看板 Gossiping
作者 fantasyth ()
標題 [新聞] 紐時:台灣確診例突增 海軍帛琉之旅
時間 Mon Apr 20 08:28:32 2020

New York Times

By Reuters

Taiwan Virus Cases Spike, Mostly Navy Sailors on Palau Trip


April 19, 2020Updated?3:45 a.m. ET

TAIPEI — Taiwan reported 22 new coronavirus cases on Sunday, almost all of th
em sailors who had been on a friendly visit of Taiwanese navy ships to the sma
ll Pacific island state of Palau last month.

Taiwan has to date been relatively successful at controlling the coronavirus d
ue to early prevention and detection, and last week celebrated three days in w
hich no new cases were reported.

But on Saturday Taiwan said that three cadets who had been part of the mission
 to Palau, one of only 15 countries to maintain formal diplomatic ties with Ta
iwan, had been infected, and that 700 sailors were being quarantined and teste

The 21 sailors whose positive tests the government announced on Sunday bring t
he total cases in the navy to 24.
Speaking at a news conference, Taiwan Health Minister Chen Shih-chung said the
 cases had so far only been discovered on one of the three ships that had visi
ted Palau, but that further investigations were needed before they could say w
here exactly the sailors had contracted the virus.

Mei Chia-shu, deputy commander of Taiwan's navy, gave a deep bow in an express
ion of apology at the same news conference for the infections and not properly
 carrying out prevention measures.

"We will exert all efforts to look after our infected personnel and care for t
heir family members," he said.

The sailors had all disembarked on Wednesday upon arriving back in Taiwan. The
 ships had docked at Palau from March 12-15.

Palau President Tommy Remengesau told Reuters in an interview on Wednesday tha
t his country of 20,000 people had not had a single case of the coronavirus an
d that he was going to close borders to keep the virus out.

Palau has received help from Taiwan to fight the virus, including testing susp
ected cases and receiving face masks from Taiwan.

Taiwan's presidential office said on Saturday that President Tsai Ing-wen had
been at the ceremony to welcome back the ships but had only waved to the sailo
rs from the shore and had not been exposed to the risk of infection.

These are the first coronavirus cases reported in Taiwan's military.

The new cases bring Taiwan's total to 420, six of whom have died.








