看板 Gossiping
作者 LukeSkywaker (路克天醒者)
標題 [問卦] 有Python創始人加入微軟的八卦嗎?
時間 Fri Nov 13 02:39:27 2020

Python 創始人 Guido van Rossum



Guido van Rossum
I decided that retirement was boring and have joined the Developer Division at Microsoft. To do what? Too many options to say! But it’ll make using Python better for sure (and not just on Windows :-). There’s lots of open source here. Watch this space.




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VhO5abN (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1605206372.A.957.html
Birthday5566: 可能Python會被強制更新  然後檔案都不見?1F 11/13 02:40
bakedgrass: 他進微軟要面試嗎?XD2F 11/13 02:45
Turas: 有趣,看今後發展3F 11/13 02:50
sanpf: 樓下的巨蟒復出惹4F 11/13 02:57
XDDDpupu5566: Mega python5F 11/13 02:59
qw99992: P#6F 11/13 03:02
bakedgrass: P#有梗XDDDD7F 11/13 03:06
a58524andy: 嗨 我是公視p#新聞實驗室的君竹8F 11/13 03:20
Xaymaca: 應該是要進化出新語言  類似python9F 11/13 03:35
ksjr: 出Mython10F 11/13 03:39
BinnigQuate: 會出Python365、P-BOX11F 11/13 04:00
bakedgrass: 說起來微軟有甚麼比較成功的script langauage嗎?12F 11/13 04:18
george627: 微軟蟒13F 11/13 04:21
r51211214: P#可以14F 11/13 04:45
BIGETC: 微軟蟒蛇15F 11/13 06:30
williamtuuu: 怎麼覺得有機會P#16F 11/13 07:40
tony24334: .Net Python?17F 11/13 07:48
iversonman: 不知道會不會跟PowerShell整合18F 11/13 07:56
seth5421: 笑死
這是什麼理由XD19F 11/13 08:03
Tenging: 微軟發大財
筆電賣起來21F 11/13 08:33
kelvin0004: 八樓可以23F 11/13 08:46
Skyblueway: python要收錢了24F 11/13 08:59
LBJ23K: Excel巨集可以改用py了嗎25F 11/13 09:25
vvrr: py .NET26F 11/13 12:25

作者 LukeSkywaker 的最新發文:
(LukeSkywaker.): [問卦] 有Python創始人加入微軟的八卦嗎? - Gossiping板