看板 Gossiping
作者 merchape (摸卻普)
標題 [問卦] 你唱歌超級好聽的英文怎麼說?
時間 Sun Jan 21 22:50:04 2018




粉絲頁雖然只有200多人讚 但我很愛他們

很喜歡 輕鬆寫意沒什麼壓力 可以亂講幹話的個人天地

問題來了 前幾天一如往常的分享新的西洋歌後

那首歌的歌手今天居然跑來回應了! 她回了"謝謝你" 實在是讓我受寵若驚

因為歌手是外國人 所以想要順便鼓勵她這樣


妳唱歌很好聽 的英文怎麼說 順便稱讚她很漂亮@@



小弟家境不好 會給創意答案者300p 不限人數 謝謝喔

majorleague1: 唉 大谷已經去當天使了 我們懷念他12/25 20:12

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1QPAYaG0 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1516546212.A.400.html
u9596g12: are u ez ?1F 01/21 22:50
iPadProPlus: I am ez2F 01/21 22:50
DanGong5566: You sing song super good losten3F 01/21 22:50
s902131: make sure gun mo4F 01/21 22:50
ZO20: good5F 01/21 22:50
snsdakb48: you sing super good listen6F 01/21 22:51
WOW5880: May show gan?7F 01/21 22:51
acer2265848: Li jo song8F 01/21 22:51
Yude0109: your breast so big9F 01/21 22:51
kerorogunso: your voice is very beautiful10F 01/21 22:51
T8: Your boobs seems awesome.11F 01/21 22:51
kiyoe: su ba ra shi12F 01/21 22:51
syldsk: You sound like a whore.13F 01/21 22:51
kerorogunso: 不用謝14F 01/21 22:51
hspnvzte: your singing makes me not knowing meat’s taste15F 01/21 22:52
這什麼意思 XDDDD 好有趣的樣子
DarkIllusion: nice boob :)16F 01/21 22:52
aggressorX: nice tits17F 01/21 22:52
mvpdirk712: You are Justin Bieber18F 01/21 22:52
u9596g12: ガンリンリャン19F 01/21 22:53
ultradoublez: u sings pretty awesome20F 01/21 22:53
aquaunder: let me suck your tits21F 01/21 22:54
kerberoSun: marry me. 不用謝了22F 01/21 22:54
fantasibear: Sucker!23F 01/21 22:54
Peinhu748: Your boobs are fucxxng nice24F 01/21 22:54
一堆人亂回XDDDD 我大笑 我愛大家 這樣好了
一人推一句英文就好 每10樓發200P發到爆好了 謝謝大家
※ 編輯: merchape (, 01/21/2018 22:57:56
ethesame: You are a good singer, I like your voice. And you're really beautiful ^^25F 01/21 22:57
derrick1220: your voice like teana27F 01/21 22:58
ethesame: 只有我認真XD28F 01/21 22:58
感覺你回的也很誠懇 等下給你300p :)
kerorogunso: Give me money $$$ thx.29F 01/21 22:59
hspnvzte: 我英文不好 抱歉XD 想表示三月不知肉味之意30F 01/21 22:59
AdiAdi: Send tree pay~31F 01/21 22:59
linyi520: You are so beautiful to me.32F 01/21 22:59
rul4ji3gp6: your song is good33F 01/21 23:00
ChrisOvO: MEI SHOW GUN MO34F 01/21 23:00
hspnvzte: Your song paints my fanpage so much~35F 01/21 23:00
※ 編輯: merchape (, 01/21/2018 23:02:51
edoggiagia: your voice just like Angel36F 01/21 23:02
ilovebigjj: MILF37F 01/21 23:02
bc015128: this is a book38F 01/21 23:02
purpleheart: you're voice is like angel39F 01/21 23:03
Changyaya: you sing so good that make my ear pregnant..40F 01/21 23:03
calvin0319: u soing good
song41F 01/21 23:03
tim9527: Your song lets me want to say "ME SHOW GUN MO"43F 01/21 23:04
super1725w: you sing well bitch44F 01/21 23:04
ben1357956: Your song really good listen45F 01/21 23:04
gani2e: good voice and you are so beautiful that make me jizz.46F 01/21 23:05
tim9527: *let47F 01/21 23:05
