看板 Gossiping
作者 EvilisGood (Hustler)
標題 [爆卦]   小布希前總統發聲明支持示威!
時間 Wed Jun  3 08:59:24 2020

George W. Bush says George Floyd's death is latest "in a long series of similar tragedies" - CBS News
The former president said he's waited to speak because he wanted to listen. ...


Laura and I are anguished by the brutal suffocation of George Floyd and disturbed by the injustice and fear that suffocate our country. Yet we have resisted the urge to speak out, because this is not the time for us to lecture. It is time for us to listen. It is time for America to examine our tragic failures – and as we do, we will also see some of our redeeming strengths.

對於George Floyd的殘暴窒息事件,蘿拉跟我感到十分憤怒,也對讓我國窒息的不公不義和恐懼感到不安。但我們一直壓下公開發聲的衝動,因為現在不是讓我們來說教的時候。現在該讓我們來側耳傾聽。該讓美國來檢視我們的悲劇性失敗,而在此同時,我們也會找到救贖的力量。

It remains a shocking failure that many African Americans, especially young African American men, are harassed and threatened in their own country. It is a strength when protesters, protected by responsible law enforcement, march for a better future. This tragedy — in a long series of similar tragedies — raises a long overdue question: How do we end systemic racism in our society? The only way to see ourselves in a true light is to listen to the voices of so many who are hurting and grieving. Those who
set out to silence those voices do not understand the meaning of America — or how it becomes a better place.

America's greatest challenge has long been to unite people of very different backgrounds into a single nation of justice and opportunity. The doctrine and habits of racial superiority, which once nearly split our country, still threaten our Union. The answers to American problems are found by living up to American ideals — to the fundamental truth that all human beings are created equal and endowed by God with certain rights. We have often underestimated how radical that quest really is, and how our
cherished principles challenge systems of intended or assumed injustice. The heroes of America — from Frederick Douglass, to Harriet Tubman, to Abraham Lincoln, to Martin Luther King, Jr. — are heroes of unity. Their calling has never been for the fainthearted. They often revealed the nation's disturbing bigotry and exploitation — stains on our character sometimes difficult for the American majority to examine. We can only see the reality of America's need by seeing it through the eyes of the
threatened, oppressed, and disenfranchised.

That is exactly where we now stand. Many doubt the justice of our country, and with good reason. Black people see the repeated violation of their rights without an urgent and adequate response from American institutions. We know that lasting justice will only come by peaceful means. Looting is not liberation, and destruction is not progress. But we also know that lasting peace in our communities requires truly equal justice. The rule of law ultimately depends on the fairness and legitimacy of the legal
system. And achieving justice for all is the duty of all.

This will require a consistent, courageous, and creative effort. We serve our neighbors best when we try to understand their experience. We love our neighbors as ourselves when we treat them as equals, in both protection and compassion. There is a better way — the way of empathy, and shared commitment, and bold action, and a peace rooted in justice. I am confident that together, Americans will choose the better way.

Sent from JPTT on my Samsung SM-T295.

