看板 Gossiping
作者 luke7212 (路克先生)
標題 [臉書] 外交部 2019-01-29
時間 Tue Jan 29 16:23:22 2019

臉書卦點說明:(繁體中文 20 個字








前兩天小編才分享3個友邦在 #世界衛生組織 執委會中為#台灣 發聲,沒~想~到~

#瓜地馬拉、#尼加拉瓜、#美國、#日本 跟 #索羅門群島 也主動加入 #挺台行列!

一定是聽見廣大外粉們的願力啦~ 快看影片

#Gracias #ThankYou #ありがとう



#SDG3 #GoodHealthAndWellBeing

We recently shared some of the words our allies had to say on our behalf at
the executive board session of the World Health Organization! Since then,
#Guatemala, #Nicaragua, the #US, #Japan and the #SolomonIslands all showed
their support for #Taiwan in turn! Check out the transcript below to see what
they had to say!

瓜地馬拉駐團一等秘書Luis Erick GUDIEL PINEDA:「容我藉此機會感謝台灣政府在擴大
 #產婦健康照護 及 #藥品普及 等領域與瓜地馬拉的密切合作,使瓜國得以加速實現強化

First Secretary of Guatemala's Mission to the UN and other organizations,
Luis Erick Gudiel Pineda, gave thanks to the government of Taiwan for their
collaboration on the expansion of maternal #healthcare coverage in the
country, as well as in the provision of medicine, which, he said, has helped
the country reach its goals of fortifying the health system, improving
readiness in the face of emergencies and in coming up with strategies to
address communicable and non-communicable diseases.

尼加拉瓜駐團常代 Carlos Ernesto MORALES DÁVILA大使:「因此台灣的缺席,等同
承認,新時代的 #全球化 帶來負面的影響,其中之一即是傳染病的 #跨境傳播。有鑑於

Ambassador Carlos Ernesto Morales Dávila from Nicaragua stated that the
absence of Taiwan from the meeting represents the absence of 23.58 million
people, who he referred to as his brothers and sisters, and who he said
should also be guaranteed quality healthcare. He also drew attention to the
negative effects of #globalization in the modern era, including the increase
in #CrossBorder transmission of contagious diseases. Given this, he added, a
region's absence from the global health network poses a risk to the entire

美國衛生部全球事務處副處長Colin McIff:「在WHO領導全球因應緊急衛生災害之際,包
括現正在剛果民主共和國發生的 #伊波拉 疫情,得以納入所有具意願各方的技術專業及
惟為WHO迄未能尋求接受此一捐款之方法感到失望。#台灣參與WHO 相關技術工作,對各方

Deputy Director of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office
of Global Affairs, Colin McIff stated, "As WHO leads the global response to
health emergencies, including the ongoing outbreak of #Ebola in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is critical that the organization be
able to engage the technical expertise and financial resources from all
interested parties. The United States was pleased therefore when Taiwan
offered to #contribution US$1 million to the Ebola response last year, and
disappointed that, so far, WHO has not found a way to accept the
contribution. #ParticipationOfTaiwan in relevant technical work of WHO is
beneficial to all."

日本厚生勞動省大臣官房國際課國際保健資深企劃官 堀 裕行:「傳染性疾病跨境傳播之
風險已隨全球化而提高,我們 #不應該遺漏 特定區域,而造成(防疫)地圖之空白。」

Senior Coordinator for Global Health at Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and
Welfare, Hiroyuki Hori stated, "Lastly, as the world has become more
globalized and the threat of infectious diseases that may spread beyond
borders has been increasing, we assumed that we should not make
#GeographicalBlank by leaving a specific region behind."

索羅門群島常代Barrett Salato大使:「索羅門群島希望提醒執委會成員關注台灣數以百
 #獨立監督委員會 報告第21節中,表彰WHO在不同技術網路間伙伴關係與協調的模範工作
成效。台灣是有意願的夥伴,因此我們呼籲WHO邀請台灣 #有意義參與 所有WHO相關會議
及計畫,以分享其在全球衛生緊急應變及 #人道協助 之技術與專業。」

Ambassador Barrett Salato from the Solomon Islands stated, "The Solomon
Islands wish to remind members of the Executive Board of the vulnerability of
millions of people in Taiwan in the event of disease outbreak and the threat
such outbreak can cause to people in other countries. In Paragraph 21 of the
report the #IOAC commended WHO for its exemplary work on #partnership and
coordination to different technical networks. Taiwan is a willing partner in
this effort.
Therefore, we urge the WHO to invite Taiwan to participate meaningfully in
all WHO meetings and programs in order to share its technical expertise and
experience in global health emergency and #humanitarian efforts."

