外輸出革命了

魚蛋革命, 香港大學學生會官方聲明:「永遠站在反抗者一方」


Timeline Photos - 香港大學學生會 The Hong Kong University Students' Union | Facebook
永遠站在反抗者一方 港大學生會就二月八日旺角之役聲明  時值新正頭,小販路邊擺賣,銷售魚蛋雞髀,市民樂也融融


香港大學學生會 The Hong Kong University Students' Union


紅黃旗幡等到場,刻意挑起民憤。連番衝突過後,警員 PC5619 不顧流彈誤中途人之險,

,克服怵惕恐懼,群起反抗還擊,實為大義之舉。如果 PC5619 因恐懼而開槍,敢問市民





Forever we stand with the rebels
Declaration of the Hong Kong University Students’ Union on the Battle of
Mongkok on 8th February

At the break of the Lunar New Year, hawkers set up their stalls along the
roadside and sold assortments of snacks. Citizens surely enjoyed their time,
and it was certainly not a problem. However, the Food and Environmental
Hygiene Department (FEHD) had been keeping a close watch on them, forcing
them not to make their own living, forbidding citizens not to enjoy their new
year holidays. The Police Force even arrived at the scene and armed
themselves with shields, contractable batons, pepper sprays and various flags
for warning, intentionally stirring up people’s fury. After various direct
confrontations, PC 5619 disregarded the danger of a stray bullet and
illegally shot two rounds of bullets amid the huge crowd. It only results in
the blazing conflict
and resistance widespread in the Mongkok neighbourhood hitherto.

Standing in others’ shoes, one shall only shrivel in horror when the gunshot
across the air was heard, the gun barrel pointing at skulls were witnessed.
In view of such situation, hundreds of citizens overcame their terror and
rose to revolt for justice. Had PC 5619 taken the shot out of fear, how
should people have reacted in face of the strikes and kicks of the fiendish
police? At the same time, held in custody in the deep black car, the
detainees suffered countless blows and punches, let alone further tortures as
they arrived the police station. Did you, devoid of conscience, deem them to
ask for their own troubles, it would only show your total lack of empathy. We
are all the same. We are just human. We laugh when tickled, hurt when beaten.
And when people are suppressed, they rebel for sure.

It was never only a day for all these to happen. Bricks and flames are the
surface, the authoritarian and its suppression are indeed the crux. The Hong
Kong government had once behaved and given in in view of peaceful
demonstrations. But in recent years, the Hong Kong communist regime only
became more shameless and even remained indifferent towards the hundreds of
millions of support to true universal suffrage. As Hongkongers could no
longer tolerate, people rose to revolt in the Umbrella Revolution with
barricades and shields. Battle of Mongkok today originated from and resembled
the Umbrella Revolution. In the midst of teary smog and frightening gunshot,
we no longer fear and we stride forward with courage, unveiling the start of
a brand-new way in protest.

As Tsai Ing-wen, the incoming President of Taiwan said, ‘As the sky dims,
here are a group of people turning braver in order to protect our dreams.’
 Many compatriots today were volunteers willing to take the risk of criminal
offence or even their lives. Unarmed, they struggled against the violence and
bloodshed of the police. Many are severely injured, with their situations
unknown yet. Three schoolmates were also arrested and hurt, including the
incoming Editor-In-Chief of the Undergrad, HKUSU who had been unreasonably
arrested when reporting. We promise that we shall offer any possible
assitances to the concerned students. We shall never turn our back on or
leave them alone and unassisted.

Forever we stand with the rebels.

