看板 Gossiping
作者 p72910 (總是有刁民想害朕)
標題 [新聞] 華為P30 Pro價崩!
時間 Sun May 26 21:15:25 2019


Zak Doffman
I write about security and surveillance.

Huawei Price Shock: Value Of Flagship $1150 P30 Pro Comes Crashing Down To

"With great design and color options," gushed one reviewer last month,
"immense battery life and plenty of power, the P30 Pro isn't just a
photography phone, it's arguably the best flagship phone we'll see in 2019."
And it's priced accordingly, at around £900 ($1150) in the U.K., the same
price as a Samsung S10+ with equivalent storage.

這段在講華為P30 Pro好牛逼

The phone was launched at the end of Q1, a quarter for which IDC reported
that "the only highlight from a vendor perspective was Huawei, which made a
strong statement by growing volume and share despite market headwinds...
Huawei moved its way into a clear number two spot as the only smartphone
vendor at the top of the market... Impressively, the company had
year-over-year growth of 50%... Huawei is now within striking distance of
Samsung at the top of the global market."


The smartphone market has a vibrant trade-in and resale market, it drives
upgrades and growth. In an ideal world, Samsung, Apple and Huawei would like
consumers to upgrade annually, trading in last year's devices as they do so.
And so the new smartphone market is sustained by its pre-owned resale market.
It's the same with cars - if the pre-owned market hits the buffers, it hits
new car sales.


On one of the U.K.'s most popular smartphone trade-in sites, that same
Samsung S10+, in good condition, can be sold for £510 ($650). Clearly a
steep discount from new, a loss of some 45%, but healthy all the same. On the
same site, the Huawei P30 Pro, also in good condition, will now return just £
100, less than $130. It has lost almost 90% of its value.

在英國最大的手機交易網站, 狀況好的二手三星S10+能賣510英鎊(650美金)
但P30 Pro現在不到$130USD,只有約原價的10%。

Much has been written this week about software and security upgrades for
existing devices, about alternative future Huawei operating systems and app
stores, and about the remaining runway on ARM chip designs and SD-card and
WiFi licenses. Some analysts have suggested that this gives Huawei time to
regroup, to plan, to think. But it doesn't work that way. Not in a fickle
consumer market driven by brand sentiment and advertising.


And this is the short-term issue facing Huawei's consumer business.

Huawei's prior P20 smartphones fare even worse. "Just a few months ago," the
U.K.'s Express newspaper reported, "you could have traded in your P20 Pro and
received around £280... Trade-in prices for the P20 Pro are now as low as £
50," adding that, "Samsung's 2018 flagship is still worth around £235 which
is considerably more than the newer phone from Huawei."

哈哈,P20 Pro更慘,50收。

And this is a global issue, even extending to Huawei's home turf in Asia.
"The market for used Huawei smartphones has taken a major hit," reported the
Straits Times from Singapore. "While a majority of mobile phone shops here
said they are still buying used Huawei handsets, they are offering steeply
lower prices for them. Some shops have stopped buying used Huawei products
altogether. Customers, too, are staying away, with sales of used Huawei
smartphones dropping sharply."


According to the newspaper, one reseller "has fielded inquiries from four or
five sellers despite offering just $100 to buy the Huawei P30 Pro. The
recommended retail price for the Huawei P30 Pro is $1,398."

根據報導,一家經銷商被四五個賣家詢問還有沒有賣P30 Pro,但他們只願意花100塊購買
而P30 Pro的建議售價是1398 USD

A Huawei spokesperson told me a week ago that the company "Huawei will
continue to provide security updates and after sales services to all existing
Huawei and Honor smartphone and tablet products covering those have been sold
or still in stock globally. We will continue to build a safe and sustainable
software ecosystem, in order to provide the best experience for all users
globally," adding later that "we are confident this regrettable situation can
be resolved and our priority remains to continue to deliver world-class
technology and products to our customers around the world."


On Saturday I reported that Beijing has published a cybersecurity public
consultation that has aired new regulation that could be used to restrict
U.S. technology companies from selling into China. The consultation runs for
a month. Huawei is too important to Chian for China to let it fail, and a run
on the company's smartphone business would undo years of work and billions in
investment. For Huawei, the clock is now ticking. They cannot afford for this
to run and run.


