看板 Gossiping
作者 Jassss (Jass)
標題 [新聞] 伊波拉疫苗成效驚人!!!
時間 Sat Aug  1 02:49:19 2015

Ebola vaccine is 'potential game-changer' - BBC News
A vaccine against the deadly Ebola virus has led to 100% protection in a pioneering trial described as a ...


A vaccine against the deadly Ebola virus has led to 100% protection
and could transform the way Ebola is tackled, preliminary results suggest.


There were no proven drugs or vaccines against the virus
at the start of the largest outbreak of Ebola in history,
which began in Guinea in December 2013.


The World Health Organization (WHO) said the findings,
being published in the Lancet, could be a "game-changer".


Experts said the results were "remarkable".
This trial centred on the VSV-EBOV vaccine,
which was started by the Public Health Agency of Canada
and then developed by the pharmaceutical company Merck.


It combined a fragment of the Ebola virus with another safer virus
in order to train the immune system to beat Ebola.


A unique clinical trial took place in Guinea.
When a patient was discovered, their friends, neighbours
and family were vaccinated to create a "protective ring" of immunity.




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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1438368562.A.A7C.html
ckscks178: cure已達100% 感染人數開始降低 需趕快突變1F 08/01 02:50
s3122762120: 北韓都研發mers了這算啥2F 08/01 02:50
JackTheRippe: 有點猛3F 08/01 02:50
garman0403: 該增加致命性了不然來不及4F 08/01 02:50
amokk76267: Plague Inc5F 08/01 02:50
dakkk: 生醫股要跌了6F 08/01 02:50
Brad255: 今天看到外國鄉民酸 美國人比較需要糖尿病疫苗.....7F 08/01 02:51
YamagiN: 強國作法就讓一百個人生病 有人自己康復他的血就是疫苗8F 08/01 02:51
blackman5566: Plague Inc+1  有種輸了的感覺9F 08/01 02:51
z24862258: 解藥研發百分百                 幹要輸了 又要重來10F 08/01 02:51
dakkk: 連達斯汀霍夫曼都沒辦法11F 08/01 02:51
CYL009: 現實最猛的也要1年多研發啊12F 08/01 02:52
theusedno23: 真的假的啦13F 08/01 02:54
jung5566: 猛的推一個14F 08/01 02:54
silentence: 用VSV表達 Ebola醣蛋白的疫苗15F 08/01 02:54
goshfju: 布萊德比特:還不是我的功勞16F 08/01 02:57
heat0204: 不能變殭屍了…17F 08/01 02:58
OldYellowDog: 推 不簡單18F 08/01 02:58
afu4869: 幹得好 把病毒殺光19F 08/01 03:00
akata: 真假???強!!20F 08/01 03:04
parkyu531: 這藥一定超毒,能治可怕病毒21F 08/01 03:05
guitarvolley: 其實一切都是陰謀,有需求才有供給(誤22F 08/01 03:06
mmc109815038: GJ!!!!23F 08/01 03:09
HornyDragon: 智障老美:欸但是我怕打了之後小孩會得自閉症...24F 08/01 03:10
VOLK11: 加拿大藥商賺翻了25F 08/01 03:24
g96G69g: 看成伊波拉苗栗成效驚人  什麼鬼啦......26F 08/01 03:27
TheRock5566: ============== 惡靈古堡 要上演了嗎 ==============27F 08/01 03:32
amaki: 諾貝爾獎級研究阿...28F 08/01 03:34
NCTUEE800808: 根本惡靈古堡...超像29F 08/01 03:35
blaz: 研發百分百就完啦,就叫你先感染擴大再點高致命,不聽就輸了30F 08/01 03:45
as81718939: 我的包皮垢病毒無抗體31F 08/01 03:47
fujimoto: 我猜病毒跟解藥都是實驗室裡的產物32F 08/01 04:10
Louina: 推 厲害33F 08/01 04:52
yuvicchen: 有翻譯給推34F 08/01 05:10
ai4zo: 結果副作用是變殭屍這樣嗎?35F 08/01 06:25
thevoidfancy: 嗯,請問人體實驗是打完疫苗要攻毒伊波拉嗎?
要不然這樣的實驗即便成功很有可能會有很大偏差36F 08/01 06:39
grandwar: 美國又用開發核彈那招了
把科學家集中起來專作某個研究38F 08/01 07:58

(Jassss.): [新聞] 伊波拉疫苗成效驚人!!! - K_hot板