看板 joke
作者 FearHighBird (懼高小鳥)
標題 [XD] Pokemon Fusion 神奇寶貝融合器
時間 Wed May 22 14:42:31 2013

Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...


吉利瓦斯蛋超可愛啊啊啊啊<3 <3 <3

就決定是你了!! Exeggster!! (.//////.)
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...

另外SMOSH也有介紹XD (內有小獵奇)
25 AMAZING Pokemon Fusion Fan Art Drawings | SMOSH
The most amazing epic pokemon fusion fan art pictures EVER! ...



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
azrael1011:!!! 好NICE!1F 05/22 14:44
gbcowandy:還蠻屌的2F 05/22 14:44
azrael1011:http://tinyurl.com/nwtntea 這已經不是神奇寶貝了-.-3F 05/22 14:46
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
bellzebub:神奇寶貝推~~~4F 05/22 14:47
ramboxdog:推5F 05/22 14:52
otajohn:大嘴蝠當第一個~幾乎都超配的耶XD6F 05/22 14:56
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
qscgg:寶石海星不管配誰都好像後者被寄生...8F 05/22 14:58
pp31630:上課憋笑好痛苦9F 05/22 15:01
mark1357945:第一個選墨海馬Seadra  第二個一直按random有點好笑XD10F 05/22 15:04
azrael1011:XD 邪惡的寶石海星,還有小火龍的天然呆11F 05/22 15:04
payton00045:寶石海星真的...12F 05/22 15:07
jerryklu:任天堂要出新神奇寶貝了.....13F 05/22 15:08
worshipA:末入蛾當第一個都好可愛XD14F 05/22 15:08
Ruruto49:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/78/72  超毒!15F 05/22 15:08
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
s1s2s3s4:獵奇神奇寶貝版17F 05/22 15:09
poppinpete:太屌了18F 05/22 15:09
n74123:寶石海星真的很邪惡19F 05/22 15:09
sakuyalove:這組合滿可愛的 但反過來就......20F 05/22 15:09
還在讀高中時,去美國Home Stay(那時有XBOX了)21F 05/22 15:10
FearHighBird:Ruruto49 瑪瑙無誤XD23F 05/22 15:10
q13461346:巴大蝴和大針鋒XDD24F 05/22 15:10
azrael1011:但都還是只有超任,在玩超任超級瑪莉2和瑪莉賽車25F 05/22 15:11
maggot1990:可達鴨(Psyduck)當頭 怎麼配都很賤26F 05/22 15:13
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
pphhxx:寶石海星的臉是哪招XDDDD29F 05/22 15:14
FearHighBird:poppinpete大 ,你懂我!!30F 05/22 15:14
cchan:蛋蛋配上沙瓦郎好帥!!  結果一換成椰蛋樹沙瓦郎就整個.....31F 05/22 15:15
yahooooooooo:大嘴雀(Fearow)不管配什麼都很失敗 囧32F 05/22 15:15
myis000:喇叭芽配誰都無違和阿XD33F 05/22 15:16
poppinpete:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/102/91 奸詐的業務34F 05/22 15:16
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
onepiece2041:三合一磁怪當左邊好驚悚XD35F 05/22 15:18
oooomygod:可達壓配鬼斯根本獵奇36F 05/22 15:19
p860916:這個很久了37F 05/22 15:20
oooomygod:大舌貝加皮皮很像把皮皮掏空後鑽進去38F 05/22 15:20
xyz100590:跪求套圖!!!!!!!!!39F 05/22 15:20
yahooooooooo:椰蛋樹放左邊配什麼都超好笑XDDD40F 05/22 15:21
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
JYChen:OP了43F 05/22 15:25
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
pphhxx:毒刺水母的臉好有霸氣45F 05/22 15:27
FearHighBird:OP的話拍謝~但/神奇寶貝 沒看到類似的耶46F 05/22 15:27
oooomygod:好好玩哈哈大岩舌也好玩47F 05/22 15:29
newjackle:右邊的都是基本外型左邊的是臉和體色48F 05/22 15:31
fakon:大舌頭ㄚ啊阿阿阿阿阿阿49F 05/22 15:31
lgeslges:用臭臭花當頭 每一支都很變態50F 05/22 15:32
az13954:傑尼龜+妙蛙種子 根本沒差51F 05/22 15:36
a0170801708:好多好可愛阿~~~52F 05/22 15:36
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
PTTXMAN:超音蝠根本獵奇代表54F 05/22 15:39
cchan:左邊放頑皮彈,每隻弄出來都擦口紅 XDDDD55F 05/22 15:40
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
zadory:用大岩蛇當第一個每個出來都是癡漢57F 05/22 15:47
wolfking623:OP58F 05/22 15:47
OoMWMoO:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/9/66  小夫59F 05/22 15:49
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
赫然發現水箭龜的配什麼都還蠻好笑的xd60F 05/22 15:50
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
mabikerry:文章代碼謝謝 每次都在那靠邀OP又不給代碼63F 05/22 15:55
zadory:臭泥+皮卡丘=崩壞皮卡丘64F 05/22 15:55
destination:好好玩我整個瘋狂亂搭XDDD65F 05/22 15:55
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
too2000000:沒有暴鯉龍給噓67F 05/22 15:56
benit17:好像op有點久了...68F 05/22 15:57
ilohoo:墨海馬配胡地無違和69F 05/22 15:58
peteeelol:lol70F 05/22 15:58
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
nothisman:左邊是加上去的,右邊是底 左右對調有差72F 05/22 16:02
cvbn7910:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/78/72 馬腦水母73F 05/22 16:04
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/44/11374F 05/22 16:07
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
robin8013:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/48/67 假面騎士77F 05/22 16:13
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
justforfun90:帥ㄟ78F 05/22 16:20
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
hirabbitt:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/79/54 無違和感80F 05/22 16:29
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
justforfun90:真正瑪瑙水母http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/80/7381F 05/22 16:30
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
lucifer648:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/24/1  上班中的鐵甲貝82F 05/22 16:31
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
roger7891011:小夫超好笑XDDDD83F 05/22 16:37
morphyster:這圖案都已經畫好得 把後面兩個數字改一下可以抓到
全部的圖,用flashget的批次84F 05/22 16:44
bagaking:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/73/93 時事神奇寶貝86F 05/22 16:55
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
LargeLanPa:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/失智的巴大蝴87F 05/22 16:57
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
jared221:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/88/93 ........88F 05/22 16:59