/executive-board-144th-session )


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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1SK0s49o (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1548750212.A.272.html
Formosan: 美國日本果然是一體的1F 01/29 16:24
gankgf: 台灣加油!2F 01/29 16:24
Dannyx:3F 01/29 16:24
becareful: 川普:快來誇獎我4F 01/29 16:24
swbthj: 銀行大盜至今仍逍遙法外5F 01/29 16:24
abucat: 只希望可以實際投票6F 01/29 16:24
b07130602: 功蓋三分國7F 01/29 16:25
yangweiisi: 美日不就是為了自己的利益在那邊假清高8F 01/29 16:25
LFeather: 柯屁:沒實力不要大小聲9F 01/29 16:25
gamania0515: 爽10F 01/29 16:25
etiennechiu: 推11F 01/29 16:26
flybirdy: 樓下所有推的 廠工 柯黑 吉娃娃自己選12F 01/29 16:26
elainakuo: 美日!!!!!!!13F 01/29 16:26
jorden: 銀行跟強盜囂張個屁    小心警察發飆14F 01/29 16:26
tsairay: 觀望...要先有實質進展,先成為觀察員再說15F 01/29 16:26
Daniel1994: 推16F 01/29 16:27
wawamomo: 台灣加油17F 01/29 16:27
geordie: 中國:誰理你們!(破音18F 01/29 16:27
gankgf: 這種文還能噓的..19F 01/29 16:27
kenek0612: 看到他國聲援台灣板上五毛又崩潰了20F 01/29 16:28
fedona: 啥時可以進wha21F 01/29 16:28
EDFR: 9.2噓起來阿22F 01/29 16:28
sawaman: 嗨起來嗨起來通通嗨起來!!!23F 01/29 16:28
yoshro: 抱美國老爸的大腿才是對的24F 01/29 16:28
kiddcat: 支那真的放很多五毛來台灣亂耶25F 01/29 16:28
paleomort: 對於這種假清高表示歡迎。26F 01/29 16:28
zxc1234529: 陸警告全球 聲援台灣後果嚴重!27F 01/29 16:28
swbthj: 683T強盜蔡英文跨國搶劫多家銀行至今仍逍遙法外28F 01/29 16:28
lchliebe: 推~~~~29F 01/29 16:28
liusim: 這必須推!30F 01/29 16:29
meokay: 美國爸爸我幫您吹懶趴><31F 01/29 16:29
a1026529: 不用想太多 單純現在美國上下決定要弄中國而已32F 01/29 16:29
wy9968: 台日友好33F 01/29 16:29
purplebfly: 柯粉崩潰~~ 柯粉要的是統一不是台灣國際地位啦34F 01/29 16:29
liusim: 這種東西要多加宣傳啦 不要整天搞那些網美圖35F 01/29 16:29
steven6258: 日本哪裡有提到台灣?  不要自慰了36F 01/29 16:29
a1026529: 從二戰的德國 冷戰的蘇聯 到後來買爆美國的日本37F 01/29 16:29
tantamount: 小英外交很強 找外援保護台灣而不是像KMT和柯只會投降38F 01/29 16:29
ramirez: 外交部加油!39F 01/29 16:29
lmc66: 警犬都在旁邊吠了還在繼續搶劫!! 目無法紀!!!40F 01/29 16:29
liusim: 三立民視也不要整天柯文哲了 多宣傳這類的新聞41F 01/29 16:29
DrGun: 沒有實力就不要在WHO上大小聲42F 01/29 16:30
BaRanKa: 加入了沒43F 01/29 16:30
mmnnm: 推....44F 01/29 16:30
greedypeople: 美國爸爸94強45F 01/29 16:30
halfmonster: 台灣GoGoGo46F 01/29 16:30
krthree: 哈哈 崩潰的一定是五毛47F 01/29 16:30
andy666888: 推48F 01/29 16:30
