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標題 [新聞] 女權人士: 敦克爾克缺乏女角 淪父權論述
時間 Wed Aug 16 19:53:21 2017

The daily caller

Feminist Says Dunkirk Is A Bad Movie Because It Screams ‘Men-Only’
女權人士: 敦克爾克缺乏女角 淪父權論述

Christopher Nolan’s “Dunkirk” is being celebrated as one of the strongest m
ovies of the year—and may perhaps rank among one of the best war movies ever
made alongside “Saving Private Ryan,” “Hacksaw Ridge,” and “Black Hawk Do
wn.” Like the other great films, it doesn’t glorify war, but instead emphasi
zes the tragedy of war. But because male critics are praising it, women’s mag
azine Marie Claire has seen fit to trash the film for “celebrating maleness”
—asking instead why war movies aren’t being made for women.

敦克爾克被譽為最偉大的戰爭電影,與搶救雷恩大兵等電影齊名。但女性雜誌Marie Clai

Writing for Marie Claire, Mehera Bonner declared “Dunkirk” to be “basic.”
“And look, it’s not like I need every movie to have ‘strong female leads.’
 Wonder Woman can probably tide me over for at least a year and I understand t
hat this was dominated by brave male soldiers. I get that,” she wrote, before
 slamming the film for its “general vibe.”
Despite enjoying the film’s intense moments and even the performances of its
actors, including One Direction’s Harry Styles in his first big screen appear
ance, the Marie Claire writer slams Dunkirk for being “designed for men to ma
n-out over.”

雜誌專欄作家Mehera Bonner表示,敦克爾克很平庸的一部片。她說:「我不是要每部電


“The tenor of the people applauding it just screams ‘men-only’,” she conti
nued, citing that the only reason male critics liked it was because it allowed
 them to feel manly.


Bonner continues: “To me, Dunkirk felt like an excuse for men to celebrate ma
leness—which apparently they don’t get to do enough. Fine, great, go forth,
but if Nolan’s entire purpose is breaking the established war movie mold and
doing something different—why not make a movie about women in World War II?”
 The Marie Claire writer argues that it’s the responsibility of top-tier dire
ctors like Nolan to make the films she wants more of.


This year’s “Wonder Woman” and “Atomic Blonde” are both highly rated film
s, revealing little gender bias among film critics. Likewise, the female-drive
n “Mad Max: Fury Road” was equally enjoyed by critics of either sex, earning
 it a spot as one of the highest rated films ever made. Films about women in t
imes of war have been made, several to critical acclaim—including “Zero Dark
 Thirty” and “The English Patient.” According to film reviewers, each of th
ese films broke the mold by taking typically male settings and centering them
around female protagonists.

Dunkirk was a prominent event in military history, but is rarely given notice
in pop culture. To anyone who’s heard of Dunkirk, the evacuation is largely r
emembered as both a miracle and a disaster for the Allied forces in Europe dur
ing World War II. Failing to defend France against the Germans, the British we
re forced to evacuate over 338,000 troops with the aid of private civilians.

However, over 30,000 troops were left behind to be captured as prisoners of wa
r to the German army. The British press managed to turn the loss into a sort o
f victory with the “Dunkirk Spirit” that showed the solidarity of the Britis
h people in saving the lives of their countrymen. With “Dunkirk,” Christophe
r Nolan shed light on an event that would’ve otherwise relegated to the histo
ry books.

Feminist: Dunkirk Is Bad Because It Screams & | The Daily Caller
Marie Claire has seen fit to trash the movie for "celebrating maleness"—asking instead why war movies aren't being made for women. ...


