看板 HatePolitics
作者 H2 (超級噴火龍X)
標題 Re: [討論] 彭博社專訪柯P
時間 Fri Oct 19 16:10:44 2018

彭博的新聞稿有修改過, 英文版的拿掉了”of course”這段, 不過留著也還好, 因為這
段應該是接著”架上的商品”這個形容句, 也有可能是回答記者接著商品這個詞的反問,
台灣媒體沒有亂改, 別擔心, 這邊提供彭博的中英文原稿給大家

Taiwan Mayor Says Island ‘Just a Product on a Shelf’ for Trump

2018-10-19 02:49:46.120 GMT

By Samson Ellis and Miaojung Lin

(Bloomberg) -- Taiwan must focus on making itself more valuable to President D
onald Trump and accept its status as a pawn in the great power game between th
e U.S. and China, Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je said.

The outspoken former surgeon and potential presidential contender told Bloombe
rg News that Taiwan shouldn’t overestimate the U.S.’s willingness to defend
the island from an attack by its much bigger neighbor. Ko, 59, said Taiwan nee
ded to boost its worth to America by strengthening shared values, such as demo
cracy and economic transparency.

“Taiwan is just a product on a shelf,” Ko said Wednesday at Taipei City Hall
 “We have to have a very clear understanding of ourselves.”Such blunt asses
sments have helped make Ko one of Taiwan’s most popular politicians since win
ning election as the capital city’s mayor as an independent in 2014. Should h
e secure a second term in local elections Nov. 24, he’s considered a strong c
ontender for president, something he repeatedly declined to rule out.

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” said Ko, who calls Marxist re
volutionary Che Guevara “a hero” and other Taiwanese politicians “liars and

Ko attributed his political success to offering an alternative to the two fact
ions who have long dominated local politics: the Kuomintang, which sees itself
 as the rightful ruler of a unified China, and the Democratic Progressive Part
y, which sees Taiwan as an independent nation awaiting international recogniti
on. He’s also shaken up city policies, suspending work on a 40,000-seat arena
 intended for last year’s University Games.

“They support me because I am their only hope,” he said. “I am not perfect,
 but they put their hope in me because they are desperate.”Ko faces challenge
s from both sides during the Nov. 24 election: former lawmakers Ting Shou-chun
g, of the KMT, and Pasuya Yao, of the DPP. A survey by broadcaster TVBS last m
onth found him leading Ting by 5 percentage points and Yao by 26 percentage po

Ko -- a former ally of Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen --has attempted to bri
dge the divide. He outraged independence supporters when he told a Shanghai cr
owd during his first year in office that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belon
ged to one family -- symbolism often evoked by unification advocates.

“The Taiwan issue is just a part of the tensions between the U.S. and China,
” Ko told Bloomberg. Taiwan, which has been caught between the U.S. and China
 since the Kuomintang-led government fled to Taipei almost 70 years ago, has r
eemerged as a geopolitical flash point amid Trump’s trade war. The U.S. has t
aken steps to improve political and military ties with Tsai’s administration
in recent months, leading to protests from China. Before becoming mayor, Ko sp
ent 17 years as the head of surgery at one of Taiwan’s top hospitals. His cri
ticism of mainstream parities and sometimes profane outbursts in interviews ha
ve helped him amass a strong social media following, with 1.9 million Facebook
 followers, compared with Tsai’s 2.2 million.

Next month’s vote will show whether Ko can translate his popularity among Tai
wanese under 40 years old into votes. He’s touting openness and freedom as a
source of strength for Taiwan, citing an annual gay pride march last year in T
aipei that drew more than 100,000 people. “These events represent an atmosphe
re of freedom,” he said. “You have to go to other countries to realize Taipe
i is a place where there is diversity of thought.”

台北市長柯文哲的總統思維:台灣在美中之間不過是架上商品 (1)

2018-10-19 03:08:14.944 GMT

記者 Miaojung Lin、Samson Ellis


己,「Taiwan is only a product on the shelf (台灣不過是架上的商品),對自己要有

會出賣台灣時,他毫不遲疑地回答,「Of course!」





今年59歲的柯文哲被支持者暱稱「柯P」(即Professor 柯之意)、「阿伯」,雖然面對兩









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※ 同主題文章:
Re: [討論] 彭博社專訪柯P
10-19 16:10 H2.
※ 編輯: H2 (, 10/19/2018 16:11:49
whitenoise: 推1F 10/19 16:11
lowc: 其實他講什麼不重要了 接下來柯黑要洗推文of cource了2F 10/19 16:16
H2: 所以他才說要提高台灣自己在美國跟Trump心中的value啊3F 10/19 16:17
holyhelm: 這有甚麼好黑的?4F 10/19 16:18
H2: 提高的方式就是民主跟經濟透明這些中美共同價值5F 10/19 16:19
abc32521: 柯整段的論述 是符合美國利益的 但of cource確實算失言6F 10/19 16:21
kenro: 柯黑就甚麼都能黑阿 掰到自己也不知道在講甚麼7F 10/19 16:22
sbw0115: 推8F 10/19 16:22
abc32521: 這次彭博專訪聚焦在中美台關係 顯然DDP民調低迷到
美國可能判斷柯2020真的會跑出來 所以來臨時抽考9F 10/19 16:22
whitenoise: 是說美國應該也會開始投資柯P惹11F 10/19 16:23
abc32521: 美國會評估 柯是否能成為台灣總統候選人
如果美國評估不行 有的是辦法讓柯無法出來選12F 10/19 16:24
lowc: 其實這篇算面試的話... 覺得面試已經過了14F 10/19 16:25
kenro: 目前看起來還沒有 就是先熟悉而已 賴神他們還比較確認15F 10/19 16:25
abc32521: 通過初試的總統候選人 選舉年會訪美 那是最後一關16F 10/19 16:26
whitenoise: 看柯P下屆任內有無藉機拜訪美國,大概就知道動向了17F 10/19 16:26
abc32521: 是的 連任後就知道了 柯辦應該不會為了選舉去找彭博社顯然 這應該是彭博社替美國來辦事情18F 10/19 16:27
yuxds: 看過有推文說過 柯早就pass了20F 10/19 16:28
iassp: Of course哪裡失言了?21F 10/19 16:28
ya870801: 推22F 10/19 16:30
kenro: 看AIT比較準 他們動作就比較有一定確實性23F 10/19 16:31
lianhua: 拜託 川普就是個商人人盡皆知 只有綠粉柯黑吸獨仔才會指望他24F 10/19 16:31
asderavo: 我也不懂of course失言在哪裡?26F 10/19 16:31
carpout: 重點在提升臺灣價值,可惜柯黑看不到重點27F 10/19 16:31

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(H2.): Re: [討論] 彭博社專訪柯P - HatePolitics板