lbsiii0315: me should gan mo48F 01/21 23:05
ElbertWiFi: your voice just like joungle49F 01/21 23:05
LineFriends: Your voice better than Taylor Swift50F 01/21 23:05
david190: Creampie pussy51F 01/21 23:06
jsj2203012: I love your voice , amazing52F 01/21 23:06
robinyu85: Taiwan is the best53F 01/21 23:06
Peinhu748: You will no doubt touch and inspire millions with ur celestial voice.And u are a outstanding beauty with astonishing voice54F 01/21 23:07
Jin63916: You've got talent in singing!57F 01/21 23:08
Peinhu748: 我還去谷歌 超認真回答 我也要300p!!58F 01/21 23:08
Jin63916: You sing like a nightingale.59F 01/21 23:08
Iamlyt1009: You are such a dick60F 01/21 23:08
colorectal: hello sing good61F 01/21 23:09
PWMAY0408: Your voice is good62F 01/21 23:09
yeap193: I do love your voice so beautiful ever!63F 01/21 23:09
dan5120: It's good to drink ??64F 01/21 23:09
G8MO: This is book65F 01/21 23:09
Jin63916: 其實正常來說不要浮誇只會講Your voice is beautiful 吧66F 01/21 23:09
lumi0811: This is a book67F 01/21 23:09
attyu: You're voice was so nice that I have never heard68F 01/21 23:09
D49361128: May the force be with you69F 01/21 23:09
mi324: GOOD70F 01/21 23:09
D49361128: your voice71F 01/21 23:10
attyu: 高中英文給你參考,歐對了拼字我不確定喔72F 01/21 23:10
onizuka7kimo: U song I song73F 01/21 23:10
fraction: You have a beautiful voice74F 01/21 23:11
xxxx456789p: your singing is good good good75F 01/21 23:11
FATMANcurry: 推76F 01/21 23:11
Pnman: U know nothing, jon snow77F 01/21 23:12
YamagiN: 尤新貴78F 01/21 23:12
bigwhite327: You sing good good listen !!79F 01/21 23:12
wtfhell: You singing like a star~80F 01/21 23:13
A122353844: You are good at singing81F 01/21 23:13
cuteSquirrel: Your song is melodic and catchy.82F 01/21 23:13
a2016596: 想知道是哪位歌手 想聽83F 01/21 23:14
sDwlr: 認真回 Your voice is wonderful.84F 01/21 23:14
deshocker: 你唱歌超級好聽的英文85F 01/21 23:14
Mei5566: fuckmeplz86F 01/21 23:14
lovew811159: Ni hen bang87F 01/21 23:14
wamaysong: Nice boobs!!88F 01/21 23:14
s821088: Your voice surrounds the beam for more than 3 days89F 01/21 23:15
louiss72: may show gun more90F 01/21 23:15
memory2911: I like your voice.91F 01/21 23:15
a2016596: 我也被Emily Warren在YouTube上回過 不知道是不是本人><92F 01/21 23:15
chivalry70: I'm in love with ur voice93F 01/21 23:15
mesh010044: you have an amazing voice94F 01/21 23:16
theflower: I can’t hear anything until you sing to me95F 01/21 23:16
annkuo802: I want P coins96F 01/21 23:17
starport: Is it good to drink?97F 01/21 23:18
alfasuck: Kiss my ass98F 01/21 23:19
seankerry2: Your voice is awesome99F 01/21 23:19
WBS: 求粉絲團 感恩312F 01/22 11:18
iGao: 求粉專+1313F 01/22 11:19
abc13vv: 求粉專!!!314F 01/22 11:35
mido: you are a well singer. 求粉專315F 01/22 11:49
j12358962: Your singing has stayed in my house for three days316F 01/22 11:55

作者 merchape 的最新發文:
(merchape.): [問卦] 你唱歌超級好聽的英文怎麼說? - Gossiping板