看板 Gossiping作者 notimenofree (裝忙)標題 [問卦] 外媒會怎麼用英文寫台灣校正回歸時間 Sat May 22 14:57:10 2021
前陣子的 sexy tea, lion king, lost innocence
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WgAjB7f (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1621666635.A.1E9.html
推 pss: Cheating2F 05/22 14:57
推 xian: liar3F 05/22 14:58
推 douCai: correct4F 05/22 14:58
推 talrasha: 等cnn 或bbc 英文原稿5F 05/22 14:58
推 nelsonchu: X
School square return dick6F 05/22 14:58
推 m06800825: calibrate regression?12F 05/22 14:58
推 MrKing: 看好了世界 台灣不用疫苗確診自己會下降15F 05/22 14:59
→ XoPXoP: fucking liar19F 05/22 15:00
→ g5637128: DPP regression23F 05/22 15:01
推 a9926066: 翻cheating back嗎24F 05/22 15:01
→ jerry8148: Wtf are I kidding me?
u*29F 05/22 15:02
→ LoveFood: 會計的攤平吧 Accounting flattening35F 05/22 15:04
推 newti: recovered calibration39F 05/22 15:05
→ sieVI …
推 sieVI: taiwan can help43F 05/22 15:09
推 NDSLite: cheating reture44F 05/22 15:09
推 futen424: TAIWAN can cheat46F 05/22 15:10
推 twerik: fucking return47F 05/22 15:11
推 lulocke: It's fucking roll back49F 05/22 15:12
推 dyrus: DDP adjustment50F 05/22 15:12
→ loveadu: MDFK math51F 05/22 15:14
推 ses2: liar game53F 05/22 15:17
推 ETTom: DPP regression correction56F 05/22 15:19
→ headiron: Fuck you idiots61F 05/22 15:25
推 wowcowYA: 認真回 Taiwan news: 「....... but also added 400 more retroactively for the past week.」62F 05/22 15:28
→ b3030: is it good to drink?64F 05/22 15:32