看板 Gossiping作者 pttwarrior (Capital Kaohsiung)標題 [爆卦] CNN: 7個愛上高雄的理由時間 Sun Dec 3 23:36:12 2017
CNN最新一篇關於台灣的文章 聚焦在高雄啦
搜尋新聞關鍵字cnn taiwan就可以看到
CNN: 7 reasons to love Kaohsiung, Taiwan
(CNN) — For too long, Kaohsiung has been known to the world as Taiwan's
largest port city -- it's time to give this attention-craving southern city
the love it deserves.
Taiwan's biggest night market, coolest metro station and unique temples
entered through a dragon' s mouth are just some of the features of cultured
(CNN) 高雄長期以台灣第一大港享譽世界,現在是時候該給這個引人注意的南部城市應得
"The weather is almost always good, the pace of life is slow and the city is
free," lifelong local and radio DJ Hugo Wu tells CNN. "Who would want to
leave Kaohsiung?"
1. Biggest night market in Southeast Asia
1. 東南亞最大的夜市
2. Fresh gourmet food
Gangshan District's lamb hotpot, Moon World's free-range chicken and Shin-Da
Harbor and Cijin Island's seafood -- these are just the beginning of a long
list of local Kaohsiung foods.
Locals love Meinong for authentic Hakka cuisine, such as sticky rice with
pork wrapped in leaves.
Meixing Street (Meinong District's main food street) is dotted with Hakka
noodle shops called Ban tiao.
Old New Restaurant serves the best taro sago sweet soup from the Jiasian
3. Religious park where visitors exit from a tiger's mouth
After the dozens of temples you may have visited in Asia, you may not be
excited about another Buddhist/Taoist destination.
But Lotus Pond is a real attraction.....
4. Taiwan's prettiest metro station
The Formosa Boulevard Station in Kaohsiung is the most beautiful metro
station in Taiwan, if not the world.
The three-story station was designed by Japanese architect Takamatsu Shin.
The above-ground glass entrance is designed to resemble a pair of hands
clasped in prayer.
But the real treasure is underground -- the 2,180-square-meter Dome of Light,
a glass mural built into the ceiling of the station.
The colorful ceiling was created by American-Italian artist Narcissus
It's the largest such glass installation in the world.
Quagliata also built the Dome of Light for Rome's Basilica of St. Mary of the
Angels and the Martyrs.
5. Enormous art
Public artwork -- usually enormous -- is everywhere to be seen at Pier-2 Art
Center, formerly a warehouse complex located near the harbor.
Labor and Fisherwoman are the cartoon-like statues found throughout the park,
each with a different outfit created by various artists.....
6. Indoor attractions at Pier-2
At Pier-2 Art Center, warehouses have become art spaces housing different
Others have been turned into stylish coffee shops and theaters.
7. Moon World and other day trips
The northern side of Kaohsiung is known for Tianliao, a stretch of heavily
eroded hillside.
The rugged, treeless mountains add a surreal accent to the area around
Lan Yue Lou (Embrace the Moon Pavilion) is an attraction in the middle of the
Meinong attracts visitors with colorful flower beds (in January) and Hakka
Cishan Island is known for well preserved old streets. Travelers here can
rent a bicycle and tour the island, which is famed for fresh seafood,
three-century old Mazu Temple and a warm beach.
