@ulyssepariser#Ukraine : toutes les femmes, enfants et personnes âgées ont été évacués d'Azovstal, selon #Kiev Les évacuations de civils du complexe sidérurgique #Azovstal à #Marioupol seraient terminées. Seuls quelques 1000 combattants résistant encore aux Russes occuperaient encore l’usine
@harziznIryna #Vereshchuk, Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine. All women, children and elderly people from the #Azovstal enterprise in #Mariupol evacuated #War_in_Ukraine
Olga Tokariuk
@olgatokariukAll women, children and elderly people have been evacuated from the Azovstal steelworks in Mariupol: Iryna Vereshchuk, Ukraine's deputy prime minister
Olga Tokariuk
@olgatokariukHowever, wounded soldiers, who are suffering in absence of basic drugs such as antibiotics, still remain at the Azovstal plant, along with other Ukrainian defenders. Their lives shouldn't be sacrificed, they must be rescued. It's them who've been holding Mariupol for 73 days