看板 Gossiping
作者 laser789 (PewPewPew)
標題 [問卦] 「你這輩子就這樣了」英文怎麼說?
時間 Mon Sep 18 03:47:32 2017






 標題  Re: [新聞] 米格魯牽3歲女童流浪800米 碰正妹女警神                      
SSbb5566: 推 但現在女警可以綁雙馬尾喔?07/24 17:38

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Plj5PLB (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1505677657.A.54B.html
barbarian72: 五樓這輩子就是個小屌1F 09/18 03:47
ZNDL: cloudlaba labalabalabalaba cloudlaba2F 09/18 03:48
kiminocodo: 嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔蓋3F 09/18 03:48
cc02040326: 認真說 loser4F 09/18 03:48
incident: you suck5F 09/18 03:48
isospin: Almost famous6F 09/18 03:48
match123: Hakuna Matata7F 09/18 03:49
ambermeetyou: ☁8F 09/18 03:49
match123: 小包莖收信ㄛ9F 09/18 03:49
incident: /cloud10F 09/18 03:49
chara117yun: 五樓可憐11F 09/18 03:50
incident: 幹 72收船票12F 09/18 03:51
XDDDpupu5566: You will be a loser for the rest of your life.13F 09/18 03:52
barbarian72: 我們來網聚>\\\\<啾咪14F 09/18 03:52
echoo: You're ending up being a loser15F 09/18 03:53
AnnaOuO: ☁ = /C*loud    把*去掉16F 09/18 03:53
brail540: 阿拉花瓜17F 09/18 03:54
KinoYW: /Cloud18F 09/18 03:55
incident: /(clo*ud) 把*去掉才對19F 09/18 03:55
KinoYW: 幹 騙我QQ
/(cloud)20F 09/18 03:55
rockman73: COSTCO或IKEA選一個啦22F 09/18 03:56
barbarian72: ☁23F 09/18 03:56
chun821543: ☁24F 09/18 03:56
KinoYW: ☁ 終於打出來啦!25F 09/18 03:56
barbarian72: ☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁26F 09/18 03:57
incident: /(clo*ud)去掉*=☁27F 09/18 03:57
hdotistyle: ☁28F 09/18 03:57
cc02040326: ☁☁☁☁29F 09/18 03:58
pote85712: /(cloud)=☁???30F 09/18 03:59
mrq089: 妮者貝自久這楊了31F 09/18 03:59
AnnaOuO: ☁☁☁☁☁ 嘻嘻32F 09/18 03:59
wasijohn: ☁33F 09/18 04:00
Gigo0419: RIP34F 09/18 04:01
mrq089: ☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁
                ♥ ♥ 35F 09/18 04:01
sholi: /cloud
/(cloud)37F 09/18 04:03
lovesooman: you just like that39F 09/18 04:03
carousel1864: ☁40F 09/18 04:04
sholi: 是不是限定電腦才打得出來
you are game over41F 09/18 04:04
incident: 手機也可以啊
43F 09/18 04:04
Bschord: life's gg, better reset45F 09/18 04:07
a15801580max: ☁46F 09/18 04:07
king72433: gg47F 09/18 04:07
shinself: /cloud48F 09/18 04:08
amovie: you pick up the corner49F 09/18 04:11
Jackal0326: ☁50F 09/18 04:14
cutetoy: you need a restart-life gun.51F 09/18 04:16
nealchen: you suck52F 09/18 04:21
highkicker: You're done53F 09/18 04:24
iverson4646: ☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁    ☁54F 09/18 04:24
citydiver: You are dead55F 09/18 04:25
wx190: Ni zhe be chi cho zhe young the56F 09/18 04:27
taco20: costco57F 09/18 04:43
Murkenroff: /(cloud)58F 09/18 04:58
j147589: your quilt, that's it59F 09/18 04:59
kiekie20: /cloud60F 09/18 05:19
apexi6031: /Cloud61F 09/18 05:24
Namukab: you this generation son only this sample62F 09/18 05:37
neoa01: ☁63F 09/18 05:47
bruce88123: you are laser78964F 09/18 06:00
fp737: Your cup is that65F 09/18 06:01
reexamor: Gakki is my wife.66F 09/18 06:03
jemmy: No,gakki is my wife67F 09/18 06:08
