看板 Gossiping
作者 muse87131 (qwertyuiop)
標題 [新聞] 賓士向中國道歉 美議員批「俯首稱臣」
時間 Fri Feb 16 13:45:43 2018

Fox News

'Corporate capitulation': Mercedes chided for China apology
賓士向中國道歉 美議員批「俯首稱臣」

Two Republican lawmakers lashed out Wednesday at Mercedes-Benz for apologizing in China for quoting Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, in a social media post.


Sen. Marco Rubio complained that many major companies "are increasingly prepared to toe Beijing's line." Rep. Chris Smith called it "corporate capitulation."


Last week, Mercedes-Benz issued an apology in China after a Dalai Lama quote - "Look at situations from all angles, and you will become more open" - appeared on its Instagram account. The auto company apologized for "wrong information" that "hurt the feelings of Chinese people."


Beijing accuses the Dalai Lama, who lives in exile in northern India, of seeking to split the territory of Tibet from China. He says he only wants autonomy and to protect the region's distinctive Buddhist culture.


The apology followed a series of incidents in which major corporations have bowed to criticism from China. Delta Air Lines, hotel operator Marriott, fashion brand Zara and other companies have also offered up apologies for referring to self-ruled Taiwan, semi-autonomous Hong Kong, and Tibet as countries on websites or promotional material.


Smith, an arch critic of China's authoritarian government, singled out Delta and Marriott for apologizing, and declared: "Corporate America needs to get more of a backbone." Rubio said there was a "grim irony" in China demanding the removal of a post on Instagram, which is blocked inside China.


The lawmakers were speaking at a hearing on Tibet of the Congressional Executive Commission China which monitors human rights and the rule of law in the Asian nation. Among the witnesses was Tibetan filmmaker, Dhondup Wangchen, who fled to America last December after serving a six-year prison term for "subversion of state power." He had distributed writings of the Dalai Lama and made a documentary on conditions in the Himalayan territory.

本次批評言論出自兩名議員於一聽證會的發言,聽證會主題為西藏議題,主辦單位是國會及行政當局中國委員會,該會負責監控中國人權與法治情況。聽證會邀請到西藏導演Dhondup Wangchen出席當證人。他去年十二月逃來美國之前,曾在中國坐牢六年,罪名是「顛覆政權」,起訴原因是他散播達賴喇嘛的文章,而且還拍了一部紀錄片描述西藏的情勢。

4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
'Corporate capitulation': Mercedes chided for China apology | Fox News
Two Republican lawmakers are lashing out at Mercedes-Benz for apologizing in China for quoting Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, in a social m ...






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chara117yun: 嘻嘻28F 02/16 13:50
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hogu134: 推30F 02/16 13:51
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allen139443: 推 美國應該要動手了37F 02/16 13:53
Ibugi: thank you38F 02/16 13:54
yam921: 推翻譯39F 02/16 13:54
shutatata: 推翻譯40F 02/16 13:55
dyadi: 推41F 02/16 13:55
Iwtgu: 好42F 02/16 13:55
excia: 世界三大玻璃種族不是講假的43F 02/16 13:55
ohkokusa: 推翻譯44F 02/16 13:56
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smilefish: 感謝分享46F 02/16 13:56
wolf9420: 推47F 02/16 13:57
ltw89104: 這是向人民幣磕頭 沒有任何尊敬的意思48F 02/16 13:57
alog: 真的蠻玻璃的 喇嘛都給你指定轉世了連這種也要崩49F 02/16 13:57
andy199113: 大中國真棒 連美國企業都要低下頭50F 02/16 13:58
cjtv: 這次我覺得扯51F 02/16 13:58
panchi: 推 翻譯52F 02/16 13:58
william0980: 推翻譯53F 02/16 13:58
MinaseNayuki: 推54F 02/16 13:58
clyukimo: 推55F 02/16 13:59
YALEMY: 少賺他們的錢會死嗎56F 02/16 13:59
juzowa: 翻譯給推57F 02/16 13:59
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mnabc123456: 推60F 02/16 14:00
op111925: 你這樣把台灣記者的臉放哪去? 給點尊重好嗎61F 02/16 14:00
VNA2014: 推翻譯!62F 02/16 14:00
sesame307: 翻譯很好 那句名言推推63F 02/16 14:01
nt46: 西瓜偎大邊,多少企業不也向美稱臣?64F 02/16 14:01
denniss: 退65F 02/16 14:01
ajem: thumb66F 02/16 14:01
jnth5566: 推翻譯67F 02/16 14:01
A07: 講的好像共和黨總統就很有風骨一樣.68F 02/16 14:01
upup429: 這個台商都會~說政治歸政治,經濟歸經濟就好~69F 02/16 14:01
dnek: 美國議員霸氣,反觀台灣就只會講商人無祖國洗地70F 02/16 14:02
Sinreigensou: Show me money71F 02/16 14:03
jiunliege: 罵的人才不會買賓士72F 02/16 14:03
ab0v: 推翻譯73F 02/16 14:04
iangjen: 推翻譯,感謝外電74F 02/16 14:05
arceus: 為了利益討好中國在國際上本來就是常態75F 02/16 14:05
Eveismywife: 推76F 02/16 14:05
yesqqe: 為了錢 還是得舔77F 02/16 14:05
neilisme: 美國議員管到人家賓士去了是怎樣啊78F 02/16 14:06
ggchioinder: 推翻譯79F 02/16 14:06
roserta: 推80F 02/16 14:06
nnyy5566: 推81F 02/16 14:06
ijjkk: 推82F 02/16 14:08
morphology: 跟蘋果說啊83F 02/16 14:08
Akechi24767: 推國際觀。84F 02/16 14:08
benny614017: 推85F 02/16 14:08
GLUESTICK: 美國企業呢87F 02/16 14:09
boss0830: 推88F 02/16 14:10
r98192: 中共玻璃心89F 02/16 14:11
augustus215: 推翻譯90F 02/16 14:11
wowowsakura: 推翻譯91F 02/16 14:11
musicanuda: 幫推翻譯及八卦國際觀92F 02/16 14:12
jackhenry959: 推翻譯93F 02/16 14:12
brownbear: 翻譯年糕 推94F 02/16 14:12
bomda: 備註XD95F 02/16 14:14
iecdalu: 賓士真廢96F 02/16 14:14
※ 編輯: muse87131 (, 02/16/2018 14:14:53
twofoot: 推翻譯97F 02/16 14:14
xup6y3ru04: 推98F 02/16 14:14
meowchen: 翻譯辛苦了99F 02/16 14:15
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k5a: 推翻譯502F 02/17 18:04
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LouisQuan: 推 翻譯很流暢504F 02/18 17:54
LoliComplex: 賓士不是德國的嗎505F 02/18 20:28

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(muse87131.): [新聞] 賓士向中國道歉 美議員批「俯首稱臣」 - Gossiping板