看板 Gossiping
作者 ros (螺絲)
標題 CNN: 石油儲存空間即將耗盡,可能崩跌到負數
時間 Thu Apr  2 16:57:37 2020


2.記者署名:Matt Egan

The world could soon run out of space to store oil.
That may plunge prices below zero







路博邁集團的高級能源分析師Jeff Wyll:




New York (CNN Business)The world's thirst for oil has evaporated.

Highways are empty. Planes are grounded. Factories are dark. The
unprecedented collapse in oil demand has sent crude crashing to 18-year lows.
Supply, on the other hand, remains largely resilient amid a price war between
Saudi Arabia and Russia. US producers don't want to be the first to blink by
turning off production.

That could mean a supply glut so epic that the world will soon run out of
room to store all the unneeded barrels of oil.

"The market is starting to signal that not only is there no demand for this
crude, eventually there could be nowhere for it to go," said Jeff Wyll,
senior energy analyst at Neuberger Berman.
In other words, storage facilities, refineries, terminals, ships and
pipelines eventually could reach capacity -- something that hasn't happened
since 1998, according to Goldman Sachs.

Distressed pricing in some corners of the oil market shows that investors are
starting to price in the risk that might occur soon.
Although headline oil prices such as West Texas Intermediate and Brent are
trading north of $20 a barrel, some regional prices have recently plunged
into single-digit territory. That is especially true for landlocked grades of
crude where access to storage is even trickier.
"Demand is falling so fast relative to supply that very soon many producers'
main issue is not going to be whether they can ensure operating profit but
rather if they can find an outlet for their crude," analysts at JBC Energy
wrote in a report Tuesday.
One storage option: loading all that extra crude onto ships. JBC said about
20% of the global fleet of very large crude carriers (VLCCs) could become
floating storage. But even that would not absorb the surplus.
In April, some 6 million barrels per day of "homeless crude" might literally
have nowhere to go, JBC said, a figure that would rise to 7 million barrels
per day in May.

Oil is really, really, really cheap
Over the last 75 years, inflation-adjusted oil prices have very rarely been
cheaper than today.

Negative oil prices
This oil glut is creating a scenario where some obscure grades of oil already
have actually dropped below zero. For instance, a Wyoming crude grade was
recently bid at negative 19 cents a barrel, Bloomberg News reported last week.
Shrinking storage capacity means that oil producers in some cases have to pay
someone just to take the barrels off their hands.
"The price is trying to go to a level to force companies to keep the oil in
the ground. If it has to go negative to incentivize that behavior, then it
will," said Neuberger's Wyll.
Brent, the global benchmark, is likely protected from this because it's
priced on an island in the North Sea where tank storage is accessible. But
other grades of crude are located far from water.
WTI, however, is 500 miles from water. That's why Goldman's Currie said WTI,
especially WTI Midland, and Canada's Western Canadian Select "can go
Subzero oil prices are certainly bizarre, but there is some limited
precedence in the energy market.
Last year, US natural gas prices in West Texas traded in negative territory
for more than two weeks because there were not enough pipelines to carry the
gas away, Reuters reported.
'Mother of all market surpluses'
But even then, negative natural gas prices didn't really discourage
production. That's because the West Texas natural gas was largely a byproduct
of oil pumped from the Permian Basin. Oil companies were willing to take a
loss on the natural gas to get what was then a valuable barrel of oil.
With the collapse in oil prices, oil has lost more than two-thirds of its
value since the January peak.
Now, US oil companies are starting to make the painful decision of "shutting
in" production, albeit reluctantly.
Physical constraints have forced at least 900,000 barrels per day of
announced "shut-ins," according to Goldman Sachs, which noted the true number
is likely higher and "growing by the hour."

Rystad Energy said that the "mother of all oil market surpluses" will force
large production shut-ins in April and May. Older, less productive oil wells
will likely shut down first.
Even the strongest US oil companies say they'll scale back spending and
production. Chevron (CVX), for instance, announced plans last week to slash
spending by 30% and lowered its output targets in the Permian by 20%.
Eventually, the industry could lose as much as 5 million barrels per day of
oil supply capacity, Goldman Sachs said.
Will this set the stage for an oil shock?
Of course, the weak demand caused by the coronavirus pandemic won't last
Eventually, airlines will take to the air again and start buying jet fuel.
American drivers will buy more gasoline as they get back to work.
But by that point the oil industry might not be producing as much oil as
before because wells shut down. Today's oil glut may suddenly turn into
tomorrow's oil scarcity, pushing prices "far above" $55 next year, Goldman
Sachs commodities head Jeffrey Currie said.
"This will ultimately create an inflationary oil supply shock of historic
proportions," Currie wrote.