The Hong Kong University Students’ Union
10 February 2016

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1MkkDbOL (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1455088485.A.615.html
※ 編輯: LWong (, 02/10/2016 15:15:27
CavendishJr: !!!!!1F 02/10 15:15
hsnuonly: 天色漸漸光不是滅火器唱的嗎 怎麼變蔡英文2F 02/10 15:15
s866217: 慘了......台灣人壞榜樣......3F 02/10 15:15
Gallardo: 呵呵 小英現在當家了 有句話叫當家不鬧事4F 02/10 15:16
AlexKISS: 輸出革命? 呵呵 香港人這次貌似沒求民主普選吧y5F 02/10 15:16
kiergh: 那好像是歌詞啊6F 02/10 15:16
Tiphareth: 那是滅火器創作的歌詞吧?????7F 02/10 15:16
countryair: 這是引用而已吧8F 02/10 15:16
lapetos: 那個是島嶼天光的歌詞耶9F 02/10 15:16
sysop5566: 今日香港 明日台灣 統戰示範區10F 02/10 15:17
lapetos: 不過有一部分的人能有自我意識還算不錯11F 02/10 15:17
BlackBass: 台灣人成為亞洲民主運動典範 讚啦12F 02/10 15:17
bobobola: 洗洗睡13F 02/10 15:17
silentsky: 感覺被吃豆腐14F 02/10 15:18
seraphic298: 統派:抓到了 蔡英文搞獨立15F 02/10 15:18
bgt25789: 痾…16F 02/10 15:18
gred121: 其實是島嶼天光耶17F 02/10 15:18
truegod000: 有人要舉報香港全區嗎XD18F 02/10 15:18
circlelee: 這那招?   香港學生也懂反串?19F 02/10 15:18
GenYDad: 那句是楊大正說的吧XD20F 02/10 15:19
gred121: 但是島嶼天光是對抗暴政讓26崩潰的歌曲沒錯哈哈哈21F 02/10 15:19
HisVol: 這不是歌詞嗎?0.022F 02/10 15:19
fricca: 等等不是蔡英文說的吧XDDDD23F 02/10 15:19
linshouli: 香港也有民主進步黨阿24F 02/10 15:19
mvpdirk712: 蛆蛆又崩潰唷25F 02/10 15:19
saionepiece: 不是候選人囉 事當選人26F 02/10 15:19
countryair: 蔡英文好像沒有講過這段話吧?應該是引用歌詞27F 02/10 15:20
gcobc37695: 蔡維拉上場救援啦28F 02/10 15:20
gaddafi: 香港人加油!香港天色漸亮 香港充滿希望29F 02/10 15:20
jetalpha: 不是蔡英文說的,蔡英文已經是次任總統當選人,不是候選30F 02/10 15:20
gred121: 候任總統 看清楚好嗎31F 02/10 15:21
bj45566: 原來港大學生會也是 DPP 外圍組織 XDDD32F 02/10 15:21
NTULioner: 爛學校 整件事明明都426先打33F 02/10 15:21
CYL009: 香港人又想把台灣拉下水 連佔中都學我們應對方式34F 02/10 15:22
RevanKai: 香港人說是黑道作的,黑道賣魚蛋維生笑死我了XDDDDDDDDD35F 02/10 15:22
linshouli: 小英競選場合也有請滅火器唱島嶼天光阿...他講的也沒錯啦ㄏㄏ36F 02/10 15:22
windbomb: 記得突尼西亞也是取締小攤眅釀成大革命38F 02/10 15:23
s866217: ===今日香港、明日台灣,大家要記好,好好守護台灣!===39F 02/10 15:23
kkabenson: 拉台灣下水?40F 02/10 15:23
Whitening: 那是歌詞阿XD~41F 02/10 15:24
windbomb: 然後演變成阿拉伯之春的革命浪潮42F 02/10 15:24
chiguang: 我台灣人以我們國家為榮43F 02/10 15:24
linshouli: 但香港別拉台灣下水啦...香港保重QQ44F 02/10 15:25
gred121: 臺灣在反對黑箱服貿時香港鄉民很挺好嗎?45F 02/10 15:25
s866217: ===香港人英文好,可以去歐美澳,台灣人只能跳海了@@46F 02/10 15:25
djcc: 供三洨  唱歌就唱歌  引用錯誤 必須噓47F 02/10 15:25
notmine: 請問香港年輕人可以自己組黨嗎?48F 02/10 15:26
jetalpha: 謝 gred121大指正。49F 02/10 15:26
bobobola: 香港反對一中一台 去死吧50F 02/10 15:26
spiranthe: 朱:kmt會當個忠誠的反對黨51F 02/10 15:26
if2: 又不是蔡英文講的52F 02/10 15:26
s866217: ==我們台灣人是退無可退、無處可退!只有誓死守護台灣!53F 02/10 15:26
hjoyce0131: 我以身為台灣人為榮,香港加油!54F 02/10 15:26
