看板 Military
作者 jimmy5680 (喜歡鯊鯊的企鵝)
標題 [情報] 情報數則:俄軍宣稱摧毀斯洛伐克的S-300
時間 Mon Apr 11 08:52:32 2022

Ragıp Soylu
Russia claims that it completely destroyed S-300 division near Nikolaev transferred by Slovakia to Ukraine
Eduard Heger
#Slovakia categorically denies #Russian propaganda, that S-300 defence system in #Ukraine was destroyed. It's a #hoax. Officially confirmed by .

Lucas Tomlinson
White House: Top Pentagon brass held two-hour call with Ukrainian counterparts in recent days to go over ‘item by item’ weapons they need, Jen Psaki tells @DanaPerino on @FoxNewsSunday

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III
This morning, I had the pleasure of speaking with Ukrainian troops training in the U.S. who are returning home to Ukraine today. Their bravery and skill are amazing. I made clear the U.S. will continue to provide them with the assistance they need.

The Kyiv Independent
World Bank predicts Ukraine’s economy to shrink by almost half in 2022.

Ukraine’s economy is on course to contract by over 45% this year as Russia’s full-scale invasion and the impact of a “deep humanitarian crisis” takes its toll, the World Bank said on April 10 in a report.

Visegrád 24
Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar has expressed suspicion over the possibility of intentionally leaving mines in the Black Sea in a bid to pave the way for NATO minesweepers to enter these waters.

He said that around 400 mines are floating in the Black Sea Sea at the moment.

The real cause of the death of Lithuanian director Mantas Kvedaravičius in #Mariupol has been announced. He was taken prisoner by Russians and later was shot in his head and his chest. The occupiers threw his body out into the street, Ombudsman Denisova reported today.

The Kyiv Independent
 Prosecutor General: 1,222 confirmed killings of civilians in Kyiv Oblast.

Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova told Sky News her office has opened 56 criminal proceedings under the articles of war crimes and crimes against humanity, and has identified 500 Russian suspects.

The Kyiv Independent
 Putin, Lukashenko to meet in Russian Far East on April 12.

The two dictators will discuss the war in Ukraine at Vostochny Cosmodrome in the Russian Far East.

Russian state-controlled media reported that there will be a press conference after the meeting.

The Kyiv Independent
 Agrarian Ministry: Ukrainian farmers to sow 70-80% of farmlands.

According to Ukraine’s Agrarian Ministry, nearly 40% of the area will be used for domestic consumption, the rest can be exported.

The Kyiv Independent
 Ukrainian government allocated $32 million for reconstruction of destroyed infrastructure.

Kyiv Oblast will receive almost half, or $13 million. In Chernihiv and Sumy oblasts, the government will spend $8 million for each, in Zhytomyr Oblast – $3 million.

The Kyiv Independent
 Denisova: Kremlin forces Ukrainians deported to Russia to receive local passports.

Some 12,000 passports have already been issued. “It’s contrary to the international law and is a direct violation of the Geneva Convention,” Ombudsman Lyudmyla Denisova said.

Velina Tchakarova
Huawei, which accounts for 33% of network equipment installed in Russia, is suspending all orders in Russia due to fear of secondary sanctions by the US, Forbes Russia reports. Huawei also sent part of the employees of the Russian office on vacation for a month. #Dragonbear

Visegrád 24

Speaking on the 12th anniversary of the Smolensk Air Disaster in Russia,  which killed President Lech Kaczynski, the head of Poland’s ruling party Jaroslaw Kaczynski said it was a “crime and assassination”.

New evidence to be presented tomorrow https://twitter.com/handloviec/status/1513238877846355977/video/1 …

Visegrád 24

Another mass grave has been discovered near Kyiv.

50 civilians shot by Russian troops have been found near a road leading to the village of Buzovaya.

In the village itself, another mass grave with dozens of bodies has been found.

This is the Russian way of warfare.

Visegrád 24
The Russian soldier Yevgeny Kovalenko sent home 17 packages from Belarus to Russia, weighing a total of 440 kg.

How does it feel to be known for your looting for the rest of your life Yevgeny?

Samuel Ramani
RIA Novosti says Marine Le Pen is winning

Samuel Ramani
Russian MP Alexei Chepa hails Marine Le Pen’s performance:

"Le Pen showed a result greater than French technologists expected of her. We look forward to the second round.”

