看板 Gossiping作者 LastDinosaur (LastDino)標題 [新聞] 歐盟軍隊組團,23國聯合對抗川普時間 Tue Nov 14 14:28:48 2017
It took?70 years, but the European Union finally signed a pact today (Nov. 13)
agreeing to integrate military funding, weapons development, and deployment o
f European defenses. In a way, creating a unified mega army.
合作結合軍事基金,部署協防歐洲。 換句話
US president’s Donald Trump’s frequent accusations that EU countries do not
pay enough into NATO has been one catalyst for them move forward with a unifie
d plan for military cooperation. The other is that it could legitimately dimin
ish the bloc’s dependence on US military support.
EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, called the pact “historic” as “
the real problem is not how much we spend, it is the fact we spend in a fragme
nted manner.” She also said it would strengthen the work of the US-led NATO.
歐盟外交政策長Federica Mogherini稱這項協約是歷史性的一項協約。「真正的問題不在
The UK had always resisted the idea of joint EU defense, fearing some kind of
big “European army,” but the country’s planned exit from the bloc has remov
ed that hurdle, allowing 23 other EU countries to move forward. Once Brexit ha
ppens, the UK could still possibly be involved, but沲or a price.
The group will have a €5 billion ($5.8 billion) European Defense Fund to buy
weapons, a different fund for operations, and also get money from the EU budge
t for research. In the end, it means that the EU would have stronger, better s
ynchronized national military forces to respond to crises together. German For
eign Minister Sigmar Gabriel called it a “milestone in European development.
統一的國家軍力組織以應變災難。德國外交部長Sigmar Gabriel稱之為「歐盟發展的一個
Co-development of weapons could be good news for European defense companies.
“I think it is a potential game-changer,” Haman Buskhe, the CEO of Swedish d
efense company Saab濳old the Wall Street Journal?(paywall). “This could devel
op new products and help increase efficiency in Europe.”
n Buskhe跟華爾街日報說:「我認為這是個轉捩點,這將使得我們能發展新武器並且幫助
The next step will be for EU leaders to sign the legally binding agreement in
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※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 11/14/2017 14:29:33
推 slimak: 軸心國2.01F 11/14 14:29
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 11/14/2017 14:30:23
→ IHD: 23國聯軍 真的打的時候 誰先送死? 會像1949的KMT軍隊嗎?4F 11/14 14:30
推 sdiaa: 實戰一次就會回去抱米國大腿了5F 11/14 14:30
噓 a6234709: 北太平洋公約組織 是神麼鬼?? 還有對抗川普??6F 11/14 14:30
打錯了XD 抱歉
推 ihateants: 俄國對EU,好像哪個遊戲演過,後來是不是要發展戰鬥機器人跟僵屍病毒了7F 11/14 14:30
推 gunng: 德國再次統一歐陸9F 11/14 14:31
→ angellll: 早點簽 早點跟美國買軍武而已 那心得笑都快笑死10F 11/14 14:31
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 11/14/2017 14:31:46
→ angellll: 難道歐洲組軍隊是要跟中國買奸11嗎13F 11/14 14:31
推 calase: 這個不就是川普喊話的目標嗎,哪裡有對抗...15F 11/14 14:32
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 11/14/2017 14:33:53
推 a94037501: 歐洲只有英法可以打八
德國被美國閹掉了17F 11/14 14:33
→ tcancer: 美國不想再餵奶,歐洲不想看人臉色,順應趨勢而已21F 11/14 14:35
推 tsgd: 才58億美金 歐盟各國也太小氣了22F 11/14 14:35
推 Apache: 俄中印絕對組不起來w25F 11/14 14:39
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 11/14/2017 14:40:26
→ chivalry70: 德國軍隊現在跟臺灣差不多廢還靠德國XDDD27F 11/14 14:40
→ chivalry70: 德國裝備跟實際妥善率在歐洲前段班絕對排不上名31F 11/14 14:41
→ Wtaa: 現在歐盟只有法國可以打34F 11/14 14:48
推 JackX: 只要有義大利扯後腿 23國也打不贏美國35F 11/14 14:50
推 flamer: 開戰馬上分裂37F 11/14 14:52
推 KirinP: 德國又統一歐陸囉39F 11/14 14:54
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 11/14/2017 14:55:27
推 sesd: 法國不會打敗戰了 恭喜41F 11/14 14:55
推 bill6613: 聯邦德軍真的不強了,法軍很強42F 11/14 15:02
推 SAABSAAB: 58億美???這樣想跟美國平起平坐XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD47F 11/14 15:10
推 excia: 德國沒解除封印沒辦法起飛啊48F 11/14 15:12
噓 gm0936: 這樣就想對抗普丁?做夢比較實際49F 11/14 15:30
推 otaku11: 天上人快進行武力介入啊50F 11/14 15:44
推 twmadrid: 法國 英國參加 感覺很震驚 兩個核武國參加52F 11/14 16:03
→ djcc: 散沙 滾53F 11/14 16:29
推 venni: 大家沒更新資訊吧?現在意大利軍備和實戰經驗在歐洲排前面的57F 11/14 16:40
→ iqeqicq: AEU是違反國際法擴軍而遭天上人攻擊59F 11/14 16:40