看板 Gossiping作者 fffffff4 (使用者在線上)標題 [爆卦] 聯準會官員批評比特幣「缺乏擔保」時間 Sun Dec 3 17:54:07 2017
Randal K. Quarles, a Trump administration appointee to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and Vice Chair for bank supervision, has given a lengthy speech (“Thoughts on Prudent Innovation in the Payment System”) that directly targets Bitcoin as a danger to the monetary and financial system.
川普任命的聯準會理事Randal K. Quarles日前發表長篇演說《支付系統的謹慎創新》,演講中痛批比特幣危害國家財政、金融系統。
To reiterate, an official speaking for the nation’s central bank that manages the global reserve currency – the institution that has long bragged about its power to bail out the entire world with the magic powers of the alchemist – has put down Bitcoin for being untrustworthy, unbacked, and unsound.
The timing here seems about right. Nine years ago, Bitcoin was born, but only a small group of developers were really paying attention. Today, there are lines forming at Bitcoin ATMs around the country as people scramble to convert cash to digital money even at absurdly high premiums.
With one unit of Bitcoin now worth 10,000 times the US dollar, it makes sense that the Fed would begin to feel a bit defensive. Indeed, the speech comes to the defense of the central bank, the existing money, and payment system networks, and calls for the pace of innovation to be controlled by regulators in the interest of “prudence.”
His summary criticism of Bitcoin is that:
The “currency” or asset at the center of some of these systems is not backed by other secure assets, has no intrinsic value, is not the liability of a regulated banking institution, and in leading cases, is not the liability of any institution at all. Indeed, how to treat and define this new asset is complicated.
That a Fed official would denounce cryptocurrency as unbacked strikes me as the height of irony. The dollar was once “backed” by the secure asset of gold, but that system was finally abolished by Richard Nixon’s Fed in 1971, lighting up inflationary fires that lasted a full decade. Since then, the banking system has moved from crisis to crisis, from the S&L debacle of the late 1980s to the near-death experience of the entire financial system of 2008.
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→ james732: 美國印鈔票的速度比挖礦快多了2F 12/03 17:54
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→ bronco5229: 美金怎麼沒擔保? 明明有一堆國家幫他擦屁股11F 12/03 17:58
→ hunterh01: 美國:幹! 我印不出來的就是缺乏擔保啦 懂嗎?12F 12/03 17:58
推 yyc1217: 講得好像美金有擔保一樣13F 12/03 17:59
推 snider: 割羊毛時間未到14F 12/03 17:59
推 Jason0813: 美金的擔保就是廣島跟長崎的歷史照片15F 12/03 18:00
噓 vimeo: 美國國力就是美元擔保16F 12/03 18:00
→ yyc1217: 而且上一次金融風暴不就是你們國家的銀行搞出來的17F 12/03 18:00
推 oo3579: 比特幣到11000美金了18F 12/03 18:00
推 j73596: 拳頭就是擔保19F 12/03 18:04
推 mithuang: 官員說話了,再買幾顆比特幣壓壓驚...21F 12/03 18:08
噓 hh800315: 美金的擔保是建立在美帝軍事跟霸權上 懂?23F 12/03 18:11
推 wsx26997785: 美金擔保就是綁架全球石油 誰敢停用美金結算就....24F 12/03 18:14
推 AUwalker: 除非太陽風暴 不然這比什麼貨幣都穩27F 12/03 18:20
→ tsmcprince: 美帝只是對這個影響美元又無法動武的貨幣不爽28F 12/03 18:21
推 DarkerDuck: 美元用核彈擔保最有用,比特幣浪費電又沒有擔保29F 12/03 18:22
→ k20052: 很好啊,批完究開始迭了,聯準會就繼續買30F 12/03 18:25
推 reil: 美軍就是美元擔保31F 12/03 18:26
噓 lazyming: 光"美國"兩個字就不知道值多少錢 跟賭神有87%像33F 12/03 18:27
推 wwer0916: 美元當然有擔保啊!那些核武、空母不就是 XDDD35F 12/03 18:33
推 Rune: 美金有美國政府擔保,美國政府有權徵稅和有軍隊38F 12/03 18:54
推 tpkgo: 靠杯 竟然有人認為美金沒擔保 太好笑了39F 12/03 19:00
噓 davidyang1: 說幹話,美國擔保品早就破滅了,所好的可以一定面額換黃金欸,垃圾41F 12/03 19:11
→ ERQQ: 真的 越罵越漲45F 12/03 19:52
→ klm619: 美金的擔保就是美國政府的信用喔~~46F 12/03 20:24
噓 howsiou: 笑美元沒擔保的,要不要壓身家+父母退休金去買比特幣?拜託台灣人多讀點經濟學相關書籍好嗎?47F 12/03 21:06
→ ERQQ: 樓上講的真的太對了 上一個這樣做的人已經....49F 12/03 21:19