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※ 編輯: fantasyth ( 美國), 04/20/2020 08:28:52
※ 編輯: fantasyth ( 美國), 04/20/2020 08:29:18
a4162090: 台灣經驗1F 04/20 08:29
saisai34: 這次真的被帛琉害慘2F 04/20 08:29
b777787: 白蟑螂準備3F 04/20 08:29
marunouchi: Taiwan CanHelp4F 04/20 08:29
hkahka: Taiwan Navy no.15F 04/20 08:29
STi2011: 出席儀式有帶剪刀嗎?6F 04/20 08:29
newchina: 柯韓糞賤畜高潮7F 04/20 08:29
haha7456: 這算省了400萬的廣告嗎?8F 04/20 08:29
BlueBird5566: 台灣之光,小英又讓世界看見台灣9F 04/20 08:29
yehudi: 甩鍋給友邦 這就是台灣價值10F 04/20 08:30
Aloee: 柯黑崩潰 爽11F 04/20 08:30
deann: 小英再度登上紐約時報12F 04/20 08:30
poqwiuer: 我來找找看帛琉 在哪?13F 04/20 08:30
greenleaf520: 蟑螂:小菸政績+114F 04/20 08:30
wa88: 台灣有獨立海軍的超級大宣傳 !15F 04/20 08:30
vaude: 笑死這篇在酸阿滴廣告吧16F 04/20 08:30
znck: 文章怎麼沒寫小英管不到海軍 失格17F 04/20 08:30
koster: Taiwan Can Help18F 04/20 08:30
JuiFu617: 3月中帛琉那麼多外籍遊客19F 04/20 08:30
linhsiuwei: 甩鍋給友邦嘴臉真噁20F 04/20 08:31
hsunting2000: 這下全球近期應該都不敢再辦敦親艦隊了21F 04/20 08:31
dai26: 要不要再時代雜誌訪問一次呢?“霸氣”受訪22F 04/20 08:31
ct412133: 這外派真的是鳥,現在得罪友邦,又搞的自己國內炸鍋23F 04/20 08:31
hmt17: 霸氣受訪24F 04/20 08:31
Ryo5566: 去訪問阿滴吧25F 04/20 08:31
A80211ab: 才剛收錢就酸  這真的沒品26F 04/20 08:31
kyozwhie: 我覺得有去 台北女公關 那邊消費27F 04/20 08:31
SnakeO: 海軍一定有隱瞞詳細的行程拉28F 04/20 08:31
smileboy2016: Good show29F 04/20 08:31
truffaut: 海軍 航空 都要超前部署 昨天又一個發病回國的海龜30F 04/20 08:31
tetani: 現在要怪台灣友邦蓋牌了嗎?31F 04/20 08:31
pytzog: 豬隊友國軍揚名國際了32F 04/20 08:32
paericsson: 霸氣!蔡英文登上紐時33F 04/20 08:32
OverInfinity: 21例的spike XDD但還是要謹慎啦34F 04/20 08:32
librainsky: 上次帶私菸 這次帶病毒 出訪大外宣...35F 04/20 08:32
hika1234: 美國人:再酸啊,不是很屌!36F 04/20 08:32
wa88: 官兵下船不找女朋友推砲嗎?37F 04/20 08:32
metallican: 國軍衝康王!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!38F 04/20 08:32
pizzafan: soul版有人預言5月會發生事情  看來.....39F 04/20 08:32
newstyle: 紐約時報沒有台灣價值40F 04/20 08:32
hmt17: who can help? Taiwan(ROC) navy can't  help41F 04/20 08:33
sheepxo: 廣告沒小英 但這新聞有小英欸 台灣之光42F 04/20 08:33
YumingHuang: 帛琉人口只有兩萬,搞不好真的沒人中 ..43F 04/20 08:33
linceass: 霸氣44F 04/20 08:34
crusoe: 我們自己沒做好,給人家酸剛好,應該快亡羊補牢45F 04/20 08:34
YumingHuang: 環境當中可能有病毒﹝觀光客﹞但人口太少沒人接觸到46F 04/20 08:34
alvar: 謝謝國軍47F 04/20 08:34
ckk007: 小英政績+148F 04/20 08:34
boogieman: 扯阿滴 頭腦是被夾到嗎?49F 04/20 08:35
znck: 如果帛琉沒有 那不就海軍自己叫小蜜蜂上船染疫???50F 04/20 08:35
TuCH: 台灣總統 正確 舒服51F 04/20 08:35
ct412133: 現在就保佑不要最後變成是臺灣送過去的52F 04/20 08:35
tsai529: 應該跟帛琉無關吧 真的好奇到底為什麼會得53F 04/20 08:35
tetani: @YumingHuang 那邊沒人中 那到底是哪邊蓋牌呢?54F 04/20 08:35
kingtama: 免花錢就上時報了 還是小瑛厲害55F 04/20 08:35
DOOHDLIHC: DIU臉56F 04/20 08:35
z2wen: Taiwan can help XD57F 04/20 08:35
nomad888: 買廣告送報導58F 04/20 08:35
satonoo: 乾小英屁事 國軍又不歸她管59F 04/20 08:36
otohina: 小煙政績+160F 04/20 08:36
clydebbman: 小菸 外交大成功 防疫大破洞62F 04/20 08:36
t81511270: 比募款買廣告 更有宣傳效果63F 04/20 08:37
sillygoose: 這次如果爆了,就真的是囂張沒有落魄的久了64F 04/20 08:37
giantwinter: GG65F 04/20 08:37
sunnywing: 也算在國際上贏得了版面66F 04/20 08:37
monitor: 有口罩做外交 沒口罩給國軍用 真是笑死67F 04/20 08:37
pcmcia: 菜母豬政績+168F 04/20 08:37
pandp: 台灣又上了頭版69F 04/20 08:38
funnyrain: 說不定是帛琉被我們害 難講70F 04/20 08:38
winiS: 帛琉鎖國還被硬肛,有夠倒楣71F 04/20 08:38
KTR5566: Taiwan can help !72F 04/20 08:39
Dirgo: 三天被灌水成好幾週,難怪人家說我們吹牛(?)73F 04/20 08:39
cama: 帛琉還怕你帶病毒過去咧 一個多月過去了也沒人確診74F 04/20 08:40
diiky: 希望大家都沒事75F 04/20 08:40
hmt17: 04/14。18萬國軍日配1.7萬片口罩!國防部:配發量提升至4萬76F 04/20 08:40
mmchen: 小菸政績+177F 04/20 08:41
YumingHuang: 環境傳播啊,就環境裡有,好死不死國軍沾到78F 04/20 08:41
Lindseyy: taiwan can bring79F 04/20 08:41
CCNK: 比登廣告還好用80F 04/20 08:41
way7344: 小秘密???81F 04/20 08:41
KTR5566: Taiwan can help, but Navy no mask.82F 04/20 08:41
Mytsb2421: 被人嘲笑了83F 04/20 08:41
ct412133: 24例其實不是重點,怕的是那3天有沒有擴散84F 04/20 08:42
YumingHuang: 因為帛琉前一陣子還有觀光客,也可能是觀光客帶過去85F 04/20 08:42
seal998: 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,炸了吧86F 04/20 08:42
clydebbman: 可憐阿 國軍口罩不夠 被拿來做外交 統帥現在又怪你們87F 04/20 08:43
ducke: 一定是躲在帛琉的臭支那搞的88F 04/20 08:43
jcshie: 這串推文好興奮喔89F 04/20 08:43
yzlin2002: 哪裡嘲笑了?90F 04/20 08:44
piece1: 這次不用捐錢就報了....QQ91F 04/20 08:45
jlo67: 還在查證來源,這種標題會害到帛琉。92F 04/20 08:45
aa01081008tw: 小英政績..誰敢靠北就是扯後腿XD93F 04/20 08:46
harry881210: 野雞雜誌94F 04/20 08:46
YingJiou5566: 蟑螂:小英這次是徹底的背黑鍋95F 04/20 08:46
wulaw5566: 一個月前去的也要怪到帛琉頭上?96F 04/20 08:46
hardjay: rd是付錢買廣告 紐時想報什麼跟廣告沒關連啊...97F 04/20 08:47
ots625: 比台灣幫忙廣告還強,何必花錢XD98F 04/20 08:47
TuChinJui: 國軍真的是 總只怪人民不體恤戰爭先鋒 但自我戒律呢?99F 04/20 08:47
KDGC: 帛琉:看我幹嘛?227F 04/20 10:24
s90366770607: 兵是無辜的 是被那些官害死 兵只能聽官的話228F 04/20 10:24
li143: 見獵心喜的五毛柯韓粉躲在推文裡苟且偷生,嘔嘔嘔嘔229F 04/20 10:24
lwamp: 時鐘:高度懷疑帛琉有潛在病例230F 04/20 10:25
khsa3200: 菸糞:上紐時了,好爽231F 04/20 10:25

作者 fantasyth 的最新發文:
(fantasyth.): [新聞] 紐時:台灣確診例突增 海軍帛琉之旅 - Gossiping板