看板 Gossiping
作者 rpg1510 (小李無情刀)
標題 [新聞] 印度幼象墜井 母象徹夜哀嚎獲村民伸援
時間 Wed Aug  3 00:34:42 2016

印度幼象墜井 母象徹夜哀嚎獲村民伸援 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
閱讀Yahoo奇摩新聞上的「印度幼象墜井 母象徹夜哀嚎獲村民伸援」。 (中央社倫敦2日綜合外電報導)印度蘭伽地區約60餘頭大象行經蘇特里村時,一頭幼象掉進建設用井裡,母象徹夜在井邊徘徊哀嚎,村民清晨鼓起勇氣救援 ... ...



英國「每日郵報」(Daily Mail)報導,這起事件發生在27日晚間,母象力圖救起幼象未



Save my baby! Elephant desperately trumpets for help throughout the night
after its calf falls into a well – and its prayers are ANSWERED by kind
villagers who pull the youngster out in the morning

http://goo.gl/YkA3lp (內有照片、影片)
Video of elephant desperately calling for help after its baby falls into a hole in India | Daily Mail Online
The elephant fell into a well while a herd of more than 60 elephants were passing through the Ramgarh district, around 50 km from Ranchi, in the India ...


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1NeCkcpz (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1470155686.A.CFD.html
godbar: 好險母象沒被強暴1F 08/03 00:35
hn9480412: (  ̄□ ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~爪爪2F 08/03 00:35
Dissipate: 其實村民只是想睡覺3F 08/03 00:36
anper: 強暴= =  有幾百根雞雞都塞不滿阿...4F 08/03 00:36
mrmowmow: 母象母象,夜裡哭哭5F 08/03 00:36
z98520sss: 大象好可愛6F 08/03 00:37
return7683: 推文水準真優質7F 08/03 00:37
wu0u4: 看成幻象墜井8F 08/03 00:38
C2D: 大象記憶力很好 小象長大後重回故地想起來這個洞  滅村!9F 08/03 00:38
bobju: 賺到一批護村神象10F 08/03 00:38
cerberi: 推!11F 08/03 00:38
heavensun: 大象記憶力比人類強12F 08/03 00:38
a24285293: 這小象一定不是賤民階級13F 08/03 00:38
piovoso: http://tinyurl.com/hbhu7xy 有影片 溫馨~~14F 08/03 00:39
Video of elephant desperately calling for help after its baby falls into a hole in India | Daily Mail Online
The elephant fell into a well while a herd of more than 60 elephants were passing through the Ramgarh district, around 50 km from Ranchi, in the India ...

ispy03532003: 這隻小象明自一定叫做Bruce15F 08/03 00:39
N1KE: 毛克利喔16F 08/03 00:39
ispy03532003:           名字17F 08/03 00:39
tfoxboy: 難過QQ18F 08/03 00:39
CavendishJr: 正面新聞QQ19F 08/03 00:40
chuegou: 可惡看推文一直笑20F 08/03 00:40
Maziger: (  ̄□ ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~爪爪21F 08/03 00:40
kinghtt: 幾年後會有隻戴面具的大象專門攻擊盜獵者22F 08/03 00:41
gh34163: (」〒□〒)<喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~爪爪23F 08/03 00:42
demitri: 真的夜裡哭哭24F 08/03 00:43
karsssl: (  ̄□ ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~爪爪25F 08/03 00:48
amurorei: 溫馨26F 08/03 00:49
bravo: 神救援27F 08/03 00:50
han5566: 溫馨28F 08/03 00:50
dtlove17: 以前好像也看過類似的29F 08/03 00:50
xmoonlight: 強攻強攻30F 08/03 00:51
WLR: 外電 http://goo.gl/QGa7cR 有圖有文有影片31F 08/03 00:52
Video of elephant desperately calling for help after its baby falls into a hole in India | Daily Mail Online
The elephant fell into a well while a herd of more than 60 elephants were passing through the Ramgarh district, around 50 km from Ranchi, in the India ...

ce270651: QQ32F 08/03 00:57
MetalRose: 大象好可愛QQ
大象既聰明又可愛QQ33F 08/03 01:01
Vincient: 印度雖然常常強暴 但印度也很尊重自然動物是真的35F 08/03 01:03

作者 rpg1510 的最新發文:
(rpg1510): [新聞] 印度幼象墜井 母象徹夜哀嚎獲村民伸援 - Gossiping板