看板 Gossiping
作者 pujipuji ()
標題 [爆卦] 中國全面限制COVID-19病毒起源的相關研究
時間 Mon Apr 13 07:05:25 2020



Beijing tightens grip over coronavirus research amid US-China row on virus origin - CNN
China has imposed restrictions on the publication of academic research on the origins of the novel coronavirus, according to a central government dire ...


China has imposed restrictions on the publication of academic research
on the origins of the novel coronavirus, according to a central government
directive and online notices published by two Chinese universities, that
have since been removed from the web.


Under the new policy, all academic papers on Covid-19 will be subject to
extra vetting before being submitted for publication. Studies on the origin
of the virus will receive extra scrutiny and must be approved by central
government officials, according to the now-deleted posts.


A medical expert in Hong Kong who collaborated with mainland researchers to
publish a clinical analysis of Covid-19 cases in an international medical
journal said his work did not undergo such vetting in February.


The increased scrutiny appears to be the latest effort by the Chinese
government to control the narrative on the origins of the coronavirus
pandemic, which has claimed more than 100,000 lives and sickened 1.7 million
people worldwide since it first broke out in the Chinese city of Wuhan in


Since late January, Chinese researchers have published a series of Covid-19
studies in influential international medical journals. Some findings about
early coronavirus cases -- such as when human-to-human transition first
appeared -- have raised questions over the official government account of
the outbreak and sparked controversy on Chinese social media.


And now, Chinese authorities appear to be tightening their grip on the
publication of Covid-19 research.


A Chinese researcher who spoke on condition of anonymity due to fear of
retaliation said the move was a worrying development that would likely
obstruct important scientific research.


"I think it is a coordinated effort from (the) Chinese government to control
(the) narrative, and paint it as if the outbreak did not originate in China,"
the researcher told CNN. "And I don't think they will really tolerate any
objective study to investigate the origination of this disease."


CNN has reached out to China's foreign ministry for comment.



