看板 Gossiping
作者 taxuan ()
標題 [問卦] 賣台的英文要怎麼說?
時間 Sat Jan  2 13:22:07 2021


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Vy0C1fJ (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1609564929.A.A53.html
TexasFlood: my tie1F 01/02 13:22
sk050607: 五樓賣肛賺大錢,賣啥台啦幹2F 01/02 13:22
joy2105feh: TSAI3F 01/02 13:22
s09371703: 一直提賣不賣煩不煩啊?現在要問買不買萊豬4F 01/02 13:22
wudatou: ㄇㄞˋㄊㄞˊ5F 01/02 13:23
qazwsx0128: 蔡英文6F 01/02 13:23
athome1: KMT7F 01/02 13:24
taristocrat: Mind AI8F 01/02 13:24
johnhmj: 想太多9F 01/02 13:25
whangkiahao: TW is FREEEEE10F 01/02 13:25
fanta912: TMD11F 01/02 13:26
snow3804: my ass12F 01/02 13:26
miture: DPP13F 01/02 13:26
FireJ: Ddp 81714F 01/02 13:28
hippo130: Taiwan No.1!15F 01/02 13:30
iceroy: DPP16F 01/02 13:31
bestforbest: 問英文啊17F 01/02 13:31
pptsuck: Taiwn can help18F 01/02 13:32
SueJidi: 英文說:請台灣人民諒解19F 01/02 13:34
dearjohn307: DPP 81720F 01/02 13:35
Housetobe: DDP TSAI21F 01/02 13:36
billy5983298: mine tight22F 01/02 13:36
greenbelt: I’m gonna 81723F 01/02 13:38
ANava: 蔡英文24F 01/02 13:38
Daz2005i: Taiwan can sell25F 01/02 13:40
sinachao: TAIWAN CAN HELP26F 01/02 13:40
xpxp123xp: DPP and 81727F 01/02 13:42
ntlutw: 假博士母豬28F 01/02 13:45
gunfighter: President Xi29F 01/02 13:46
kissung: 千悲30F 01/02 13:48
froce: I am DPPer31F 01/02 13:50
seanx: DPP32F 01/02 13:52
dkfs789: President XI33F 01/02 13:54
bullace: 化獨漸統34F 01/02 13:57
nbcb: Taiwan 4 Sell by DPP35F 01/02 14:02
BaRanKa: Taiwan can sell36F 01/02 14:04
c8000733: 菜37F 01/02 14:04
mastoid: lier DPP38F 01/02 14:11
yangweiisi: Empty Tsai39F 01/02 14:12
jojoym: All you can eat40F 01/02 14:12
JustinLYS: 賣台專門戶   蔡英文41F 01/02 14:22
leon1757tw: Taiwan can help for free42F 01/02 14:25
steadier: DPP43F 01/02 14:25
benza: D匹批44F 01/02 14:26
yoosoemun: mai tai45F 01/02 14:28
inoopp: english46F 01/02 14:30
pcshgod: Who K tsai
Ask Your Bos
Bloody hell
I have 1.5 Dr.47F 01/02 14:49
polestar0505: humble51F 01/02 14:52
chiguang: Angel Ma52F 01/02 14:53
alexjeter: DPp53F 01/02 14:59
mow1982: 菜英文,54F 01/02 15:05
offstage: I am DPP55F 01/02 15:09
eeccms: President Xi56F 01/02 15:21
selvester: Put Taiwan on the bid table57F 01/02 15:28
theta4719: VVVV can sell58F 01/02 15:33
ShaoSiSi: Tsai can betray Taiwan.59F 01/02 15:41
linhsiuwei: DPP60F 01/02 15:55
windowdoor: not DPPer61F 01/02 16:14
new71050: President xi62F 01/02 16:27
jtrus0520: Dpp Taiwan can be a good dog63F 01/02 16:42
gusser: DPP64F 01/02 17:02
axe0919: president xi65F 01/02 17:12
moae: 民主進步黨66F 01/02 17:54
dream0131: Tsai ying wen67F 01/02 18:47
nat50601tw: =台奸的英文68F 01/02 22:04
z2wen: dpp can do69F 01/02 23:13

作者 taxuan 的最新發文:
(taxuan.): [問卦] 賣台的英文要怎麼說? - Gossiping板