看板 Gossiping作者 littlesnight (夜)標題 [爆卦] NMSL song(改編自Ku Gad)時間 Fri Apr 17 22:04:04 2020
尤其是這句Just to show NMSLese is gay?
VPN, to let them access twitter
TMD ,they come out need to pay
In the page they will say
N(e) M(a) S(i) L(e) (^_^)/~~
Which mean “your mom is dead” in “potunghua”
What are those people thinking
Are “Wumao” all fully educated?
What a shame climb the wall over the gate
Just to show NMSLese is gay?
Talking freedom!? No freedom!
Government riding Gundam
Gundam have laser gun to protect communism
Laser gun shoot the front?
No! they shoot the “Zi Ji Ren”
China ?! NMSL mi chai~
VPN, to let them access twitter
TMD ,they come out need to pay
What a shame climb the wall over the gate
Just to show NMSLese is gay?
未滿30繁體中文字 水桶3個月
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1UcRTMtu (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1587132246.A.DF8.html
推 dser: 這首歌超好笑的5F 04/17 22:05
※ 編輯: littlesnight ( 臺灣), 04/17/2020 22:05:54
※ 編輯: littlesnight ( 臺灣), 04/17/2020 22:06:16
推 a3221715: 泰國人就是屌啊 柯糞還在抹屎14F 04/17 22:10
※ 編輯: littlesnight ( 臺灣), 04/17/2020 22:13:48
推 julia66: 這誰做的啦 wwwww17F 04/17 22:14
推 funnyrain: 笑死XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD18F 04/17 22:14
推 Szss: 哈哈哈哈19F 04/17 22:15
推 boldt: 神曲!25F 04/17 22:19
推 bala045: 高登 港仔做的吧?27F 04/17 22:20
推 LeafLu: XDDDD28F 04/17 22:20
推 wel1721: 被Freedom?no freedom笑死XDDDDD29F 04/17 22:20
推 alau: 笑死35F 04/17 22:25
→ mudee: 千萬不要惹怒泰國網友XDDDD44F 04/17 22:34
推 skylin0718: talking freedom no freedom配上旋律有夠好笑XDDD45F 04/17 22:34
推 raycyrus: 你媽今天終於死了 你媽今天終於死了46F 04/17 22:34
推 EKman: 前兩句就笑了47F 04/17 22:34
推 GP01: 超浪費才能的啊~~有夠狂啊~~48F 04/17 22:36
推 diyaworld: [url]https://youtu.be/utEU0CgcxqQ[/url]50F 04/17 22:39
推 VVax: 超好笑 幹 泰國人也太強了51F 04/17 22:41
推 aufwi: 超好笑52F 04/17 22:41
推 VVax: 每一句都機歪嗆爆54F 04/17 22:43
推 KunioFAN: 靠杯,推文的也超好笑XDDDD55F 04/17 22:47
→ potionx: 你罵習啦 你罵習啦 你罵習啦57F 04/17 22:48
推 Derriclc: XDDDDDDD
We will rock you有夠好笑XDDD58F 04/17 22:48
推 Finarfin: 竟然有gundamXDDDD63F 04/17 22:55
推 utamaru: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww66F 04/17 22:58
推 doom3: 笑死 連主題曲都有了69F 04/17 23:02
推 iKelly: Mi chai 是什麼意思?74F 04/17 23:10