看板 Gossiping
作者 namtar (找一個新開始        惽)
標題 [爆卦]APPLE網路服務因上架電影"十年"被中國下架
時間 Sat Apr 23 20:38:12 2016

Two Apple services blocked in China
Comprehensive up-to-date news coverage, aggregated from sources all over the world by Google News. ...

google新聞跳一堆  關於APPLE的網路服務本周開始在中國被官方停止


一開始是有些中國用戶 發現APPLE的itunes Movie跟ibook不能使用
Users seek refunds as Apple’s iBook, iTunes services blocked in China | The Financial Express
Cupertino-based Apple is yet to issue a broad statement to its customers in China about the status of the services but several users said that they ha ...


APPLE的發言人出來說 他們希望能趕快重新開啟服務

WSJ的人說 中國在向蘋果展現政府的控制力
Apple services mysteriously shut down in China
Apple has been facing a bite in China, its second largest market after US, as Chinese regulators blocks iBooks and iTunes Movies, just months after th ...



繼續追查下去 發現原因有點不單純

一開始大家是猜 APPLE不幫中國政府在手機植入後門程式
China Shut Down Apple's Book And Movie Services. What's Next? | Fast Company | Business + Innovation
Apple's encryption keys could become its key to one of its most important markets. ...


APPLE的iTunes movie與ibook是因為在上週上架 香港電影《十年》

才被中國官方封鎖 利用網路長城屏蔽APPLE的服務

一開始的消息來源: http://goo.gl/QVO7NP
As Ten Years lands on iTunes in Hong Kong, Apple says service shut down in China | South China Morning Post
Tech giant says it wants to restore Movies and iBooks services in China, which were ordered to close last week by film and media regulator, days befor ...


As Ten Years lands on iTunes in Hong Kong, Apple says service shut down in China - HotAppleNews.com
Tech giant says it wants to restore Movies and iBooks services in China, which were ordered to close last week by film and media regulator, days befor ...


China blocks Apple iTunes and iBook stores after launch of Ten Years
Chinese consumers have been unable to purchase digital goods Apple in China, the latest online destinations blocked by the government. ...


不知道 中國 最大的詐騙集團 是誰作莊呢?

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1N6sot3y (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1461415095.A.0FC.html
MotleyCrue: 蘋果這種專門出羶色腥的報紙禁了也好啦1F 04/23 20:39
※ 編輯: namtar (, 04/23/2016 20:40:34
GSHARP: 沒事兒2F 04/23 20:39
gaym19: 沒事ㄦ沒事ㄦ 這美國手機比不上咱們小米ㄦ3F 04/23 20:40
boyen3: 中共有夠北七 一開始只有香港人知道 中共手一伸進去華人4F 04/23 20:40
newwu: 嚴厲譴責庫克和教主傷害中國人民情感5F 04/23 20:40
boyen3: 世界都知道十年 今天搞蘋果結果全世界都知道十年6F 04/23 20:41
chiefoflaw: 一樓搞不清楚XD7F 04/23 20:41
Crauser: 猜1F反串XDDD8F 04/23 20:41
boyen3: 如果我是十年的製作團隊一定寄一封感謝函給中國共產黨9F 04/23 20:42
truegod000: APPLE不幫中國政府在手機植入後門程式 因為不幫垃圾10F 04/23 20:42
Bschord: 板上已經有po過新聞了吧
喔 不是新聞 是爆卦11F 04/23 20:42

(namtar.): [爆卦]APPLE網路服務因上架電影"十年"被中國下架 - Gossiping板