ab2904335621: ☁68F 09/18 06:14
errard: ☁69F 09/18 06:19
harrywei1125: /Cloud70F 09/18 06:21
oofy1225: it's the limit of your life71F 09/18 06:35
jay3601: ☁72F 09/18 06:47
sayme449: ☁  ☁  ☁73F 09/18 06:51
hxsherry: ✂74F 09/18 06:51
liuedd: You are laser78975F 09/18 06:54
Agent5566: 簽名檔笑死76F 09/18 06:54
frzqp3814396: 很火的鍋?77F 09/18 06:57
end56: /(cloud)78F 09/18 07:00
eastnoon: ☁79F 09/18 07:01
doubleperson: /(cloud)
☁☁????☺80F 09/18 07:09
mewtow300: You peaked82F 09/18 07:13
lovetta: ☁☁83F 09/18 07:17
scotch77642: 404 not found84F 09/18 07:20
sldiw: ☁85F 09/18 07:22
jie123: ☁☁☁☁☁☁☁    ☁☁☁☁☁☁☁    ☁☁☁☁☁☁☁
☁☁☁☁☁☁☁    ☁☁☁☁☁☁☁    ☁☁☁☁☁☁☁86F 09/18 07:24
Deltak: /(Cloud)88F 09/18 07:28
darkage: /(cloud)
/cloud89F 09/18 07:33
ChocoGirl: Ninja Base Joe John91F 09/18 07:38
manes258: you r doomed92F 09/18 07:46
XDQQQ: ☁93F 09/18 07:50
mrchildren3: /(cloud)94F 09/18 07:52
k619tw: The
That is your whole life peak.95F 09/18 07:59
xq8701: Your bed is this!97F 09/18 08:06
feather3: ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁  ☁98F 09/18 08:07
EX37: You loser99F 09/18 08:11
eraser90310: 哩雞夕郎丟乾那安捏娘100F 09/18 08:12
sam8533003: /cloud101F 09/18 08:13
CCYuan: ☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁102F 09/18 08:14
Peter521: you fuck103F 09/18 08:15
TyrantTex: /Cloud104F 09/18 08:19
eflove43: go to hell105F 09/18 08:25
primeman: ☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁☁106F 09/18 08:33
NTOU0013B024: /(cloud)107F 09/18 08:36
KeynesGG: Loser lol108F 09/18 08:41
simata: loser吧109F 09/18 08:41
raku: Your fate has been sealed!110F 09/18 08:46
Jin63916: /cloud
111F 09/18 08:50
uf1276: ☁114F 09/18 08:51
sDwlr: You're gonna stay this way for the rest of your life.115F 09/18 08:51
ttoonnyy1126:  /(cloud)116F 09/18 08:56
ms893030: U r IKEA from now on!117F 09/18 09:05
cutemouse: ☁118F 09/18 09:07
hotdog301: U r dick is very small119F 09/18 09:07
soarman: /Clound120F 09/18 09:10
skyexers: Allahu akbar  然下FBI就會衝去你家121F 09/18 09:11
citrus0117: GG in in der122F 09/18 09:18
etiennechiu: this is the end of your life. period.123F 09/18 09:20
/(cloud)124F 09/18 09:21
ryno: ☁126F 09/18 09:32
aawilly: /(cloud)
/(Cloud)127F 09/18 09:40
tcfd817038: 基系郎撿角129F 09/18 09:40
terio: /Cloud130F 09/18 09:41
gggghh69: you this back son just this itch131F 09/18 10:00
MoseHas: you are fucked132F 09/18 10:02
kyle00917: ☁
居然是真的@@133F 09/18 10:04
Justapig: /(cloud)135F 09/18 10:07
douglas228: /cloud136F 09/18 10:14
Copyy: ☁137F 09/18 10:14
tjc661025: ☁☁138F 09/18 10:14
sjaysworld: You still have lots more to work on!139F 09/18 10:15
benothing: Lives like a loser140F 09/18 10:16
hank10341: ☁☁☁141F 09/18 10:17
wjill: =/cloud142F 09/18 10:21
loloman: That's all you got, Fucking loser!143F 09/18 10:22
galic: ovuvuevuevue enyetuenwuevue ugbemugbem osas144F 09/18 10:24


作者 laser789 的最新發文:
(laser789.): [問卦] 「你這輩子就這樣了」英文怎麼說? - Gossiping板