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momo1244: 幹你媽笑死,女權智障1F 08/16 19:53
tim1112: 船上有女服務生啊2F 08/16 19:53
northz: 可憐女權3F 08/16 19:54
doomtwtw: ................4F 08/16 19:54
momo1244: 神力女超人太過裸露,淪為父權遺毒5F 08/16 19:54
meredith001: 智障女權6F 08/16 19:54
ttmtim: 工三小7F 08/16 19:54
adr56980: 有啊 船上的護士8F 08/16 19:54
DASHOCK: 那年代前線是有幾個女的拉  填屍體都不夠9F 08/16 19:54
Owada: 無條件支持女性代替男性當兵 以後你們都是戰場的主角10F 08/16 19:54
DustToDust: 二戰男性死了一堆11F 08/16 19:54
flyfood0: 被派出去當炮灰的都男的 幹12F 08/16 19:54
DASHOCK: 怎麼會有人搶著要當砲灰13F 08/16 19:54
cul287: Food權foodfoodfood權14F 08/16 19:54
leopika: 太好了,加個慰安婦15F 08/16 19:54
linceass: 很高興女生想爭取版面 以後也請女生上戰場 後人才有戲拍16F 08/16 19:54
banker5566: 智障,神力女超人怎麼不叫男的演主角17F 08/16 19:54
losel: ..........18F 08/16 19:55
Arbin: 這樣也行?!19F 08/16 19:55
DaGarn: 原來當時有女大兵參戰喔20F 08/16 19:55
aaaa714714: 幹 這篇新聞工三小 女主角是護士阿21F 08/16 19:55
somefatguy: 二戰結束前的確是父權啊?22F 08/16 19:55
newstyle: 不想有男子氣概的話,不會去看人妖打排球喔~23F 08/16 19:55
Mradult: 來當兵啊24F 08/16 19:55
DaGarn: 誰去貼在徐閉的臉書25F 08/16 19:55
flysonics: 英軍打到逃回老家 這算哪門子的男子氣概........?26F 08/16 19:55
yayuyayu1986: 所以是有女童軍背軍人游過多佛海峽嗎?27F 08/16 19:55
linceass: 第一次看到有人為了這種理由想上戰場的 女權真的很智障28F 08/16 19:55
f9968106: 幹!拍個片都要問妳意見?29F 08/16 19:55
lwt501cx: 到底有什麼好不滿的我真的看不懂30F 08/16 19:56
rexagi1988: 未來不拍女性片的都是沙豬,壞31F 08/16 19:56
master56: 雞排咧 女的來當義務役啊32F 08/16 19:56
blaketitle: 戰爭片要女角幹嘛 女兵還是女護士? 這就是女權腦嗎???33F 08/16 19:56
kairi5217: ...這三小 就是個歷史事件 女權這也能嘴?34F 08/16 19:56
fujioqq: 戰場就不是女權的主場他是在哭喔 豬隊友35F 08/16 19:56
tim1112: 你有本事叫女人去開噴火式擊墜敵機啊36F 08/16 19:56
lwt501cx: 根本無病呻吟37F 08/16 19:56
WLR: 全都了解,照樣批評?這是在搞啥飛機38F 08/16 19:56
VVizZ: 公三小,女森那時候當兵嗎39F 08/16 19:56
a58461351: 女權團體是他媽有病嗎40F 08/16 19:56
EvoLancer: 艦隊收藏也沒男角阿 所以男性主義??41F 08/16 19:56
watameki: 這些人真的有病42F 08/16 19:57
zien0223: 寫這篇的根本沒看過電影 還抬高男子氣概咧43F 08/16 19:57
jajujo: 無法讓女生感動是因為女生普遍不愛戰爭片ㄅ44F 08/16 19:57
megaje: 角色都性轉成女森 我也行45F 08/16 19:57
jaye8697: 三戰的時候麻煩女權鬥士衝前面,這樣電影就會有題材了46F 08/16 19:57
halken: XDDDDDDDDD47F 08/16 19:57
x04nonesuchx: ...48F 08/16 19:58
IHD: 自助餐還沒吃飽 QQ49F 08/16 19:58
EfiwymsiAros: 叫妳當兵不要 戰場上女兵少又在靠北50F 08/16 19:58
darkbrigher: 幹 笑死 現在是學黑人是吧 沒找誰誰來演就是歧視51F 08/16 19:58
KaiManSo: 有啊,我看過很多A片有女戰士!女戰士還騎男戰士52F 08/16 19:58
oicecnir: 女人不就負責後勤..但這片就敦克爾克大散退啊53F 08/16 19:58
kuromu: 哈哈54F 08/16 19:58
chengmei: 看完覺得有男子氣概?55F 08/16 19:58
gan: 也可以拍一片女性觀點的敦克 應該很有賣點56F 08/16 19:59
suner8467: 三小= = 這心得是有沒有看過片阿57F 08/16 20:00
LeonardoChen: 反串?不然英女皇要找男人演才性平嗎?58F 08/16 20:00
JudgmentLin: 船上有位護士 跟士兵一起被炸死59F 08/16 20:00
robinyu85: 你可以不喜歡沒女生的片 但不要整天扯父權60F 08/16 20:00
yihzin: 看完我只有滿頭問號
再看討論問號更多而已61F 08/16 20:00
DVW: 所以要服兵役嗎?63F 08/16 20:00
darkbrigher: 女權自己出錢找女導演來拍攝阿 毛一堆64F 08/16 20:00
wowtw108: 那時代就沒幾個女的在前線阿,講什麼幹話65F 08/16 20:00
forgetta: 男人規定你不能拍女人的戰爭故事嗎?66F 08/16 20:00
norder: 又拿父權來扣帽子,乾脆篡改歷史,三十萬英軍全是女兵好了67F 08/16 20:01
Toge: 女權真的有看過戰爭片嗎?……以為戰爭片都珍珠港那樣??68F 08/16 20:01
dragonne: 上前線被包圍吃子彈就能在戰爭片裡演主角了啊69F 08/16 20:01
ComeThrough: 哈哈哈70F 08/16 20:01
wds824: 就一個女權沙文主義在那邊叫而已……71F 08/16 20:01
forgetta: 女人當然有女人的戰爭故事 問題是幹嘛管別人拍什麼72F 08/16 20:01
darkbrigher: 現在越來越覺得比爾伯有道理73F 08/16 20:02
sarspieya521: 幹 戰爭片就戰爭片 硬塞隻母豬難看死了74F 08/16 20:02
Bill Burr 要女性滾出NFL (中文字幕) - YouTube
原影片網址: I do not own this video.