旗山以保存完好的老街而聞名。 這裡的旅客可以租一輛自行車,品嘗聞名的新鮮海鮮,
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Q91dkES (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1512315374.A.39C.html
→ fuhu66: 花媽.avi2F 12/03 23:36
噓 rriver: no.8 陳菊5F 12/03 23:36
推 p72910: 高雄妹很會搖?9F 12/03 23:37
推 dn2941: 屌虐台北鳥籠城13F 12/03 23:37
→ netion: 空氣好???岡山其實沒養羊14F 12/03 23:37
推 qwqa: 東南亞最大的夜市上線啦!!15F 12/03 23:37
推 QBey: easy19F 12/03 23:38
推 AxlRose: 我知道你在搜集ID23F 12/03 23:38
推 ujjgeok: 最大夜市?是不是有什麽誤會?24F 12/03 23:38
噓 mer5566: 東南亞最大夜市 我就知道高雄是東南亞國家25F 12/03 23:38
推 bybe: 幸福28F 12/03 23:39
→ L1ON: 新聞你用爆卦?30F 12/03 23:39
噓 g8330330: 旗津島還旗山島 業配都發錯39F 12/03 23:41
推 LSH923: 東南亞最大的夜市 被當東南亞還很驕傲?41F 12/03 23:41
推 funkD: 就用錢堆出來的灑幣都市阿 等觀光做得起來再說吧42F 12/03 23:42
噓 canblow: 幹 駁二根本沒人 少騙46F 12/03 23:42
噓 PerfectID: 高雄是上海以南空氣最差的城市,這個是確定的48F 12/03 23:43
→ lisyu: 最大夜市不就是凱旋跟金鑽 現在應該又變回瑞豐了吧49F 12/03 23:43
→ PerfectID: 高雄的pm2.5屌打深圳、廣州、香港50F 12/03 23:43
推 dn2941: 推高雄 台灣未來杜拜51F 12/03 23:43
推 losa: 世界最正的市長:)56F 12/03 23:45
推 Dethklok: https://goo.gl/6xZ8F5 走狗:看看高雄(不可偷看中國)57F 12/03 23:46
→ mayK: 東南亞?!58F 12/03 23:46
→ wate5566: 還有最低的薪水和最長的工時59F 12/03 23:47
推 sali921: 川普:花多少錢買的業配?64F 12/03 23:48
噓 ReddoBen: 好可悲 廣編稿預算到底多少...65F 12/03 23:48
→ c77892169: [url]https://i.imgur.com/EoSv0C7.jpg[/url]66F 12/03 23:48
推 G888888: 欸欸欸~大家怎麼好像都看東南亞無啊~嘻嘻69F 12/03 23:49
推 soryuss508: 超低工資 可狂噴毒氣空汙 全球老闆們一定愛上!!71F 12/03 23:49
→ j3748365: https://imgur.com/Miyqeuk73F 12/03 23:51
推 jardon: 穹頂燈也沒開齊啊75F 12/03 23:53
噓 CT501: 幸福城市76F 12/03 23:54
→ mithralin: 這篇不算業配啦,作者是香港人,也是CNN旅遊專欄作家77F 12/03 23:54
推 DORAQMON: 應該去看高雄廢水河川,排污工廠78F 12/03 23:54
→ mithralin: 只是為什麼2014年的文章要拿出來重貼,蠻有趣的就是80F 12/03 23:54
推 soryuss508: 基本上待過媒體購買公司,都看得出這是很大包package81F 12/03 23:56
推 JasonIm: 工商大家看那麼高興85F 12/04 00:04
推 VOLK11: 碰油講得好,高雄的公設和建設都樂勝其他縣市
但是有幸福的空城,卻吸引不了人口移入87F 12/04 00:05
→ VOLK11: 在老外看來,的確是合格啊
公共建設上90F 12/04 00:06
→ VOLK11: 錢砸下去,怎麼會不合格
也只是浪費稅金而已93F 12/04 00:07
推 s961234: 空氣 工資 人口外移96F 12/04 00:09
推 L9C4iO: 抓緊了要起飛囉97F 12/04 00:11
推 qImo: 幸福的空氣 (*^-^*)101F 12/04 00:17
推 ihfreud: 觀光客快來多吸幾口103F 12/04 00:19
推 YYL00: 高捷真的蠻慘的,夏天冷氣開送風,連假也是縮減車廂104F 12/04 00:19
推 roborn173: 不錯啊 高雄車站附近市容整潔道路規劃也不錯。比起台中好太多......107F 12/04 00:26
推 newti: 田寮月世界現在很少人去吧 比較多是去台南草山月世界吧110F 12/04 00:44
→ liusean: 應該沒去過高雄吧112F 12/04 00:46
推 p123yt: 8幸福感113F 12/04 00:49
噓 r83you: 高雄天氣總是很好...笑到不行114F 12/04 00:51
→ este1a: 哈哈哈多少錢買的新聞?118F 12/04 00:58
推 tomwdc: 最大夜市不是在曼谷?119F 12/04 01:14
推 WWIII: 不用工作的話 在高雄住還滿爽的啦120F 12/04 01:14
推 umano: 七個憎惡川普的理由121F 12/04 01:18
推 luckyodi: 幸福 幸福 幸福 幸福 幸福 幸福跟幸福七大理由122F 12/04 01:18
噓 xj65lm3: 這篇業配不知道高市政府花了多少錢126F 12/04 02:12
噓 rello: 業配文吧!128F 12/04 02:38
噓 wkheinz: 拜託別來 根本丟臉133F 12/04 03:09
推 rayonwu: 推 以下開放9.2及五毛崩潰137F 12/04 04:53