看板 HatePolitics
作者 howiekuohr (肥肥)
標題 [轉錄] 會長郭正光針對PTT發文指稱FAPA支持蔡英
時間 Mon Apr  1 14:23:17 2019



會長  郭正光
President Mike Kuo's Statement on a PTT Post Indicating FAPA's Support for Presi
dent Tsai Ing-wen's Re-Election
A friend of mine passed me a PTT post that indicated my public support for Presi
dent Tsai Ing-wen's re-election during the March 30th Taiwan Relations Act 40th
anniversary celebration luncheon. I hereby clarify that no such statement was ma
de during that day. In addition, FAPA is politically neutral and legally restric
ted from supporting any political party or candidate, a position that has been r
epeatedly asserted in several interviews I have made. Ultimately, FAPA did exten
d the invitation to former Premier William Lai, who was unable to join us due th
e schedule conflict with his book launch event in Tainan. We instead eagerly inv
ited him to issue a statement to be delivered by me during the luncheon.
I personally appreciate any friends on the PTT who support FAPA, but please do n
ot do things that harm us.
Mike Kuo (FAPA President)


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1SeQvNqj (HatePolitics)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/HatePolitics/M.1554099799.A.D2D.html
Anderson0819: 誰1F 04/01 14:24
TradePau: 縮了?2F 04/01 14:25
vn509942: 會長難為3F 04/01 14:26
benothing: 你以為解釋了這些網軍就會吃下去嗎4F 04/01 14:27
chow365: 八卦版最近一篇fapa推爆的那篇文吧5F 04/01 14:28
sunyeah: 左右為難6F 04/01 14:29
sdg235: 笑死,公什麼正?7F 04/01 14:31
kaimu457: 感覺這篇轉八卦過去後 FAPA會更危難8F 04/01 14:34
alberchi: 哈哈哈,小英被打臉就是爽9F 04/01 14:34
kaimu457: 所以FAPA打算不表態囉10F 04/01 14:35
yosaku: 哈哈哈哈英粉再秋啊11F 04/01 14:42
PTTRush: 我看了一下 八卦版群眾 直接無視lol12F 04/01 14:48
aa55667878: 哈哈13F 04/01 14:50

(howiekuohr.): [轉錄] 會長郭正光針對PTT發文指稱FAPA支持蔡英 - HatePolitics板