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canson: 但是西方國家不是還在研究嗎?1F 04/13 07:06
Vincent6964: 龍的傳人2F 04/13 07:06
mytoychiu: 洗病毒產地啦3F 04/13 07:06
owo0204: 笑死4F 04/13 07:06
selfhu: 籠啦5F 04/13 07:07
totenkopf001: 聾的傳人6F 04/13 07:07
kming327: 果然是中國7F 04/13 07:07
q347: 笑死8F 04/13 07:07
Vincent6964: 籠的傳人9F 04/13 07:07
vivianeri: 哇!9.2的祖國真是優秀!10F 04/13 07:07
canson: 真的要掩蓋也是掩蓋不住吧。11F 04/13 07:07
alan0204: 垃圾國不意外12F 04/13 07:07
lisasa: 作賊心虛13F 04/13 07:07
popy8789: 怕被發現人造病毒的秘密吧14F 04/13 07:07
b777787: 中國武漢肺炎。武漢傳出來的15F 04/13 07:08
soarling: 呵呵16F 04/13 07:08
alan0204: 肯定人造 不然幹嘛遮遮掩掩18F 04/13 07:08
jokywolf: 若是別國的病一定研究到底,若是中國的就禁,很簡單19F 04/13 07:08
canson: P4實驗室還有沒有運作?20F 04/13 07:08
popy8789: 中國武漢肺炎 中國製造 中國發明 中國驕傲21F 04/13 07:09
redsa12: 來囉 正大光明的讓政治凌駕專業和人命22F 04/13 07:09
yorkyoung: 可憐哪23F 04/13 07:09
woaifafewen: P4研究所是不是要爆炸了24F 04/13 07:09
rayes: 中共肺炎的發源地 在怕什麼25F 04/13 07:09
shivaeye: 想甩鍋?26F 04/13 07:09
jasonpig: 黨說哪裡來的就是哪裡來的,不可以有其他說法28F 04/13 07:09
Giornno: 欲蓋彌彰,還敢說不是你29F 04/13 07:09
linad: 大陸真的很噁30F 04/13 07:09
yorkyoung: 做賊心虛31F 04/13 07:10
popy8789: 中國最偉大的發明你敢嘴?32F 04/13 07:10
lgw2001: 中共P4實驗室病毒。https://i.imgur.com/1FuunRV.jpg33F 04/13 07:10
nightwing: 做賊心虛了嗎   不是要探究病毒起源?34F 04/13 07:10
cttw19: 愈來愈相信是中共實驗室製造的生化武器外洩35F 04/13 07:10
Willier: [url=https://imgur.com/vq33kux]https://i.imgur.com/vq33kux.jpg[/url]36F 04/13 07:10
YALEMY: 做賊心虛37F 04/13 07:10
ferttelle: 歡迎享受自由的中國38F 04/13 07:11
※ 編輯: pujipuji ( 英國), 04/13/2020 07:11:47
WGG5566: 此地無銀三百兩39F 04/13 07:11
clala: 這麼怕被發現喔40F 04/13 07:11
darkbrigher: 嘻嘻 這樣很清楚了吧 還相信"美軍說"的根本是智障41F 04/13 07:12
desho: 看來這病毒就是中共搞的42F 04/13 07:12
popy8789: 越是掩蓋越是讓人知道武漢發明武漢肺炎43F 04/13 07:12
hcc570910: 心虛44F 04/13 07:12
greeneen: 要開始編劇本了45F 04/13 07:13
mathrew: 這哪招....46F 04/13 07:13
bengowa: 作賊心虛47F 04/13 07:13
richard520: 細菌平的國家48F 04/13 07:14
iosian: 聾的傳人49F 04/13 07:14
horseorange: 可憐吶50F 04/13 07:14
ilovemiao: 可憐哪52F 04/13 07:14
tim1112: 欲蓋彌彰53F 04/13 07:14
btpo:   幹~~~這也太心虛了吧54F 04/13 07:14
Giornno: 我希望對岸再多來些智障操作
越智障越好55F 04/13 07:14
peatle: 中國製造!中國的驕傲!57F 04/13 07:15
saskuran: 不管了,我們繼續駡台灣58F 04/13 07:15
silverair: ???59F 04/13 07:15
Giornno: 最好讓全世界都知道牠是智障,樂見其成60F 04/13 07:15
corner0111: CNN又轉風向囉61F 04/13 07:16
Akhenaten: 會怕了62F 04/13 07:16
popy8789: 最偉大的中國發明63F 04/13 07:17
jcshie: 不查你們就不知道來自哪裡 嘿嘿嘿64F 04/13 07:17
kiminocodo: 某個支那賤畜:歡迎來中國享受自由^_^65F 04/13 07:17
dash007: 愈來愈像病毒實驗室傳出來的,做賊心虛66F 04/13 07:17
Rrrxddd: 英粉報道67F 04/13 07:17
headcase: 智障憤青快跟上啊68F 04/13 07:18
GOOGLEISGOD: 推69F 04/13 07:18
WGG5566: 限制研究又卯起來急於甩鍋 嘻嘻70F 04/13 07:18
mouz: 歡迎世界各國學者到中國發表(經中央審查的)研究71F 04/13 07:18
lovehank1210: 欲蓋彌彰 就你們啊72F 04/13 07:18
minron: 心虛73F 04/13 07:18
lunarblue: 其實也不用研究,全世界都知道起源地就是中國74F 04/13 07:19
soyghcg: 川普認證的 FAKE NEWS75F 04/13 07:19
chh1470: 可憐哪77F 04/13 07:19
louis222: 絕對不可能是實驗室外流的,嘻嘻78F 04/13 07:20
MrNext: 嘴吧~中國人79F 04/13 07:20
AVR0: 中國人不承認中國人的驕傲80F 04/13 07:20
LiangNight: 大家都知道啦,其實中國也知道才會限制  嘻嘻81F 04/13 07:21
YoCheng: 好啦 都美國來的82F 04/13 07:21
grandzxcv: 不研究就當做是支那武漢肺炎囉83F 04/13 07:21
DON3000: 隨便啦 大家都知道84F 04/13 07:21
peoplefu5566: 關起門來搞學術文革 可憐哪 操你媽的共產黨85F 04/13 07:21
guogu: 之前不是說美國來的,應該全力追查才對阿!86F 04/13 07:22
Merkle: Made In China有這麼可恥??87F 04/13 07:22
senaswong: 真的爛國家88F 04/13 07:22
s762ok: 笑死89F 04/13 07:22
AustinRivers: 做賊心虛 說好的一起研發藥呢90F 04/13 07:22
XperiaZ6C: 共匪不意外91F 04/13 07:22
omoideomoi: 怕自己人不小心挖到不能說的秘密92F 04/13 07:23
kobfm005: 怕百姓知道真相93F 04/13 07:23
iamhemry: 笑死,甩鍋第一名94F 04/13 07:23
whathefuc: 不意外95F 04/13 07:23
redsa12: 根本1984的劇情96F 04/13 07:23
cylimu: 習維尼:老痰,該你上了!97F 04/13 07:24
Bachack000: 不敢面對肯定有鬼98F 04/13 07:25
minigo: 欲蓋彌彰99F 04/13 07:25
Marsch: 叫華春瑩出來解釋解釋什麼是自由597F 04/13 10:10
wsung: 籠的傳人598F 04/13 10:10
hw5566: 籠的傳人 論文發微博吧 審過誰想看599F 04/13 10:14
beermug: 做賊心虛600F 04/13 10:15
Zoro80298: 心虛?601F 04/13 10:17

Marsch: 叫華春瑩出來解釋解釋什麼是自由597F 04/13 10:10
wsung: 籠的傳人598F 04/13 10:10
hw5566: 籠的傳人 論文發微博吧 審過誰想看599F 04/13 10:14
beermug: 做賊心虛600F 04/13 10:15
Zoro80298: 心虛?601F 04/13 10:17
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