wht810090: 張冠李戴...除了歌詞誤植之外這篇沒有啥米問題啊55F 02/10 15:27
blackboom: 有啦 當選那個晚上發表談話就引用了這段歌詞56F 02/10 15:27
s866217: 其實也不同情香港,香港人=馬英九!57F 02/10 15:27
kkabenson: 香港人長期都反對台灣主權獨立58F 02/10 15:27
wht810090: 退此一步 即無死所 台灣絕對不能淪亡在PRC的暴政之下59F 02/10 15:27
kkabenson: 只是想把台灣拉入一中框架反共..60F 02/10 15:27
plmay: 這是歌詞啊啊啊…61F 02/10 15:27
d9637568: 讚62F 02/10 15:28
s866217: 沒錯!香港是反對台灣主權,還要拖我們下水......63F 02/10 15:28
otsuka123: 跟蔡英文沒關拉..64F 02/10 15:28
godshibainu: 小英當選晚會上有口述這一段65F 02/10 15:28
wht810090: 香港人請自己保重 台灣沒可能再跳入一中架構66F 02/10 15:28
kkabenson: 沒一兵一卒的地方 想搞革命 想多了67F 02/10 15:28
maxboy06: 那是島嶼天光的歌詞 亂套68F 02/10 15:28
kageo101: 什麼叫拉台灣下水 怕了就講69F 02/10 15:28
custptt: 沒有誤植,小英當選感言就有說了70F 02/10 15:28
s866217: 香港人一直是這樣,香港人就是「一群馬英九」!71F 02/10 15:28
a5245242003: 蔡英文好像有引述72F 02/10 15:29
jetalpha: 香港的未來該有香港年輕人決定,既然都站出來了當然挺73F 02/10 15:29
otsuka123: 是喔 蔡英文有講過這段喔74F 02/10 15:29
bobobola: 全力支持支那幹爆香港75F 02/10 15:29
wht810090: 沒注意到原來有引這段歌詞... 謝指正76F 02/10 15:29
s866217: 台灣是台灣,香港是香港,這兩個狀況完全不一樣!77F 02/10 15:29
kkabenson: 台灣人不需要為中國香港人賣命 怕三小?78F 02/10 15:29
s866217: 台灣、中國,一邊一國!台灣是主權獨立的國家!79F 02/10 15:30
chiyse: 香港加油!但引用錯誤...還是噓80F 02/10 15:30
bwa: 島嶼天光不是蔡英文講得吧81F 02/10 15:32
traipse: 9.2:請蔡英文放過香港82F 02/10 15:32
linshouli: 香港人自己內部意見搞不定,鄉民要以台灣利益優先,台灣攪進去不是好事83F 02/10 15:33
wayne64001: 寫小說?85F 02/10 15:33
Moratti: 加油86F 02/10 15:33
kageo101: 原來一堆人沒看當選感言喔87F 02/10 15:33
kkabenson: 香港一對台灣無利益 二無軍隊 而且水電不能自足88F 02/10 15:34
jetalpha: 台灣內部意見也是搞不定,支持香港年輕人並不會損及自身89F 02/10 15:34
kkabenson: 台灣去淌這渾水沒任何好處90F 02/10 15:34
angelliao37: 蔡英文不負責嗎?91F 02/10 15:34
jetalpha: 利益,在東南亞地區能多一個未來的盟友也是好事。92F 02/10 15:34
wht810090: 香港人要水電自足可能得先組軍隊把深圳打下來並守住93F 02/10 15:34
kkabenson: 香港人是幻想秋海棠的中國人 台灣人是想獨立 利益衝突94F 02/10 15:35
godshibainu: https://goo.gl/TIXhig 小英勝選晚會提到的這段95F 02/10 15:35
勝選晚會 蔡英文:我會讓我的國民,沒有一個人必須為他們的認同道歉 - YouTube TWIMI | 獨立媒體  (轉貼請保留此連結) 民進黨總統當選人蔡英文今天(1/16)晚間副總統當選人陳建仁、前副總統呂秀蓮、全國競總主委陳菊市長、黨秘書長吳釗燮、總幹事蘇嘉全、執行總幹事林錫耀、民進黨前主席許信良、姚嘉文、謝長廷、游錫堃、前行政院長張俊雄及前總統府秘書長...

jeanniewoo: 蔡英文只是引述拉!當然由她說出來是比較有份量96F 02/10 15:35
weboau: 是歌詞沒錯,但是小英當選真的也有說過97F 02/10 15:35
knighthgink: 幫臺灣宣傳總統,給推98F 02/10 15:35
s866217: 香港人不要再來台灣了!我們已經被你們的馬英九害慘了!99F 02/10 15:35
s866217: 香港人=「一群馬英九」啦!
germing: 糞青又要噴屎了 說港人沒理由也在暴動 根本暴民!其實不是沒理由好嗎 只是有分析理由的文章在牆內會被和諧掉 造成牆內誤解 仇恨港人 為中共出動武力製造合理藉口
不過 港人文筆真好275F 02/10 21:38
coolorphen: 香港加油啊279F 02/10 21:41
gwenwoo:  香港版228  查緝攤販  香港傳統過年習俗是逛夜市280F 02/10 21:50

作者 LWong 的最新發文:
(LWong.): [爆卦]蔡英文 魚蛋革命港大學生會:永遠站在反抗 - Gossiping板