看板 Gossiping作者 v99999 (95至尊)標題 [臉書] 美國在台協會 AIT時間 Mon May 20 01:13:20 2019
nal Security Officer),他的主要任務就是負責整個大使館的安全還有保障美國外交官
官。— AIT安全組組長何川曾
In 1982, at the age of 15, I escaped from Vietnam on a fishing boat headed to
the Philippines. After five days and six nights at sea, I made it to a small
town named Mariveles, at the southern tip of the Bataan Peninsula in the Phili
ppines. I was then transported to the Vietnamese Refugee Transit Center in Me
tro Manila, Vietnamese Refugee Asylum Camp in Palawan, and later transferred t
o another camp called the Philippine Refugee Processing Center (PRPC) in Bataa
n. There I spent 11 months in three refugee camps, finally making it to the U
nited States, where I was adopted by the Hornik family. This family took me i
n with unconditional love, treating me as if I were their own son and facilita
ting the transition to my new country. I also promised my parents in Vietnam
that I would educate myself, so I attended the University of Wisconsin at Madi
son. I always knew that I wanted to help others in life so a degree in social
welfare and criminal justice studies was a natural way to go. In 1990, I was
also recruited by the International Catholic Migration Commission/Joint Volun
tary Agency (ICMC/JVA), an organization that assists uprooted people, refugees
and migrants worldwide, as an International Bilingual Caseworker, to work in
the Philippine Refugee Processing Center (PRPC), between 1991 and 1994, where
I used to be a former refugee in 1982.
Never in my widest dream to think that one day I went from being a refugee to
a Diplomatic Security special agent and diplomat. – AIT Regional Security Off
icer Tony Hornik-Tran
*Regional Security Officer Tony Hornik-Tran proudly serves his country as a me
mber of the protective detail on a Secretary of State trip.
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[臉書] 美國在台協會 AIT
05-20 01:13 v99999.
推 Beef: 從難民變成AIT安全組組長...這經歷真他媽猛1F 05/20 01:15
推 Howard61313: 其實AIT聯絡事務組也有校級現役軍官,例如前聯絡組的副組長安素源(Silas Ahn,韓裔美國人)現在是美國駐3F 05/20 01:16
推 akway: 越南人變成人生勝利組的故事5F 05/20 01:16
推 mytoychiu: 真是很戲劇化的經歷 美國夢的實際案例10F 05/20 01:18
→ dslite: 柯警犬氣噗噗11F 05/20 01:20
→ Howard61313: 本篇主角是越裔,而AIT也有數位亞裔組長/副組長,除上面提到的韓裔副組長外,還有AIT前行政組的日裔組長山手徹(Robert Yamate,後來當到駐外大使),至於處12F 05/20 01:22
推 ekoj: 好猛15F 05/20 01:23
推 Athchen: 社工當到安全官好猛19F 05/20 01:27
推 losel: 明天又要繞島了21F 05/20 01:28
推 oidioi11: 盧比奧參議員是古巴裔 另一個共產國家 都很反共22F 05/20 01:28
→ oidioi11: 仇恨值是天然的 說到仇恨值 有個年輕時當記者到中國被打24F 05/20 01:29
推 marunouchi: 柯文哲:AIT不要挑釁,上兵伐謀*&@#$&*X25F 05/20 01:29
→ stvn2567: 美國越來越不去掩飾和台灣之間的友好了,反觀謝某大使加油好嗎?27F 05/20 01:30
推 Beef: 簡歷我在回文翻譯了 真的是美國夢的樣板36F 05/20 01:33
推 oidioi11: 年輕時當記者在中國被打 後來變成美國官員的叫什麼?
叫什麼名字37F 05/20 01:33
→ doom3: 五毛呢? 下班了?41F 05/20 01:35
推 Howard61313: 那應該是波廷格(Matthew Pottinger),他在白宮上班,隸屬白宮國安會44F 05/20 01:38
推 oidioi11: 對 看了一下 就是他 川普故意派他去與中國談貿易戰之一46F 05/20 01:40
推 halusai: 被打被關也太可憐 然後過去還要為百性配合歐巴馬忍辱親共47F 05/20 01:40
→ oidioi11: 中國囂張的報應 別人都是會還的48F 05/20 01:41
→ halusai: 歐巴馬真是個爛垃圾49F 05/20 01:42
推 ims531: 他真的是上帝祝福的小孩 太幸運了 當然他自己也很努力50F 05/20 01:51
台北市長柯文哲日前引用孫子兵法的「謀攻篇」表示,「上兵伐謀,上兵伐謀、其次伐交、其次伐兵、其下攻城,也就是說要打到攻城野戰,那是最low的。」來批評總統蔡英文的兩岸策略,不過卻被網友發現,原來柯文哲這一段話,前總統馬英九在兩年前就曾說過。 ...
推 ims531: 還好不是往北漂到中華民國 不然早在金門全船被屠殺了58F 05/20 02:17
推 zoidac: 保養得很好耶59F 05/20 02:30
推 newtana: 這傢伙根本就現實版龍五吧60F 05/20 02:30
推 Gaffky: 這經歷也夠戲劇性的!63F 05/20 05:17
推 akay08: 成功的美國夢70F 05/20 08:52
推 atlaswhz: 只有難民才好移民啊!傻傻的71F 05/20 09:11