Above all, we must realize that no arsenal or no weapon in the arsenals of
the world is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and
women.          ~ Ronald Reagan, 01/20/1981

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ianpttptt: 白俄可能參戰?1F 04/11 08:56
junkuo: 鵝羅斯也宣稱烏克蘭沒有空軍了啊2F 04/11 08:57
LI40: 那套S300上面應該沒有寫FROM斯洛伐克的標記或是電磁訊號還是大字報吧3F 04/11 08:57
MrJB: 包裹 大概都死者原有的東西5F 04/11 08:57
junkuo: 按照鵝羅斯的說法,烏軍早就沒有S300了,可是一些高空的飛機還是不斷被擊落,看看SU-35
只能說,鵝羅斯放這些消息已經沒有可信度了6F 04/11 08:59
pavaro: 波蘭前總統2010年根本是被暗殺9F 04/11 09:02
※ 編輯: jimmy5680 ( 美國), 04/11/2022 09:02:29
reich3: 遠東會面後,如果小早川申科又透過電視轉播他跟高階將領的作戰任務簡報,且用高清特寫白俄羅斯的作戰地,那就表示他被普丁嚴重警告要立刻參戰了!他只好再次跟北約遞出投名狀了~
上次的簡報非常有效,摩爾多瓦嚇死了,原來我也是事主。10F 04/11 09:03
dnek: 原來俄支持那個誰,難怪法國馬搞笑也能領先16F 04/11 09:07
GaryMatthews: 3000萬美元只夠把爛掉的道路補一補吧 重建後面至少要要多好幾個零17F 04/11 09:08
bonkers: 為何要去遠東聊烏克蘭?意思是不順從的話就直接埋了19F 04/11 09:09
kixer2005: 聲稱消滅S300感覺是在騙自家飛官吧 不然誰敢飛21F 04/11 09:11
pcfox: 喔?布丁敢踏出克宮耶 這麼敢喔22F 04/11 09:12
marco4014: 立陶宛導演QQ23F 04/11 09:13
capitalofz: 強烈懷疑上次布丁狗上電視簡報是故意的
陽奉陰違布丁狗王24F 04/11 09:13
bce: 從公布死亡官兵一千多人後,俄國的報導都當農場文看26F 04/11 09:14
Windcws9Z: 原來現在這摸先進,戰場上還會秀出S-300是誰抖內的27F 04/11 09:15
mithralin: 俄軍稍早由公開直升機攻擊道路上烏克蘭軍隊的影片28F 04/11 09:15
JosephChen: 之後被打下來的 即使是高空 一律算到MANPADS上29F 04/11 09:17
cross980115: 70~80% 有這麼樂觀嗎? 還是主要產地在烏西沒被波及到30F 04/11 09:18
ashrum: 之前網路上有人貼s300位置不是?32F 04/11 09:18
hqu: 台灣民間捐的錢也差不多3200萬美元33F 04/11 09:18
test23786: 昨天網路貼到的是在烏東不是在尼古拉耶夫34F 04/11 09:19
cross980115: 回16樓 不是俄支持勒龐而已 勒龐極右親普丁,還把普丁當偶像,原本選舉傳單上還有跟普丁的合照,是開戰後才在回收35F 04/11 09:20
mithralin: 烏克蘭糧倉在烏西影響比較小,比較麻煩的問題是農夫去當兵以及糧食外銷的管道剩陸路38F 04/11 09:20
HAHAHUNG: 彈簧刀部隊明天返國 希望人員和武器規模夠大40F 04/11 09:20
hybridpi: 之前說在頓涅斯克 現在又瞬移到尼古拉耶夫了嗎41F 04/11 09:21
test23786: 勒龐親普丁跟俄支持龐不衝突,畢竟龐上位等於一個布丁傀儡二號42F 04/11 09:22
cross980115: 我想表達的是,不是普通的支持而已,關係非常的親
幾乎就是傀儡沒錯,脫歐派、反對制裁俄的能源,勒龐要是上了會遠比現在的德國更糟糕,大型匈牙利44F 04/11 09:25
test23786: 上次有人提到龐也是要脫北約的,所以他不是單純脫歐而已。
那已經不是德國化甚至比匈牙利糟糕48F 04/11 09:27
cross980115: 五常規模的匈牙利51F 04/11 09:30
catlazy42120: 布丁狗去了遠東就不用想回白俄了吧
希望二輪投票真的能發揮效果,讓極端派選不上,不然那個布丁迷妹太恐怖52F 04/11 09:31
xiaolo1008: 北約這種集體霸凌的組織本就不該存在55F 04/11 09:31
Jasonchen415: 有可能發現 因為烏的是S300pt slovak 送的是S300pmu 制導體制不一樣56F 04/11 09:31
test23786: 看俄國還要特別顛倒投票率應該法國馬狀況穩……吧58F 04/11 09:32
illegalmad: 法國果然還是不少舔俄派 看來法國只有怕俄國跟舔俄國兩種人59F 04/11 09:32
test23786: 現在誰霸凌誰啊……61F 04/11 09:33
terminator3: 穩了 俄國空軍一天沒飛一千架次能看嗎 全開出來吧62F 04/11 09:33
test23786: 要怎發現啦……俄軍通靈?63F 04/11 09:35
Jasonchen415: 烏克蘭自用的是S300pt(5v55kd,command
都叫s300 但差蠻多的 雷達跟制導方式都不太一樣64F 04/11 09:36
test23786: 除非有提出判讀方法,不然這個俄軍宣稱外宣用比較67F 04/11 09:39
NuevaMendoza: 對於俄中而言 北約阻止俄霸凌烏 所以北約是霸凌組69F 04/11 09:47
atten: 為什麼是在遠東談而不是莫斯科?71F 04/11 09:48
Crazyfire: 去海參崴談 讓布丁狗聽 海哭的聲音72F 04/11 09:49
mellsweety: 馬跟迷妹第一輪只差5%耶,希望俄國的支持能幫到馬。73F 04/11 09:53
ariel0829: 440公斤的東西...是寄什麼東西,家具嗎?74F 04/11 09:54
crossmyheart: 原來俄國派出的是親善使團到處送護照XD75F 04/11 09:55
bce: 送完護照就表示你是俄國人,可以徵召來當砲灰使用了76F 04/11 10:02
zwy: 這麼重大的戰果怎麼可能發文不附圖??77F 04/11 10:04
test23786: 還有布查屠殺影響 我估計應該會拉大78F 04/11 10:09
d50429: 俄國人在幫極右派敗票…..79F 04/11 10:11
loki08957: 斯洛伐克那個是舊型的吧 烏克蘭自己的還比較好用80F 04/11 10:15
dobu: 盧卡申科兇多吉少81F 04/11 10:17
cc03233: 盧卡申科感覺麻煩大了82F 04/11 10:17
opengaydoor: 看來法國馬已經很努力了 自家國民給的sup不夠
德國政府則是軟爛到自家國民都看不下去 才動一下下83F 04/11 10:25
d8846325: 英文老師轉T的影片 https://reurl.cc/KpVK4985F 04/11 10:29
Yuri Kochevenko
Доброго ранку друзі Протитанковий ракетний комплекс «Стугна-П» працює на російських собак
немає милосердя до ворогів
перемога України

