看板 LoveWorld
作者 LoveWorld (愛的世界)
標題 [影片] Be The Kinmen ! 熱血金門!
時間 2016-07-26 Tue. 22:28:29
Yolo!! Follow us to be the Kinmen! Kinmen is located nearby China, where belongs to Taiwan, ROC. To get closer to an unfamiliar city, by foot is the best way. Our new Project #AmateurRunningPlan, is aim to combine sport and traveling together. We ran through the whole Kinmen and pass by Fujianese buidlings, and the battlefield remains. Not only that, the food of Kinmen highlights this island, which is different from Taiwan itself. Watch our video to know more about this island with its historic charisma!
朋友們!這次跟著我們一起,BE THE KINMEN!用雙腳去認識一個陌生的地方是最快的方式,業餘男孩全新企劃 #業餘慢跑計畫 以慢跑方式結合旅遊,扎扎實實的跑遍金門東南西北,穿梭在古洋樓和營區堡壘之間,更從大金門跑到小金門。而在眾多的台灣離島之中,金門在國人跳島旅遊時不會是首選名單,但這次,我們深刻體會到金門的戰地文化、閩式建築、在地美食後,除了翻轉對金門的印象之外,我們更約定了下一次的金門旅行!
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【業餘男孩 Amateur Boyz】
We are Traveling Vlogger, and deliver our attitude by video recording.
We are amateur, so we do not suffer.
We are amateur, so we do the best as much as we can.
We are amateur, so we are full of passion.
Let's be a pro with Amateur Boyz.
※ 作者: LoveWorld 時間: 2016-07-26 22:28:29