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ll6a: 十面埋伏欸,川普守得住街亭
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tml7415: 中國內鬥 美國也內鬥 ... 中國抗議 美國也抗議 根本一個6F 06/03 09:00
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neoa01: 暴政必亡。小布希根本像民進黨當初跟318太陽花站一起。10F 06/03 09:02
neoa01: 川普下台,台灣撐黑人,光復美國民主
WTF55665566: 其實合理 共和黨本來就是希望彌平暴動 所以原則上支持合理抗爭 但對抗暴動搶劫也不會手軟的
不過有心人士一定會刻意解讀成他們要鬥川普12F 06/03 09:02
oiea: 笑到美叮美噹15F 06/03 09:03
jorden: 尼哥:看來可以繼續搶劫了16F 06/03 09:03
kumori: .......你老爸在1992年當總統的時候也是派國民兵啊17F 06/03 09:03
magiteemo: Republic也內戰了嗎?18F 06/03 09:05
asdf70044: 抗議無罪 暴動有理19F 06/03 09:05
kumori: 是說我覺得這個聲明還好 還算中性20F 06/03 09:05
oz5566: 共和黨內鬥中21F 06/03 09:05
lovelva00: 還好耶 他分的滿清楚的啊XD22F 06/03 09:05
leocean9816: 共和黨造反了 8823F 06/03 09:06
WTF55665566: 看 馬上就有人跳針內鬥Xd24F 06/03 09:06
flavorBZ: 。。。。。。25F 06/03 09:06
palapalanhu: 比川普講得了好多了26F 06/03 09:06
megumirei: 金融海嘯禍害台灣的禍首 閉嘴垃圾27F 06/03 09:06
silverair: 算是很油的發言,他是支持抗爭不是支持暴動搶劫28F 06/03 09:06
flavorBZ: 川普沒朋友29F 06/03 09:06
yiersan: 川普也支持和平示威啊 怎麼了30F 06/03 09:07
roywow: 中東:幹31F 06/03 09:07
flavorBZ: 本來就沒人支持暴動32F 06/03 09:07
flavorBZ: 誰敢說他支持暴動
kiddcat: 所以被抗議的對象到底是誰? 種族歧視用抗議的就會消失了?34F 06/03 09:08
flavorBZ: 支持致敬64坦克開出來35F 06/03 09:08
iam0718: 反正這鍋川普背定了36F 06/03 09:08
oz5566: 明天國民兵 華盛頓街頭坦克開出來 致敬一下37F 06/03 09:09
Benbenyale: 美國6438F 06/03 09:12
monkeydog119: 蔡英文現在站哪一邊???????39F 06/03 09:14
upeo: 暴動左派混亂中
習近平站在哪一邊?40F 06/03 09:15
AMF1018: 美國馬英九42F 06/03 09:16
linhsiuwei: 92暴動也是國民兵鎮壓啊......43F 06/03 09:18
gourmand: 漂亮的幹話而已。他是不是很討厭川普啊.....?44F 06/03 09:18
G12134: 智商最低的米國總統45F 06/03 09:19
LoveMakeLove: 穩了!!他也是共和黨的46F 06/03 09:19
believefate: 放任中國這麼囂張就這歐巴馬害的47F 06/03 09:20
Leeheaven: 調子直接拉到立國精神 我川還玩什麼48F 06/03 09:21
toolin: 歐巴馬?這文不是小布希PO的嗎?49F 06/03 09:22
asiaking5566: 推 為了正義50F 06/03 09:22
sb710031: 啊自己任內不處理 現在靠北靠母51F 06/03 09:23
j0618204: 立國精神是黑人跑去搶耐克 香奈兒?還以為是跑去搶食物l52F 06/03 09:24
ru04hj4: 你當總統怎麼不好好改善 靠北妮53F 06/03 09:24
Murkenroff: 有沒有個TLDR54F 06/03 09:24
leocean9816: 小布希上個月喊團結防疫,川普就氣到暴走,去google吧55F 06/03 09:25
ru04hj4: 哀鳳是必需品就是了啦56F 06/03 09:25
j0618204: 沒聽過,不做死就不會死lol57F 06/03 09:25
a20351: 檯面上都是支持和平抗爭阿 就一堆白癡在扯他們支持暴動58F 06/03 09:26
j0618204: 川普在譴責暴力,就略過成譴責遊行?59F 06/03 09:27
scorpioleo: 就只是想搞川普而已60F 06/03 09:28
iamtan: 還有人在帶美中一樣的風向XDD61F 06/03 09:30
s985332: 鄉民每個都美國馬英九62F 06/03 09:32
Castle88654: 黑人選票63F 06/03 09:34
starfish1987: 小布希不是不管事嗎!電影為富不仁有演64F 06/03 09:34
giantwinter: 本陣混亂65F 06/03 09:35
PeterSu1983: 腦袋有洞?66F 06/03 09:36
qawsed999: 最智障的一任美國總統67F 06/03 09:37
tx5311: 兩邊討好的發言 只是現在已經是暴動 也沒差了68F 06/03 09:39
Jimmywin: 美國李登輝69F 06/03 09:40

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