※ 編輯: luke7212 (, 01/29/2019 16:33:02
gary2011: 讚49F 01/29 16:30
pitalvlu: 推推50F 01/29 16:31
babyMclaren: 最有人權的歐洲...嗯51F 01/29 16:31
ppp111683: 這三把扁鑽太窮了 柯粉不要52F 01/29 16:31
taikonkimo: 好事情啊53F 01/29 16:31
geordie: 原來台灣不是"被遺漏的特定區域"哦?54F 01/29 16:31
gin590: 沒實力就別大小聲喔 嗯?55F 01/29 16:31
hoodi: 推推56F 01/29 16:31
seastar1982: 喔喔57F 01/29 16:32
tantamount: 推保護台灣58F 01/29 16:32
tom50512: 讚讚59F 01/29 16:32
Sinbios123: 呵呵,在藍孬眼中這都不是務實60F 01/29 16:32
a631097: 總算不只給扁鑽了,多給點才對嘛61F 01/29 16:32
sslmsslm: 太神了62F 01/29 16:32
ltl1221: 推~~~~63F 01/29 16:33
deer1305: 是是是 某個有實力的國還在用假疫苗呢64F 01/29 16:33
audi0909: 蚵仔奸:美日銀行閉嘴65F 01/29 16:33
steven6258: 真的看不懂在爽啥,日本根本沒提到台灣,友好個屁?66F 01/29 16:33
chinhan1216: 看來是會進了?67F 01/29 16:33
alau: 五毛粗乃玩68F 01/29 16:33
CHANYII: 台灣人都吃不飽了 哪有時間防疫 2020繼續補刀啦幹69F 01/29 16:33
nthomas: 推 台灣實力讚70F 01/29 16:33
okgod: 台灣加油71F 01/29 16:33
Suboy: 太棒了72F 01/29 16:34
hhnhhnhhn: 推!73F 01/29 16:34
befly10015: 棒74F 01/29 16:34
frozenmoon: 推文的 廠工 柯黑 吉娃娃 吸獨仔自己選75F 01/29 16:34
Suboy: 辣台妹太強76F 01/29 16:34
ims531: 有努力就要給推啊77F 01/29 16:34
tantamount: 連這種新聞都要噓的不是吃裡扒外的屎蛆就是敵國五毛78F 01/29 16:34
danielqwop: 風向變了79F 01/29 16:34
geordie: 看不懂日本講話我可以體諒80F 01/29 16:34
xueyu: 推81F 01/29 16:34
eviljaw: 推82F 01/29 16:34
getwild: 推83F 01/29 16:35
LanJiao: 警犬:又在惹警察不開心了84F 01/29 16:35
xkakakaka: 柯批:不要一邊講台獨一邊想進WHO85F 01/29 16:35
userpeter:86F 01/29 16:35
hank7218: 五毛崩崩跳87F 01/29 16:35
asole: 感謝國際支持88F 01/29 16:35
ray8082: 這篇ok啊 蛆蛆別反串了89F 01/29 16:35
getwild: 現在人在日本,再多消費些。90F 01/29 16:35
DFTT: 美日跟邦交國不是基本盤嗎 有啥好高潮的91F 01/29 16:35
yiersan: 推92F 01/29 16:35
greensaru: 很棒93F 01/29 16:36
lad270184: 推94F 01/29 16:36
ninexas: 成果擺在這裡,推95F 01/29 16:36
boss88893:          e定是 口譯哥 的功勞   o譯哥好棒96F 01/29 16:36
soto2080: 推97F 01/29 16:36
yaya:98F 01/29 16:37
iqeqicq: 只有美國和日本才敢在涉台主權議題上跟中國幹99F 01/29 16:37
Adamcolton: 推起來936F 01/30 17:56
ccunii: 推937F 01/30 20:29
gqqueen: 吳釗燮 歷任最好的外交部長了938F 01/31 02:45
woods0598: 推啊 能運用就是厲害939F 01/31 08:26
Fongin: 推940F 02/01 19:19

作者 luke7212 的最新發文:
(luke7212.): [臉書] 外交部 2019-01-29 - Gossiping板