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
ape123:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/78/72 忍者龜~90F 05/22 17:08
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
JohnGod21:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/81/67 獨眼巨人91F 05/22 17:11
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
ERQQ:我笑到下巴脫臼了 哈哈哈94F 05/22 17:14
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
iversonok:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/  傑尼!!!阿!!阿!!阿!!100F 05/22 17:26
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
iversonok:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/42/7傑尼!!超有霸氣!XD101F 05/22 17:27
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
ra52094:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/103/104 好屁孩喔哈哈102F 05/22 17:50
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
ra52094:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/43/8 綠蠵龜103F 05/22 17:53
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
Beanoodle:不酥湖104F 05/22 17:53
azik:真的很討厭  快下班了才發現這個105F 05/22 17:58
feit:http://ppt.cc/ykE4 瓦斯吉利蛋也很可愛好嗎?106F 05/22 18:00
Pokemon Fusion
ポケモンフージョンでポケモンを合成できちゃう! ...
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
taco0318:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/75/105 太偷懶吧108F 05/22 18:04
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
taco0318:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/84/110   .....109F 05/22 18:05
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
taco0318:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/84/94   ....110F 05/22 18:05
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
dclxvi:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/3/73 瑪瑙水母111F 05/22 18:10
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
FearHighBird:屁咧瓦吉蛋超猥瑣的XD112F 05/22 18:13
rrr111222:屌113F 05/22 18:25
johnny94:小夫超好笑XDDD114F 05/22 18:25
kezneuiqn:比比鳥配可拉可拉會變成浣熊115F 05/22 18:48
hohou:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/10/66 假面騎士116F 05/22 18:53
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
Pfanatic:第一個選毒刺水母(Tentacool)後面選Random--每隻臉都好G8117F 05/22 18:57
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
youGG:lol119F 05/22 19:05
Mrmanpower:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/101/113 101百搭120F 05/22 19:07
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
kenchou:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/47/102 中間的好潮121F 05/22 19:09
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
yufw1023:這很久了耶122F 05/22 19:19
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
qooqoogb:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/77/101  蛋蛋與GG124F 05/22 19:29
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
youGG:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/108/91  ( ?)125F 05/22 19:34
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
adonistao:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/6/7  青眼白龍126F 05/22 19:48
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
adonistao:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/65/9  小屁孩127F 05/22 19:49
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
adonistao:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/105/6  COSPLAY?128F 05/22 19:49
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
zeroex2100:推馬瑙水母129F 05/22 19:52
ohmyya:臭臭花當第一個都 好好笑XDDDDDD130F 05/22 19:55
Joejohnz:好好玩131F 05/22 20:21
Superstition:http://ppt.cc/XsBP132F 05/22 20:29
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
justforfun90:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/42/91 陰牙人133F 05/22 20:30
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
garymyname:超有趣134F 05/22 20:50
michaeldrum:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/25/113 皮卡蛋135F 05/22 21:03
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
michaeldrum:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/45/110 右:救命啊136F 05/22 21:05
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
tubabobo:很娘的噴火龍 http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/79/6137F 05/22 21:16
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
YuuKei:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/109/113 吉利瓦斯彈可愛?138F 05/22 21:46
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
too2000000:爆一下141F 05/22 22:14
andy1327:這太讚了142F 05/22 22:16
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
xgodtw:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/113/14 有點猥褻XD144F 05/22 23:13
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
xgodtw:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/79/6 吉利蛋好萌>//<145F 05/22 23:21
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
xgodtw:http://pokemon.alexonsager.net/113/48 上面給錯囧146F 05/22 23:24
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...
Pokemon Fusion
Pokemon Fusion: Automatically fuse two pokemon to create an entirely different creature. ...

(FearHighBird.): [XD] Pokemon Fusion 神奇寶貝融合器 - Joke板