5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Huawei Price Shock: Value Of Flagship $1150 P30 Pro Comes Crashing Down To $130
The trade-in market for the latest generations of Huawei smartphones has come crashing down in the wake of U.S. sanctions. Consumers are turning away  ...



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※ 同主題文章:
[新聞] 華為P30 Pro價崩!
05-26 21:15 p72910.
05-26 22:24 luckysummer.
DOOHDLIHC: (* ̄▽ ̄)/‧★*"'*-.,_,.-*'"*-.,_☆,~正面能量1F 05/26 21:15
i689tw: 五樓趕快搶2F 05/26 21:15
waakye: 這麼便宜哪買3F 05/26 21:16
ghiting76914: 50收4F 05/26 21:16
Doub1eK: 快搶購5F 05/26 21:16
elainakuo: 2000收6F 05/26 21:16
Su22: 崩崩7F 05/26 21:16
serding: 祖國傾盡所有戰力扶持的結晶 還不快用一波8F 05/26 21:16
Ipadhotwater: 粉絲會買的9F 05/26 21:17
eko112: 五毛:中國或成最大贏家~10F 05/26 21:17
herikocat: 台灣的3C達人會出來嗆11F 05/26 21:17
serding: 跟屎一樣的結晶 襙12F 05/26 21:17
QBey: 新機我會買一台13F 05/26 21:17
greg7575: 在台灣我就收了。可惜14F 05/26 21:17
narutodante: 買來當相機?15F 05/26 21:17
qaz90427: 超想買的  130USD的話16F 05/26 21:17
Ipadhotwater: 可以找YT仔葉配阿17F 05/26 21:17
justice2008: 130耶 該來搶一隻來用了XDDD18F 05/26 21:17
kris4588: 花3萬買華為的是哪種人?19F 05/26 21:18
thool: 巨嬰喝美帝奶水以為自己很強,一斷奶就哭哭了。20F 05/26 21:18
justice2008: 反正現在估狗還是能用21F 05/26 21:18
b777787: 我想買一隻22F 05/26 21:18
a176893: 130USD的相機23F 05/26 21:18
jefe: 100我收來給狗尿尿24F 05/26 21:19
SigmundFreud: nokia都能倒了,華為不能倒?25F 05/26 21:19
fifi0828: 只剩相機功能哪個人會花錢買26F 05/26 21:19
JustStarBuck: 130美我會買欸27F 05/26 21:19
fifi0828: 送我都不要 一點都不潮28F 05/26 21:20
gca00631: 我自己手機就能拍照了還多帶一隻磚頭拍幹嘛?29F 05/26 21:20
god2: 哈哈哈30F 05/26 21:20
azopper: 換個牌子繼續賣31F 05/26 21:20
ckbdfrst: 沒有google store 130美金的兒童機也太貴了 會被笑 不值32F 05/26 21:20
hhg719: 4000可以入手了33F 05/26 21:20
a0921387223: 130USD! 收來掛網34F 05/26 21:20
LoveMakeLove: 台灣還沒降是發生什麼事!?
難道免費升級鴻蒙系統投入祖國復興的偉大事業?!35F 05/26 21:20
WeGoYuSheng: 真的是50收XDDD37F 05/26 21:21
a1122334424: zzz 自己mobilesales版看一下38F 05/26 21:21
Castle88654: 50歐元收39F 05/26 21:21
justice2008: 130我收(認真) 我不是那種沒估狗就不會灌app的人
而且現況就有支援 又沒差40F 05/26 21:22
a2018197: 超想買130USD的話42F 05/26 21:22
LoveMakeLove: 2010那時期的安卓玩家刷機幾乎是基本技能43F 05/26 21:23
netio: 為什麼台灣沒降?44F 05/26 21:23
xisthebest: 送啦 不是很邱45F 05/26 21:23
wulaw5566: 電子垃圾46F 05/26 21:23
dtdon1699: 這樣還不崩盤那台灣人真是潘仔47F 05/26 21:23
