看板 Gossiping
作者 ymth (ymth)
標題 [爆卦]美國《國家利益》:中國擁有世界第二強海軍
時間 Wed Aug  2 18:53:59 2017




It’s a universal truth handed down since antiquity: a country with a
coastline has a navy. Big or small, navies worldwide have the same basic
mission—to project military might into neighboring waters and beyond.

The peacetime role of navies has been more or less the same for thousands of
years. Navies protect the homeland, keep shipping routes and lines of
communication open, show the flag and deter adversaries. In wartime, a navy
projects naval power in order to deny the enemy the ability to do the same.
This is achieved by attacking enemy naval forces, conducting amphibious
landings, and seizing control of strategic bodies of water and landmasses.
The role of navies worldwide has expanded in the past several decades to
include new missions and challenges. Navies are now responsible for a nation’
s strategic nuclear deterrent, defense against ballistic missiles, space
operations, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. With that in mind,
here are the five most powerful navies in the world.

相同的基本使命 - 將軍事力量投入鄰近的水域和其他地區。





The People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) has come a long way in the last 25
years. The spectacular growth of the Chinese economy, which fueled a tenfold
defense-budget increase since 1989, has funded a modern navy. From a
green-water navy consisting of obsolete destroyers and fast attack boats, the
PLAN has grown into a true blue-water fleet.
The PLAN currently has one aircraft carrier, three amphibious transports, 25
destroyers, 42 frigates, eight nuclear attack submarines and approximately 50
conventional attack submarines. The PLAN is manned by 133,000 personnel,
including the Chinese Marine Corps, which consists of two brigades of 6,000
marines each.

The People’s Liberation Army Navy Air Force provides fixed-wing aircraft and
helicopters for China’s new aircraft carrier, helicopters for surface ships,
and shore-based fighter, attack and patrol aircraft. The PLANAF has 650
aircraft, including J-15 carrier-based fighters, J-10 multirole fighters, Y-8
maritime patrol aircraft, and Z-9 antisubmarine warfare aircraft.
China’s first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, deserves special attention. It
was commissioned into service in 2012. Originally built for the Soviet Navy,
after the end of the Cold War, Liaoning’s unfinished hull languished in a
Ukrainian shipyard. Purchased by a PLA front company, the ship was towed back
to China where it spent nearly a decade being refitted. Liaoning is expected
to function as a training carrier as China grows accustomed to the complex
world of carrier operations.

The People’s Liberation Army Navy is well into the process of modernizing
its amphibious capability, having commissioned three Type 071 amphibious
platform dock ships. Each Type 071 LPD can carry from 500 to 800 Chinese
marines and 15 to 18 vehicles, and can get troops ashore via hovercraft
patterned on the American LCAC and Z-8 medium transport helicopters. China is
also reportedly planning on building amphibious assault ships with
full-length flight decks along the lines of the American Wasp-class. A total
of six Type 071s and six of the new amphibious assault ships are rumored to
be planned.
China’s submarine force is a decidedly mixed bag, with up to 60 submarines
of varying quality. The core of the force consists of three Shang-class
nuclear attack submarines, nine Yuan, 14 Song and 10 Improved Kilo submarines
imported from Russia. China’s ballistic-missile submarine fleet is made up
of three Jin-class missile submarines with a fourth (and possibly fifth)
under construction. It is thought the South China Sea will eventually be used
as a bastion for China’s sea-based nuclear deterrent.
The PLAN continues to grow and learn. At least two more aircraft carriers are
planned, and China’s carriers could eventually number up to five. In
addition to carrier operations, the PLAN is also learning how to conduct
extended voyages through its contribution to the international antipiracy
effort off the Horn of Africa. China has sent 17 naval task forces to the
region, rotating in ships and crews to learn long-distance ship-handling




,  Y-8型海上巡邏機和Z-9反潛戰機。

中國第一航空母艦  遼寧值得特別關注。它於2012年投入使用。最初為蘇聯海軍建造,
冷戰結束後, 遼寧的未完成的船體在烏克蘭造船廠受挫。由解放軍前線公司採購,該船

駕駛艙的兩棲攻擊艦  。據傳,共計六類071型和六艘新型兩棲攻擊艦贊正計劃建造。


延續航行。中國派遣了  17個海軍特遣部隊  到該地區,輪船和乘務人員學習長途船舶處

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PWQz9Bp (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1501671241.A.2F3.html
accommodate: 有啥好爆掛的1F 08/02 18:54
g8330330: 隨便啦2F 08/02 18:54
peter080808: 然後美國艦隊總噸位中國的10倍  好怕哦3F 08/02 18:55
clarencelin: 他國事務 解放軍專門打支那人4F 08/02 18:55
mr955258: 翻譯:我要錢5F 08/02 18:56
awesomeSS66: 只是數量 然後開到外海就故障了6F 08/02 18:56
darkbrigher: 他把尿你號算入戰力內比較有趣7F 08/02 18:56
North4use: 可是第二跟第一之間....8F 08/02 18:56
deepdish: 閱9F 08/02 18:57
ienari: 從來沒打過仗的海軍就變世界第二喔10F 08/02 18:58
higameboy: 打贏國民黨的軍隊 就世界第二了11F 08/02 18:58
North4use: 其實共匪海軍還是有打過小仗啦 打南越的樣子12F 08/02 18:59
kosuke: 翻譯:你只能當老二13F 08/02 18:59
jackliao1990: 西沙和南海的島嶼都是解放軍海軍從越南搶來的14F 08/02 19:00
ProductionIG: 然後台灣繼續砍軍費 讚
他有沒有把台灣的也算進去阿 中國的不沉航母15F 08/02 19:02
No1JANtw: 結果幾個月前國家利益才說亞洲是日本最強…17F 08/02 19:02
pimba17: 當年送掉台灣那支北洋水師也是名列前茅18F 08/02 19:02
No1JANtw: 立場變來變去的是怎樣19F 08/02 19:03
meredith001: 讚 當年甲午海戰 中國北洋海軍也是世界第四20F 08/02 19:03
shinway: 台灣人該買武器了21F 08/02 19:03
arceus: 甲午那時是"清國"海軍 實際上也的確是滿人主政22F 08/02 19:05
ashidaka: 連第一島鏈航線能不能維持都是問號的近海艦隊第幾有差?23F 08/02 19:08
kiki2125: 所以24F 08/02 19:11
night0805: 支那海軍:誓死捍衛歷史本文25F 08/02 19:12
apple123773: 元老院我要錢26F 08/02 19:26
xiaohan85298: 一顆熊三全部解決,台灣海峽過不來27F 08/02 19:28
JOKO58802218: 學以色列男女皆兵,可行嗎?28F 08/02 19:29
fenghuo: 來炫耀武力?滾,說你不行你就是不行,懂29F 08/02 19:31
Bimatow: 先把中國捧高高,然後屌打中國,捧得高跌的深這招高30F 08/02 19:51
gwenwoo:  你 們 中 國31F 08/02 20:35
enim: 第一名是後面十名的戰力總和再五倍...32F 08/02 21:24
drivenick: ”清國”??平常老在那吹噓自己歷史5000年,現在清國跟中國又不一樣啦?
北洋水師被電就是中國被電啦,不然你當自己是大英帝國皇家海軍哦?33F 08/02 21:34
nctabo: 美國已把中國視為蘇聯2.0 最大戰略敵人37F 08/02 21:43
Posaune: 沒看第一當然很強38F 08/02 22:22

(ymth.): [爆卦]美國《國家利益》:中國擁有世界第二強海軍 - Gossiping板