看板 Gossiping作者 batt0909 (小魚)標題 [爆卦] 拜登推特宣佈自己當選時間 Sun Nov 8 01:20:52 2020
未滿30繁體中文字 水桶3個月
Joe Biden
America, I’m honored that you have chosen me to lead our great country.
The work ahead of us will be hard, but I promise you this: I will be a President for all Americans — whether you voted for me or not.
I will keep the faith that you have placed in me.
America, I’m honored that you have chosen me to lead our great country.
The work ahead of us will be hard, but I promise you this: I will be a Preside
nt for all Americans — whether you voted for me or not.
I will keep the faith that you have placed in me.
Joe Biden
America, I’m honored that you have chosen me to lead our great country.
The work ahead of us will be hard, but I promise you this: I will be a President for all Americans — whether you voted for me or not.
I will keep the faith that you have placed in me.
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VfjTs0I (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1604769654.A.012.html
※ 同主題文章:
[爆卦] 拜登推特宣佈自己當選
11-08 01:20 batt0909.
→ mapulcatt: 川普都宣布勝選兩次了 2>1 川普贏了3F 11/08 01:21
→ meokay: 做票贏來的最香:)6F 11/08 01:21
推 matlab1106: 真的很重視防疫 不像舔共川動不動就群聚開記者會7F 11/08 01:21
推 ymx3xc: 130萬個LIKE==9F 11/08 01:22
推 loverxa: 登哥好帥 好險中共同路人川普沒上11F 11/08 01:22
推 ffruecek: 新爸爸決定了,覺青滿意嗎??14F 11/08 01:23
推 ljm87: 恭喜第二位總統當選者17F 11/08 01:23
推 aa58231: 終於想起來自己在選總統了XD18F 11/08 01:23
推 lwamp: 現實世界的風向早就變了 登粉一起跟著登哥舔共舔下去20F 11/08 01:23
※ 編輯: batt0909 ( 臺灣), 11/08/2020 01:25:19
推 cruelgentle: https://i.imgur.com/teyEyNU.jpg26F 11/08 01:25
推 abadjoke: 欸?喔?你說什麼?蛤?喔 我是總統?好 好我知道了27F 11/08 01:26
推 h311013: 恭喜赫錦麗當選美國第一任女總統28F 11/08 01:26
噓 pucca978: 如果蔡政府這次聰明的話 等訴訟結束再恭喜 不然川普連任你就被修理了29F 11/08 01:26
推 pttxo: 恭喜拜登36F 11/08 01:29
噓 wn7158: 幹,戀童失智中共同路人也可以當選?37F 11/08 01:29
→ ghchen1978: aehvtleo圖說明一切XDDDDDDD38F 11/08 01:29
噓 pizzafan: 史上絕無僅有的不自然拜登曲線 + 媒體集體偏離正常民調41F 11/08 01:32
推 zwxyzxxx: 川川 提前宣佈慶祝 變笑話了44F 11/08 01:34
→ monkeydog119: 苔派嚼菸肆君子:光復美國 罷登啟動Taiwan can help47F 11/08 01:37
推 AnnaOuO: 民調本來就是拜登贏48F 11/08 01:37
推 ZEYU: 一國兩制50F 11/08 01:41
噓 pase139: 竟然還記得自己選上了總統 真不簡單51F 11/08 01:41
推 makono: 小孩子才做選擇,當然要兩個爸爸52F 11/08 01:41
→ dokev: 台灣只承認川普政府為正統54F 11/08 01:46
→ dkfs789: 美國人真笨,應該聽沒有投票權的第51州嘛55F 11/08 01:57
推 JJJZZs: 圍觀川粉崩潰56F 11/08 02:00
推 daniel3658: 覺醒菸糞沒抓緊 被甩出去了? DPP主子都準備掰穴舔拜了58F 11/08 02:07
→ ms0545173: 這位我看連講話都在喘了 真的能當滿四年總統?61F 11/08 02:22
→ WWIII: 剛好分裂成兩個小國總統63F 11/08 02:59