看板 Gossiping
作者 chivalry70 (火鍋)
標題 [新聞] 北韓核試場白炸了? 川普宣布「取消川金
時間 Fri May 25 00:26:01 2018




北韓核試場白炸了? 川普宣布「取消川金會」


〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕美國總統川普(Donald Trump)今日發布寫給北韓領導人金正恩






May 24, 2018

His Excellency

Kim Jong Un

Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democractic People's Republic
of Korea


Dear Mr. Chairman:

We greatly appreciate your time, patience, and effort with respect to our rece
nt negotiations and discussions relative to a summit long sought by both parti
es, which was scheduled to take place on June 12 in Singapore. We were informe
d that the meeting was requested by North Korea, but that to us is totally irr
elevant. I was very much looking forward to being there with you. Sadly, based
 on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent stat
ement, I feel is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned me
eting. Therefore, please let this letter serve to represent that the Singapore
 summit, for the good of both parties, but to the detriment of the world, will
 not take place. You talk about your nuclear capabilities, but ours are so mas
sive and powerful that i pray to God they will never have to be used.

I felt a wonderful dialogue was building up between you and me, and ultimately
 it is only that dialogue that matters. Some day, I look very much forward to
meeting you. In the meantime, I want to thank you for the release of the hosta
ges who are now home with their families. That was a beautiful gesture and was
 very much appreciated.

If you change your mind having to do with this most important summit, please d
o not hesitate to call me or write. The world, and North Korea in particular,
has lost a great opportunity for lasting peace and great prosperity and wealth
 This missed opportunity is a truly sad moment in history.

Sincerely yours,

Donald J. Trump

President of the United States of America

4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):

北韓核試場白炸了? 川普宣布「取消川金會」 - 國際 - 自由時報電子報
美國總統川普(Donald Trump)今日發布寫給北韓領導人金正恩的公開信,宣布取消原定6月12日在新加坡舉行的「川金會」。川普在公開信中表示,「令人遺憾地,根據你(金正恩)在最近聲明中顯示出的極大憤怒和公開的敵意,我認為現在不宜舉行這場計畫已久的會談。」 ...









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BrandyEye: 北韓也只是做做樣子好不1F 05/25 00:26
HiranoMiu: 川普 真的很賤 但是有趣2F 05/25 00:26
buke: 事後想想不對勁3F 05/25 00:26
arumi416: 反正炸掉的也不會是用得到的,能而用的早就先藏好了4F 05/25 00:27
victoryman: 核試場又不是核武 炸在多核試場也沒用5F 05/25 00:27
tsairay: 那個核試場之前就崩塌過,早就不能再用了,做順水人情罷了6F 05/25 00:27
ash9911911: 川普 你算計我!你算計我阿!7F 05/25 00:27
wwvvkai: 搞不好被發現炸假的?8F 05/25 00:27
kyoiori100: 馬的 川普過河拆橋9F 05/25 00:27
ilovetaylor: 賺了三個人質 不虧10F 05/25 00:27
chihchingho: 中出後再戴套有啥鳥用0.011F 05/25 00:28
baseguard: 白癡才會相信北韓會放棄核武12F 05/25 00:28
treeson: 本來核試驗場早就不能用了13F 05/25 00:29
ilove640: 事後越想越不對勁14F 05/25 00:30
billgats: 川普只是金正恩的棋子.........傻傻的15F 05/25 00:31
NKTcell: 川普太早發信了   現在應該還有一堆外國記者留滯在北韓  應該也有美國人在那邊16F 05/25 00:32
sunchen0201: 金小胖最少把南韓騙到手,金援也不少了18F 05/25 00:33
ev331: 金正恩在幹嘛 一下要合好一面又在那裡炸東西19F 05/25 00:33
mithralin: 就算取消川金會核試場也因為嚴重走山的關係不能用了20F 05/25 00:33
NKTcell: 北韓要是現在把那些記者強迫留下來  金小胖手上又多了一21F 05/25 00:34
abd86731: 好像有很多人相信兩韓會後就和平了?22F 05/25 00:34
NKTcell: 票籌碼23F 05/25 00:34
muchu1983: 下一個核試場早就蓋好了阿,在關島24F 05/25 00:36
Sigga: 就算炸了,已掌握相關技術的北韓隨時要復原都可以的吧
個人覺得北韓早有第二,甚至是第三預定地25F 05/25 00:36
maesww: 支那在後撐腰 金胖子又恢復原型 開始射了 日漢準備好沒?27F 05/25 00:40
andytaso: 這核試場本來就已經用爛了塌了 金也只是演演戲罷了28F 05/25 00:40
jenwind: 演戲當然炸舊核試場XD29F 05/25 00:42
pooznn: 沒有白炸啊 接下來金三胖理要怎麽說都可以惹30F 05/25 00:46
u9005205: 2018是一個大起大落的一年…31F 05/25 00:46
Areso: 核試場而已 核武交出來啊32F 05/25 00:46
jenwind: 從頭到尾 美跟北韓都沒損失阿 看像南韓XD33F 05/25 00:47


Areso: 誰毀約 當然是習胖跟金胖 別以為美國一無所知34F 05/25 00:48
chrisjeremy: 建議在北京試爆35F 05/25 00:49
Nevhir: 搞不好有世人不知道的情資36F 05/25 00:50
danielww: 核試場本來就崩了 演戲而已 應該還有其他場 射了就知道37F 05/25 00:51
iceyeman: 現在都習慣叫別人出錢 我演戲 嘖嘖嘖~38F 05/25 00:55
needmmmoney: 北韓應該只是炸掉其中最爛的那個吧XDD39F 05/25 00:56
rttlac: 想不到吧40F 05/25 00:56
※ 編輯: chivalry70 (, 05/25/2018 00:59:37
mc3308321: 搞不好CNN記者還在北韓,川普故意發這封41F 05/25 01:06
kmtlikeslave: 川普你耍人喔
都炸了講幹話42F 05/25 01:09
jonestem: CNN…44F 05/25 01:12
ajemtw: 川普事後越想越不對勁45F 05/25 01:13
miloskyman: 記住一件事 商人就是要獲取最大利益  其他自己解讀46F 05/25 01:19
saisai60: 老川高招!!!47F 05/25 01:27
tyifgee: 川普超狂48F 05/25 01:30
ketrobo: 外籍記者這時如果被捉去當肉票,美帝就有理由發兵了49F 05/25 02:09
LordOfCS: 川普有夠靠背的XDD50F 05/25 03:57
lionsss: 是白痴才會認為北韓會親美離中 真的有夠白痴的51F 05/25 04:05
share8426: 南北領導人握手那天感動到哭的人在想什麼?52F 05/25 04:48
silentence: 學他爸的而已  炸個樣子虎爛別人53F 05/25 06:07
knives: 其實本來就要棄用了好嗎54F 05/25 07:01
iamtan: 北韓:X! 作作樣子被抓包了55F 05/25 07:31
ePaper: 北京試爆完的空氣是飄來我們這耶 別鬧了好嗎56F 05/25 07:33
alumeya: 核試場不就是拿來炸的?57F 05/25 07:35

(chivalry70.): [新聞] 北韓核試場白炸了? 川普宣布「取消川金 - Gossiping板