看板 Gossiping作者 sfsm (有初老症狀的鹹魚)標題 [新聞] 法官問:手榴彈怎麼運作的?時間 Thu Apr 14 07:26:00 2016
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Police constable shows judge “how grenade works” inside courtroom, three
※ 社論特稿都不能貼! 違者退文,貼廣告也會被退文喔!
KARACHI (Staff Report) –
A hand grenade exploded inside courtroom in Karachi’s Anti-Terrorism
Court (ATC) after a judge asked a police constable if he knew how grenades
worked. The constable, instead of explaining his expertise in weapons and
grenade handling to the judge, opted to demonstrate practically by promptly
pulling out the pin from the grenade.
This resulted in a loud explosion,
injuring three including the constable and a court clerk.
The blast took place while hearing of a case was underway in courtroom-III.
Two policemen and a court clerk were among injured and taken to a nearby
hospital for first aid. Court’s proceeding was briefly suspended as a result.
According to media reports, the grenade in question was a locally developed
bomb which was brought to the courtroom by Investigation Officer Abid Ali as
evidence. The bomb was, reportedly, not defused before production in the
The police and paramilitary forces in the vicinity immediately surrounded the
area after the explosion fearing a terrorist attack and the security forces
were put on high alert.
It is safe to say that now the whole court knows how grenades work, including
the curious judge.
According to authorities, the constable who apparently knows how grenades
work will be punished severely after he recovers from his injuries.
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推 ok5566: 還好吧 一般人哪知道手榴彈怎麼運作2F 04/14 07:27
→ korsg: 這問題還ok啦,不過直接拔插銷是哪招XDD 實彈的話很誇張4F 04/14 07:28
推 C00L: Psychopath5F 04/14 07:29
→ C00L: 一般人哪知道?笑了7F 04/14 07:29
→ C00L: 再說不會用嘴巴講的就好 搞這啥示範 ?10F 04/14 07:31
→ whitefox: 先敲一下再丟出去啊,罰你搶救雷恩大兵看十遍11F 04/14 07:31
→ ePaper: 不是就火藥爆炸嗎 還是要找C4專家來解釋XD14F 04/14 07:33
→ korsg: 看內文寫是直接在庭上爆炸惹q_q15F 04/14 07:33
推 ymx3xc: 所以在庭上直接爆炸?17F 04/14 07:34
推 q3824k: 這法官一輩子都記得手榴彈怎麼運作了19F 04/14 07:35
推 whitefox: constable 制服警察, court clerk 書記官20F 04/14 07:36
推 jetzake: 每個國家的手榴彈其實都不太一樣是真的啦....
土製的東西則更是五花八門 問這個倒沒什麼問題21F 04/14 07:36
推 sai1268: XD 法官表示我懂了23F 04/14 07:38
推 piovoso: 不是每個人都知道是拔插梢讓保險桿飛掉再讓撞針掉下點燃24F 04/14 07:40
推 SidMax: 這警察有問題吧27F 04/14 07:44
推 momocom: 當過兵的都有丟過啊28F 04/14 07:45
推 orfan: 下次問問看: 這把槍是怎麼把人殺死的? 叫檢查官當場示範29F 04/14 07:46
→ g9591410: 汽車怎麼運作 手機怎麼運作? 這法官要不要去看一下醫生31F 04/14 07:48
→ inmee: 沒特別去看原文,但運作不等於使用,會用不等於懂其中原理32F 04/14 07:49
噓 togs: 哈哈 確定這警察不是恐怖份子嗎33F 04/14 07:49
噓 Runna: 新聞內文有寫引爆的是土製手榴彈,本來就該搞清楚怎麼運作,問題是為什麼那顆沒有被處理後再帶上法庭才是問題35F 04/14 07:51
推 Leeng: It is safe to say that now the whole court knows how
grenades work
可喜可賀37F 04/14 07:53
→ Runna: 汽車運作絕對不是插鑰匙加輪子跑,不然汽車商就不用召回瑕疵品了40F 04/14 07:54
推 jimihsu: 這代表警察也不知道那顆是怎麼回事,以為拔掉不會爆42F 04/14 07:57
推 pchion2013: This resulted in a loud explosion 爆惹46F 04/14 08:06
推 honda0327: 爆了 而且傷三個 包括法庭跟警察哈哈哈哈哈50F 04/14 08:18
→ wappy: 幹....他看到真主了?不對!!是上帝!!是主耶穌!!!XDDD58F 04/14 08:28
推 icexfox: 法官:淦,瞬間人生跑馬燈出現59F 04/14 08:30
推 Roy22: 只拔掉插銷的確不會爆啊...60F 04/14 08:31
噓 Thiem: 警察有事嗎?61F 04/14 08:32
推 pocky0511: 還好啊 拔掉插銷只是把安全開關打開
難到大家以為拔掉就會爆炸?62F 04/14 08:34
噓 unlock: 搞到爆炸明明是警察的問題 邏輯錯亂喔64F 04/14 08:39
推 KJC1004: FIRE IN THE HOLE!!68F 04/14 08:57
推 egg781: 我以為拔掉插銷過一段時間還是會爆71F 04/14 09:12
推 chewie: 制式的應該都有壓板? 不過土製的就不知道了 總之夠蠢73F 04/14 09:21
推 brke: 哪裡都有恐龍法官XDDDDD74F 04/14 09:27
推 basslife: 內文還真的有寫爆炸耶 誇張75F 04/14 09:28
推 vanson37: 所以到底怎麼才會爆,我以為拔插銷就好76F 04/14 09:28
推 zeanmar: 把手上面還有個壓版把壓住插銷就是卡住那個的 拔掉之後手放開 引信就會開始運作點燃炸藥...小弟認知是如此77F 04/14 09:32
→ stry: 法官這問題沒什麼問題啊 警察玻璃心喔79F 04/14 09:33
噓 Jade3P: 帶手榴彈上法庭到底是誰有問題?81F 04/14 09:34
推 Suboy: This resulted in a loud explosion,89F 04/14 09:45