muzik: 笑死,什麼智商寫這種文XD76F 08/16 20:03
IHD: 三十萬不是英法聯軍嗎? 還是全都英軍 全英女軍應該也可以啦77F 08/16 20:03
SnakeO: ......管很寬...78F 08/16 20:03
LeeJinTiger: 所以說女人真的要當兵看看79F 08/16 20:03
mashmabo: 搶救雷恩大兵也沒啥女角阿  片頭片尾老雷恩的妻子家人發現雷恩死了三兄弟的辦公室女工作人員,接到噩耗的雷恩80F 08/16 20:04
aquawill: 怪女人為何不當兵啊,笑死人82F 08/16 20:05
kusami: 不想當兵但要上戰爭片...83F 08/16 20:05
sarspieya521: 塞隻母豬毀掉整部片最好的例子就是哈比人歷險記 毫無意義的片段84F 08/16 20:05
xdctjh: 智障女拳86F 08/16 20:06
cytotoxic: 攻殺小87F 08/16 20:06
ppc: 女權: 抗議甲甲片沒女生 父權思想88F 08/16 20:06
mashmabo: 通通都是打醬油的,一堆戰爭電影,女性都是陪襯,怎麼不批?89F 08/16 20:06
robertcamel: 第三波女權運動不就是個笑話?90F 08/16 20:06
cvit: 沒有慰安婦跟軍技確實不妥91F 08/16 20:07
whiteblack19: 女生為何不當兵??92F 08/16 20:07
mashmabo: 還是諾蘭現在正紅,出來刷一下存在感,搶一下風頭,Dunkirk93F 08/16 20:07
darkbrigher: 自助餐女拳可以拍貞德傳阿 啊已經有盧貝松拍了94F 08/16 20:07
murosaora: 是有拿槍上戰場嗎95F 08/16 20:07
LeonardoChen: 世界上哪有父權論述這種東西?毫無證據的論點96F 08/16 20:08
widec: 男人有夠衰小 被推出去送死 保護女人不被強姦 還要被酸父權97F 08/16 20:08
nojydia: 幹你他媽的就沒女生在前線啊 智障嗎?98F 08/16 20:08
aqsss: 女拳:FF15沒有可用的女角  歧視99F 08/16 20:08
o0991758566: 智障196F 08/16 21:24
asuknow: 北七197F 08/16 21:28
KingKingCold: 父權~~父父父權~~~198F 08/16 21:29
painkiller: 北七 亂開戰場的白目199F 08/16 21:31
Sixxlife: 唉 啊撤退的都是男人啊不然呢200F 08/16 21:47

(fffffff4.): [新聞] 女權人士: 敦克爾克缺乏女角 淪父權論述 - Gossiping板