看板 Gossiping
作者 ALUMIUM (鋁)
標題 [新聞] 杜特蒂:我們無法控制毒品問題惹
時間 Sun Aug 13 14:07:53 2017

CNN Philippines

Duterte: We can't control drug problem

Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, August 12) — President Rodrigo Duterte on Friday said his hardline campaign against illegal drugs faces tough challenges.

Speaking before medical practitioners at the centennial celebration of the Southern Philippines Medical Center in Davao City, Duterte said even the United States could not control its drug problem.

"Hindi makaya nga ng iba, tayo pa kaya? Iyong drugs na iyan (Others can't do it. How can we? Those drugs), we can't control it," Duterte said.

He said having a long coastline to watch over and thousands of islands to guard make it difficult to prevent the entry of illegal drugs.

"We do not have the equipment, kulang man (It's not enough). And you know the coastline," he added.

When he assumed the presidency in July last year, Duterte promised to end the drug problem in six months – or he would resign.

He later said the deadline was a "miscalculation" because he did not realize then how grave the problem was, saying drugs were even funding terrorist groups.

Also read: Duterte: I underestimated the problem on drugs

Duterte's bloody war on drugs, which government data said has killed over 3,400 suspects in police operations since July, has drawn criticisms and outrage from local and international human rights groups.

These groups claim more than 9,000 have died in the drug war.






4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Duterte: We can't control drug problem - CNN Philippines
President Rodrigo Duterte on Friday said his hardline campaign against illegal drugs faces tough challenges. ...


#只有死刑不夠啦,要五馬分屍外加凌遲才會有效啦 ㄏㄏ

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kingrichman:  反觀台灣明明很好監控,卻變成毒品轉運國1F 08/13 14:08
LiveInNow: 下台阿 選你幹嘛2F 08/13 14:08
OyAlbert: 無所謂,反正對頭和不聽話的都趁機幹掉惹3F 08/13 14:09
tim1112: 很明顯是殺不夠多4F 08/13 14:09
aaaa714714: 下臺阿5F 08/13 14:09
osan: 嫩,林義傑跑個步就解決了6F 08/13 14:10
ePaper: 惹誰啦7F 08/13 14:11
Tattoo: 該殺的人殺得差不多了8F 08/13 14:11
hyuchi0202: 只好繼續殺政敵來控制毒品惹9F 08/13 14:11
duece0927: 無法控制惹(X) 政敵殺完惹(O)10F 08/13 14:11
Konfuzianer: 繼續殺11F 08/13 14:11
qweertyui891: 臺灣也是毒品大國啊 前幾天剛撞死一個警察呢12F 08/13 14:12
ghostl40809: 搞不好他自己就是大盤......13F 08/13 14:12
Grammy: 喊著羨慕人家的白癡八卦鄉民 臉痛痛的吼14F 08/13 14:14
serrier: 難的講實話啊~請問那一個國家有控制住?15F 08/13 14:14
kmtlikeslave: 說好的辭職咧?16F 08/13 14:15
jasonkey123: 詐騙先嚴辦再說吧17F 08/13 14:15
theBATMAN56: 樓下還是很信新加坡那套嚴刑才能治社會18F 08/13 14:16
rockiey: 毒梟不好抓,直接槍斃吸毒的,還會有需求嗎?19F 08/13 14:16
silentence: 幹她媽的把所有人殺光阿  要我教喔20F 08/13 14:16
Mei5566: 殺啊!21F 08/13 14:18
Jose: 還五馬分屍勒 多少人在這波被遷拖幹掉22F 08/13 14:18
kaet: 殺了那麼多人才說問題還是無法解決???23F 08/13 14:19
silentence: 殺得光的話泰國 哥倫比亞 墨西哥早就殺光了  還輪得到24F 08/13 14:19
ufoking: 怎麼跟蔡政府有87%像 都選前錯估25F 08/13 14:19
silentence: 你菲律賓26F 08/13 14:20
tanakataro: 台灣連混過黑道都不用全家凌遲處死27F 08/13 14:20
Raskolnikov: 翻譯:想殺的政敵都殺光了28F 08/13 14:21
Tapqou: 台灣更慘而已,運毒都能交保29F 08/13 14:21
s8018572: 看來他是不會辭了呢30F 08/13 14:22
babyMclaren: 鄉民不是最愛杜濫殺一堆人?最近風向怎又不一樣?31F 08/13 14:22
wolve: 轉彎了32F 08/13 14:23
coutji3184: 翻譯:政敵都清光了33F 08/13 14:24
momogo11: 自己下臺吧34F 08/13 14:24
ariel780102: 他應該是說 敵人都殺得差不多可以QK一下惹?35F 08/13 14:24
shawncarter: 就一群台灣白癡會支持這種根本是肅清敵人用的手段36F 08/13 14:25
trchen: 估狗一下杜特蒂的民調吧37F 08/13 14:25
jetzake: 我還是超支持杜的 反正看菲菲不爽很久了38F 08/13 14:26
xdctjh: 毒品合法化啊,喜憨39F 08/13 14:27
bomda: 人民還沒死光 不及格 下台40F 08/13 14:29
slimu0001: 人不夠殺了41F 08/13 14:30
mpyhacct0443: 嘻嘻只會講屁話42F 08/13 14:31
trchen: 如果民調78%須要下台 蔡英文不知道要下台幾次43F 08/13 14:31
dreamnook: 不意外?44F 08/13 14:32
stvn2567: 嫩,六樓出一張嘴就解決了45F 08/13 14:33
ES699AP: 過譽46F 08/13 14:37
xEclipse: 最愛看賓賓們網內互打了47F 08/13 14:38
kinghtt: 會反對的跟有威脅的六個月內都殺光惹~48F 08/13 14:43
tctv2002: 反抗杜的都死光了 民調自然就上升拉49F 08/13 14:43
destiny0539: 政敵都殺光了50F 08/13 14:44
tigerandme: 笑死,胡亂栽贓你再說你有藏毒槍斃,支持這樣的人真的是可悲,結果什麼也沒改變,只是死了一堆人,毒品照樣流竄51F 08/13 14:44
Westmon: 超大型智商測驗54F 08/13 14:48
gong0304: 政敵都一起當毒犯幹掉,不給保護費?當毒犯幹掉55F 08/13 14:52
excia: 不是亂世重典嗎 意思是說殺的人不夠多啦 再殺多一點才有用喔 加油好棒棒56F 08/13 14:52
MortalCGU: 某黨殺一堆本土菁英,結果共諜還是到處流竄58F 08/13 14:54
farmoos: 「嫌疑」死於59F 08/13 14:55
Captain5566: 其他大盤都殺光  可以獨家販售了60F 08/13 15:06
silverair: 菲律賓63361F 08/13 15:08
seal998: 政敵殺夠了62F 08/13 15:08
fransiceyho: 殺殺殺!63F 08/13 15:09
kmtrash: 有些台灣人會推崇這種總統根本是腦袋壞掉64F 08/13 15:11
m4tl6: 用了最激烈的手段什麼也沒解決65F 08/13 15:13

(ALUMIUM.): [新聞] 杜特蒂:我們無法控制毒品問題惹 - Gossiping板