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ImBBCALL: XDDD1F 04/02 16:58
estupid: 再把油擠回油坑阿2F 04/02 16:58
jma306: 負數3F 04/02 16:58
f204137: 吃貨文 0元4F 04/02 16:58
tontonplus: 不買還是會繼續噴出來啊?????y5F 04/02 16:58
Julian9x9x9: 趕快清一下D槽啊6F 04/02 16:58
f204137: 疫情過了這篇會被當笑話7F 04/02 16:59
clkdtm32: 加油站拜託你不要加油 哈哈哈8F 04/02 16:59
DASHOCK: XDDDD9F 04/02 16:59
b9211028: 這才是石油危機10F 04/02 16:59
moonjimmy: 貼錢送你xDDDD11F 04/02 17:00
leon1757tw: 高雄快買來灌到下水道 石油就會噴出來12F 04/02 17:00
questioner: 請我去加油的日子要來了嗎?!13F 04/02 17:00
tontonplus: 放心,中油人事成本調高就好XDDDDDDD14F 04/02 17:00
heyd: 話說產油國賺了幾十年無本生意 怎麼跌價就在那資金緊繃?15F 04/02 17:00
x265: 意思就是說 世界各國聯合對付美國頁岩油商就對了16F 04/02 17:00
MintSu: 組織油槽國際隊,大力建油槽啊!17F 04/02 17:00
potionx: 老百姓拿油桶去拿油順便領錢  可能嗎? XD18F 04/02 17:00
bkebke: 買19台luxgen不就解決了19F 04/02 17:00
z810638: 所以石油存量到底還有幾個50年20F 04/02 17:00
jelly777: 見證歷史21F 04/02 17:00
asiaking5566: 沙俄撐住 靠你們了22F 04/02 17:00
alcpeon911: 高雄買石油來挖笑死23F 04/02 17:00
minoru04: 虛數空間24F 04/02 17:01
kiuyeah: 不能先買起來放嗎25F 04/02 17:01
mit2502: 整個地下都是儲存空間26F 04/02 17:01
sid300: 加油不用錢的的時代快到了27F 04/02 17:02
jackz: 拜託你去加油 拜託了28F 04/02 17:02
LinBaoYan: 坐等15元歐印,嘻嘻29F 04/02 17:02
Szss: 給我錢幫收30F 04/02 17:02
Anvec: 無本生意 也可以拿來貸款或變成金融商品....31F 04/02 17:02
K0RVER: 發大財32F 04/02 17:02
owo0204: 高雄有救了33F 04/02 17:02
rin0sin: 高雄市宣佈,買石油來灌蓄洪池,讓市民往後10年不為油價34F 04/02 17:02
emptie: 這時候真的有人想不開發動ww3怎麼辦35F 04/02 17:02
rin0sin: 困擾36F 04/02 17:02
foolfighter: 幹 三小 小時候誰騙我說地球石油要用光的出來!37F 04/02 17:02
weltschmerz: 去加油有錢拿嗎38F 04/02 17:02
goldflower: 可以投資了39F 04/02 17:03
rickey1270: 幹你娘是講多久了==從二十年前就在喊40F 04/02 17:03
x265: 放大絕了 前一波沒讓美國死 這一波要讓美國死透的概念41F 04/02 17:03
domago: 共3小 昨天太high ?42F 04/02 17:03
Szss: 還好高雄沒太平島挖石油,不然賠到脫褲。43F 04/02 17:03
moy5566: 慘 以後炒菜都得用石油了吧44F 04/02 17:03
palapalanhu: 真的石油危機,油太多45F 04/02 17:03
Isveia: 現在就暫停別開採不行嗎...46F 04/02 17:03
Superxixai: 真的,這一波專門殺美國47F 04/02 17:04
zero00072: 韓導:我沒有食言,人人有石油,石油淹腳目。48F 04/02 17:04
widec: 瘋狂買起來阿49F 04/02 17:04
frozenmoon: 石油過剩危機50F 04/02 17:04
Superxixai: 誰先降產,誰就輸了,賠錢也要挖石油,先把對手拼倒就贏了51F 04/02 17:04
DarkerDuck: 我小時候每天都聽到30年後石油就要挖完了53F 04/02 17:05
DASHOCK: 挖個大洞來變石油田~~54F 04/02 17:05
Hiyochi: 總比煉油廠染病停工來得好55F 04/02 17:05
DASHOCK: 開採島幹嗎56F 04/02 17:05
