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作者 lovebxcx (林瑋豐 bj26bj)
標題  [新聞] BBC:普丁不會真的入侵烏克蘭的5大理由
時間 Wed Feb 23 18:26:53 2022

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Five reasons why Putin might not invade
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The optics look dreadful.

Russia has deployed more than two-thirds of its military combat capability to wi
thin striking distance of Ukraine's borders.

Its 30,000 troops that were supposed to withdraw from neighbouring Belarus at th
e weekend are still there. So are pontoon bridges and other logistic equipment n
eeded for an invasion.

Violence is flaring in the two Russian-backed breakaway republics in Eastern Ukr
aine. Russia's demands from Nato remain unmet and diplomacy has so far failed to
 bring about any significant withdrawal of Russian forces.

Meanwhile western leaders and their intelligence chiefs have been sounding the a
larm, asserting that President Putin has already given the order to invade Ukrai

And yet, there are reasons to believe that a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukra
ine might not happen. Here are some of them.

1. It will be bloody
Ukraine will resist, at least initially. Its forces are vastly outnumbered and o
utgunned by Russia's but that doesn't mean there won't be severe casualties on b
oth sides.

If Moscow were to undertake a full-scale invasion, capturing the major cities of
 Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odessa by force then it could well involve protracted and cos
tly street fighting where the Ukrainians would be on home ground.

2. It won't be popular at home
A recent poll of young Russians found that a majority were opposed to waging war
 against their Slavic neighbour.

The prospect of large numbers of both Russians and Ukrainians dying in a war of
Putin's choice and Russians coming home in coffins will not play well at home.

3. Western sanctions will hurt
How deep the threatened western sanctions go will, in all likelihood, depend on
how deep Russia goes into Ukraine.

Much as western leaders talk of Nato unanimity the reality is that Germany and H
ungary, for example, which depend in large part on Russian gas, are not as hawki
sh as Britain, which is not.

But sanctions will still hurt the relatively small Russian economy, especially i
f it is frozen out of the Swift banking system as some are calling for.

4. There will be a high political cost
When Russia invaded and annexed Crimea in 2014 it became an international pariah
 for years. The same would happen this time, only worse.

Even China, a strategic ally, has warned against it with its Foreign Minister Wa
ng Yi telling the Munich Security Conference: "The sovereignty, independence and
 territorial integrity of every country should be safeguarded. Ukraine is no exc

US Senator Chris Murphy believes that contrary to the optics, Putin is in a seve
rely weak position and "a potentially disastrous invasion of Ukraine would be hi
s last resort".

He believes that after 2013 Ukraine's people made it clear they no longer wanted
 to be in Russia's orbit and forcing them back with a costly war would devastate
 the Russian economy and possibly even unseat President Putin.

5. Putin has already made his point
Moscow has now got the West's attention when it comes to the perceived injustice
s of the post-Cold War security order in Europe.

>From Putin's perspective, Nato has reneged on the deal not to expand eastwards t
owards Russia's borders.

Not only have the three Baltic republics (all former Soviet Socialist Republics)
 Poland and other former Warsaw Pact countries all joined Nato but now the prosp
ect of neighbouring Ukraine doing the same is too much for Moscow to bear.

Putin wants this changed or the Damoclean sword of a Russian invasion will forev
er hang over Ukraine.

"He wants to negotiate a new security deal but from a position of strength" says
 Ghanem Nuseibeg, a Senior Visiting Fellow at Harvard. "In a way he has already
partially succeeded with Macron talking of a new security order.

Set against all of the above are some very compelling reasons to believe that a
Russian invasion will happen, and imminently, even if it is confined to just the
 two internationally unrecognised breakaway republics in the east of Ukraine.

The size, scale and nature of Russia's military build-up go far beyond the needs
 of a normal military exercise. You don't ask soldiers to give blood to field dr
essing stations if you're just on manoeuvres.

Moscow's two core demands from the West remain unmet, namely a promise that Ukra
ine will never be allowed to join Nato and that the western alliance withdraw al
l its forces from countries that joined Nato after 1997.

Ultimately, the Kremlin has clearly decided that it cannot tolerate its giant, S
lavic-speaking neighbour Ukraine being firmly in the western camp, becoming part
 of Nato and the EU. President Putin has made it abundantly clear by his actions
 so far that he will do whatever it takes to stop that from happening.

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kairi5217: Ok1F 台灣 02/23 18:27
gremon131: 現在看來真的笑死2F 台灣 02/23 18:27
YLTYY: 幹,風向怎麼有變了 英國仔-.-3F 台灣 02/23 18:27
horseorange: 他們把親俄的收一收別人也不能怎樣4F 台灣 02/23 18:27
ArgusX: 有種看joke文的fu5F 台灣 02/23 18:28
t00012: 網友指出1點,眾人驚呼:難怪不敢打6F 台灣 02/23 18:28
nowitzki0207: 普丁到底要打多少人臉,哈哈7F 台灣 02/23 18:28
YLTYY: BBC 要跟上英國研究了4848F 台灣 02/23 18:28
a7788783: 西方論調仍是一片的期待普丁的膳意呢,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈9F 台灣 02/23 18:29
sonyabear: 笑死,到時候大陸也不會真打過來,綠狗快抱在一起取暖呀11F 台灣 02/23 18:30
adk147852: 再加個西或贏就滿分惹13F 台灣 02/23 18:30
prog: 我聽到了14F 台灣 02/23 18:31
sagarain: 俄或最贏15F 台灣 02/23 18:32
alex00089: 心事嚇郎哉16F 台灣 02/23 18:34
knight0123: 馬的,真的好笑!結果現在咧~17F 台灣 02/23 18:40
zainc: 歐洲也不敢真的制裁,還需要俄羅斯的天然氣呢~
天氣那麼冷還需要俄羅斯的天然氣取暖18F 台灣 02/23 18:41
chocoball: 俄羅斯或成最大贏家21F 台灣 02/23 18:43
NuevaMendoza: 理由一堆22F 台灣 02/23 18:45
nathan2000: 有垃圾希望中國打台灣.23F 台灣 02/23 18:49
jospa: 理由弱弱的24F 台灣 02/23 18:52
arafinwe: 你是說川普嗎?25F 台灣 02/23 19:13
jerrylin: 普丁目前定義是維和部隊  不是入侵
中共根本沒空管台灣了26F 台灣 02/23 19:18

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