Good morning friends Anti Tank missile system "Stugna-P" works on Russian dogs
there is no mercy for enemies
victory of Ukraine
hanslins: 俄羅斯是要幫馬克宏助選嗎?86F 04/11 10:43
scotch: 法國因為長期把旅級部隊投入西非維和,造成妥善率下降,確實會造成能夠援助的物資不足87F 04/11 10:59
afacebook: 俄國議員這麼不想龐貝當選啊…
3000億才夠重建吧89F 04/11 11:05
cannedtuna: 猜白布丁狗會染疫不克出席91F 04/11 11:12
BlackBass: 夢裡摧毀92F 04/11 11:37
stja:93F 04/11 11:43
Sessyoin: ???94F 04/11 12:00
greenday0827: 摧毀了那你就飛過去呀95F 04/11 12:00
Mystiera: 量子S30096F 04/11 12:12
dog990999: 彈簧刀的實力即將見真章97F 04/11 12:17
holdmyass: 第一輪的5%已經很巨大 法總統首輪有十幾人參加 馬克宏的選情還是很穩的98F 04/11 12:28
leesbo: 我一直很好奇,俄羅斯可以找白俄幫忙打,烏克蘭為什麼就不能找別國加入?100F 04/11 12:32
ssarc: 沒有國家願意,波蘭是北約不准,而且布丁會威脅丟核彈102F 04/11 12:34
geesegeese: 越來越像大本營放送104F 04/11 12:36
ianlai: 太虎爛了  s300還會自動標示誰送的哦105F 04/11 12:45
alwayshigh: 烏克蘭要重建的基金大頭,真的要看歐美扣押的俄國外匯資產,未來有沒機會賠償給烏克蘭106F 04/11 12:46
ajemtw: 可能摧毀了保麗龍做的108F 04/11 12:46
windbomb: 盧卡老爹跟普丁跑去遠東可能也有約中國(習?)109F 04/11 13:07

(jimmy5680.): [情報] 情報數則:俄軍宣稱摧毀斯洛伐克的S-300 - Military板