bighorse0: 感謝韓導德政 要是真的挖出石油 虧死你57F 04/02 17:05
wizozc495711: 買一台LUXGEN來儲油58F 04/02 17:05
Tenging: 幹你娘 說好太平島要挖石油的59F 04/02 17:06
pisser: all in60F 04/02 17:06
legendrl: 勝文要的石油來了61F 04/02 17:06
rainsilver: 快笑死 這才是真正的石油危機62F 04/02 17:06
lkjfds: 因為採油國家還是有龐大的國政支出
不採也不行 俄羅斯就是要割喉戰到底63F 04/02 17:06
potionx: 這些產油藉口太爛惹 要我就說 世界經濟不好 救濟石油放送65F 04/02 17:07
ayaneoshi: 意思開採石油還會賠到脫褲?66F 04/02 17:07
lkjfds: 原本賣一桶賺三桶67F 04/02 17:07
ming7365: 現在95一公升才19.7......68F 04/02 17:07
lkjfds: 現在賣一桶打平人事支出也好69F 04/02 17:07
clover1211: 現在瀝青有變便宜嗎 政府到處發錢 還不如把舊路重鋪70F 04/02 17:07
PePePeace: 洩掉一個水庫來儲石油好了71F 04/02 17:08
onstar: 買原油來灌到台灣地層,十年後變產油國?72F 04/02 17:09
clover1211: 媽的一堆爛路沒經費 但重點路段卻有錢常常重鋪73F 04/02 17:09
rei196: 真的很爽,以前加油每次加滿都要140~170,現在加滿90就夠74F 04/02 17:09
sheng76314: 算好使用量 把一輩子的油一次買起來75F 04/02 17:09
ccucwc: 超棒的76F 04/02 17:09
rei196: 了,加油站員工還問能不能跳停就好,超爽77F 04/02 17:09
Chia2323: 慘了美金要貶值了 趕快脫手78F 04/02 17:09
KJC1004: 塞回去啊還抽79F 04/02 17:09
wo2323: 爽80F 04/02 17:10
Toge: 給我,我要拿來烤肉81F 04/02 17:11
JHGF2468A: 從小聽到大,20年了82F 04/02 17:11
ru04ul4: 不是石油會耗盡 是石油儲存空間83F 04/02 17:11
Chia2323: 美國:我神經病啊 到處去搶人家石油結果現在跌成這樣 川普會不會找習近平算帳全世界都在等著看84F 04/02 17:11
huhu0830: 給委內瑞拉開油啊 南美不嚴重86F 04/02 17:12
tony121010: 油太便宜,大家拼命囤,所有油庫都滿了87F 04/02 17:12
znling: @@88F 04/02 17:12
holysea: 沒被法壓在庫存了,接下來採的油通通都得放在市場上殺89F 04/02 17:13
white1861: 30年前就看過這個標題90F 04/02 17:13
devidevi: 太平島挖石油...91F 04/02 17:13
Number9527: 變成去加油站加油    加油站還要給你錢XD92F 04/02 17:13
taotiehs: 下禮拜加油送多少錢?93F 04/02 17:14
dogkorea5566: 大家下禮拜要去加油站賺錢了嗎94F 04/02 17:14
ibanez193: ...最新消息是漲了95F 04/02 17:15
QQDK: 川普不會找中國啦 會先找美國趙少康算帳 亂拿流感類比肺炎96F 04/02 17:16
wensday: 說個笑話 Peak oil97F 04/02 17:16
amazingwow: 可是石油噴了99F 04/02 17:16
TobyH4cker: 跟台灣人說要限量就會很多人買了359F 04/03 07:16
s011109: 騙肖欸360F 04/03 08:41
loveapple33: 台灣物價萬年只漲不跌?361F 04/03 10:06
hatephubbing: 地球感謝中國362F 04/03 10:10
joey11121: 突然覺得戰爭都不怎麼樣了363F 04/03 13:27

TobyH4cker: 跟台灣人說要限量就會很多人買了359F 04/03 07:16
s011109: 騙肖欸360F 04/03 08:41
loveapple33: 台灣物價萬年只漲不跌?361F 04/03 10:06
hatephubbing: 地球感謝中國362F 04/03 10:10
joey11121: 突然覺得戰爭都不怎麼樣了363F 04/03 13:27
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(ros.): [新聞] 石油儲存空間即將耗盡,可能崩跌到負數 - Gossiping板