dbdudsorj: 130我收 收來當照相機哈哈哈48F 05/26 21:23
APUDOOR: 爽 誰敢拿49F 05/26 21:23
SigmundFreud: 剛查了一下都還要200鎂啊50F 05/26 21:24
a176893: 新OS能用Google嗎?不能買個屁51F 05/26 21:24
Castle88654: 台灣用華為的人又不在意升級系統這回事 拍照好就好52F 05/26 21:24
a176893: 發布新系統只是穩定消費者軍心而已53F 05/26 21:24
netio: $130收10支 我會刷機54F 05/26 21:25
JapaZPa4867: 100USD收55F 05/26 21:26
Laizinho: GG56F 05/26 21:26
rayonwu: 爽57F 05/26 21:26
Imdream: 買來當相機58F 05/26 21:26
davidub: 療癒的新聞59F 05/26 21:27
yolasiku: 滯台支那9.2還不快團購60F 05/26 21:27
noyesray: Oppo 小米 一起陪葬最好61F 05/26 21:27
hhg719: 130USD是trade-in價,用來換機的當然被壓得很低62F 05/26 21:27
allenwu79: 跟你講啦台灣售價不會降 因為台灣人就是盤63F 05/26 21:27
cheaptool: 這種價格,國外鄉民嗎xd64F 05/26 21:28
rumirumi: 電子垃圾 送我都嫌麻煩65F 05/26 21:28
trywish: 130這邊人手一隻了吧。買給家人也ok,只要商店還在。66F 05/26 21:28
be00148: 我出110鎂 快站內信給我67F 05/26 21:29
jackXDD: 130買磚塊68F 05/26 21:29
potato300: 50歐我也想收 當相機和移動播放器69F 05/26 21:30
fishq71: 獨樂樂不如眾樂樂70F 05/26 21:31
tassadar1: 9.25展現愛國心的時候到了,快照原價一人買一打啊71F 05/26 21:31
KCKCLIN: XD 要照相 隨便買台DC也屌打72F 05/26 21:31
cruckon: 搶起來阿73F 05/26 21:31
mystage: apk自己灌很難嗎?4000台票我收啊74F 05/26 21:31
hatty1376: 130 笑死75F 05/26 21:31
shiajih: 我要阿76F 05/26 21:32
Corbenikc: 垃圾我才不想要77F 05/26 21:32
ct412133: 這種價格豪小的吧,不更新對手機又沒差78F 05/26 21:32
yathgu: 30美我都不買79F 05/26 21:32
jhjh: 笑死我了啦幹80F 05/26 21:32
furnacer: 中國不意外啊81F 05/26 21:32
wozniaki: 療癒死了82F 05/26 21:32
a55184: 送我都不要83F 05/26 21:32
binhoo: 這就是中國阿84F 05/26 21:33
canilove018: 笑死85F 05/26 21:33
Cersei: 去回收廠賣看有沒有錢啦86F 05/26 21:33
soyghcg: 假新聞 跟按讚抽房子87%像87F 05/26 21:33
EggAcme: 壞了10元收88F 05/26 21:33
Genquo: 笑爛了89F 05/26 21:33
chatterati: 拍咪呀90F 05/26 21:33
weoeje: 送我我都不要用91F 05/26 21:33
yathgu: 13美我勉強買一隻 太多不收92F 05/26 21:33
c891011: 韓國瑜買十個貨櫃送粉粉93F 05/26 21:34
magic543: 我點進去 找P30 PRO 也要629英鎊 台幣2521994F 05/26 21:34
bnbxhunter: 水溝可能會有一堆95F 05/26 21:34
h4236: 假新聞?這平行世界在哪裡?96F 05/26 21:34
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xiokai: 爛死了給我我也不屌要98F 05/26 21:34
ddcd: 前幾天看到某電信門市還在推華為手機99F 05/26 21:34
nac1: amazon沒看到 假新聞?352F 05/26 23:42
cebe1030: 130美我買353F 05/26 23:43
airplane0726: 真香354F 05/26 23:44
hancao0816: 一折出清355F 05/26 23:45
twinsen: 100收356F 05/26 23:46

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