看板 MobileComm
作者 kylefan (柚子)
標題 Fw: [情報] Apple宣布明年支援RCS
時間 Fri Nov 17 04:12:04 2023

※ [本文轉錄自 iOS 看板 #1bLdT-h_ ]

看板 iOS
作者 kylefan (柚子)
標題 [情報] Apple宣布明年支援RCS
時間 Fri Nov 17 04:11:40 2023

Apple announces that RCS support is coming to iPhone next year - 9to5Mac
In a surprising move, Apple has announced today that it will adopt the RCS (Rich Communication Services) messaging standard. The... ...





「明年晚些時候,我們將增加對RCS Universal Profile的支援,這是目前由GSM協會釋出的
標準。 我們相信,與SMS或MMS相比,RCS Universal Profile將提供更好的互操作性體驗。

In a surprising move, Apple has announced today that it will adopt the RCS (Rich
 Communication Services) messaging standard. The feature will launch via a softw
are update “later next year” and bring a wide range of iMessage-style features
 to messaging between iPhone and Android users.
Apple’s decision comes amid pressure from regulators and competitors like Googl
e and Samsung. It also comes as RCS has continued to develop and become a more m
ature platform than it once was.
RCS brings iMessage-style features to cross-platform texts
In a statement to 9to5Mac, an Apple spokesperson said that the company believes
RCS will offer better interoperability for cross-platform messages.
Later next year, we will be adding support for RCS Universal Profile, the standa
rd as currently published by the GSM Association. We believe RCS Universal Profi
le will offer a better interoperability experience when compared to SMS or MMS.
This will work alongside iMessage, which will continue to be the best and most s
ecure messaging experience for Apple users.
RCS brings many iMessage-style features to cross-platform messaging between iPho
ne and Android devices. This includes things like read receipts, typing indicato
rs, high-quality images and videos, and more.
Apple’s implementation of RCS will also give users the ability to share their l
ocation with other people inside text threads, the company says. Unlike regular
SMS, RCS can work over mobile data or Wi-Fi as well.
But at the same time, iMessage isn’t going anywhere. It will continue to be the
 messaging platform used for all communication between iPhone users. RCS will si
mply supplant SMS and MMS and exist separately from iMessage when available. SMS
 and MMS will also continue to be available as a fallback when needed, Apple say
This is not Apple opening up iMessage to other platforms. Instead, it’s the com
pany adopting RCS separately from iMessage.
Apple also reiterates that iMessage is far more secure and privacy-friendly than
 RCS. iMessage is end-to-end encrypted, and Apple just took that up a notch with
 Advanced Data Protection for Messages in iCloud. Meanwhile, Apple says that RCS
 does not currently support encryption that is as strong as iMessage.
Apple’s decision to adopt RCS follows years of pressure from some of its compet
itors, including Samsung and Google. Until today, the company resisted that pres
sure and instead doubled down on iMessage. It has, however, rolled out some impr
ovements to the SMS experience between iPhone and Android devices.
For example, Apple added better support for Tapbacks in iOS 16 for conversations
 between iPhone and Android users. With iOS 17, Apple also brought features such
 as threaded replies and message editing to iPhone users (but not Android users)
 in SMS group chats.
Finally, Apple says it will work with the GSMA members on ways to further improv
e the RCS protocol. This particularly includes improving the security and encryp
tion of RCS messages.

Later next year 應該是iOS 18?

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※ 轉錄者: kylefan ( 臺灣), 11/17/2023 04:12:04
tonyian: 警政署:詐騙太多,請把RCS關閉(笑死)1F 11/17 04:47
biarg: https://i.imgur.com/NMiFOHH.png
警政署就只會這招啊,之前叫人關iMessage現在換RCS2F 11/17 05:32
RAA1144557: 不然請硬體商閹割RCS功能好了4F 11/17 05:51
barttien: 只是建議沒在用這個功能的人關閉而已,講成這樣?目前實際狀況也是只有詐騙集團會拿來詐騙用啊,你的朋友圈有人在用RCS簡訊?5F 11/17 07:02
mstar: 人家有註明「若無使用」,這樣也要酸?
不然三樓有什麼更快更好的方法,講一下8F 11/17 07:31
basacola: 警政署這樣本來就大錯特錯 詐騙源頭又不在RCS或iMessage 本末倒置10F 11/17 07:39
biarg: https://i.imgur.com/JlqTLfU.jpg
這麼喜歡挑「用字遣詞」,這樣也要酸?12F 11/17 07:52
blueash: rcs訊息詐騙要過濾就扯到隱私權 警政署這方法是蠻廢的 但是大部份透過這個在傳的都是詐騙 直接宣導關掉省事多了15F 11/17 08:08
jickey: iMessage很好用啊 多支援是好事18F 11/17 08:09
cp296633: 一般跨國+SMS也很多詐騙啊 關了就沒國外網站2FA19F 11/17 08:16
csh810317: 三樓好像大小朋友哦20F 11/17 08:24
littlefish1: 詐欺罪刑期修訂前先採取禁用態度是一時之策,就怕法遲遲不修21F 11/17 08:35
NoneWolf: 蘋果居然願意踏出舒適圈 給推23F 11/17 08:35
ltytw: iphone要收到更多詐騙訊息了?24F 11/17 08:42
keigowei: 歡迎加入詐騙王國…喜迎iphone25F 11/17 08:46
square4: 這篇只說支援rcs,沒說要用誰的服務,不過美國三大電信都輸給孤狗的jibe,大概會是新的壟斷形成26F 11/17 08:52
ja9740807: 可憐啊 兼容RCS之後
這是蘋果做過最蠢的決定28F 11/17 08:56
bathtowel: 看到nothing chat之後有動作了31F 11/17 09:05
oread168: 了不起 負責32F 11/17 09:10
jeff101234: 詐騙當然不甘RCS或iMessage這些工具的事  但遺憾的是現在用這些工具最多的就是詐騙 當然叫你乾脆關閉33F 11/17 09:11
St3480: 不去抓人 教你遮住耳朵就聽不到詐騙了 真是謝囉35F 11/17 09:17
ntut99me: 終於要有RCS不簡單36F 11/17 09:23
j056237: 不要開車不會有車禍,不要用手機不會被手機詐騙,
真的好棒棒的方式呢37F 11/17 09:25
ntut99me: Line上面也很多股票詐騙,政府要不要
也鼓勵大家不要用Line?40F 11/17 09:33
ltytw: 畢竟先禁國家
打錯  先進42F 11/17 09:33
nekoares: 有事找EU告狀最有效44F 11/17 09:45
nisioisin: 這樣安卓要收到更多詐騙訊息了45F 11/17 09:47
xylophone135: 當初說阿婆沒有義務配合谷歌的現在作何感想顆顆46F 11/17 09:54
rz759: 某族群開始把RCS抹成詐騙了,殊不知iMessage也沒有少過
還好訊息都會自動把詐騙信歸到垃圾內容,完全看不47F 11/17 10:06
tonyian: 全世界都在用,就你國家有問題那是誰的問題呢?51F 11/17 10:07
hyghmax1202: 給蘋果respect52F 11/17 10:09
jdcbest: iMessage和RCS我都關閉,因確實易收到垃圾信53F 11/17 10:10
hyghmax1202: 51樓 Google search imessage scams 要確定耶54F 11/17 10:14
RAA1144557: RCS SPAM一堆啊55F 11/17 10:17
hyghmax1202: 回40樓 之前很多Line詐騙的時候就有建議民眾開啟
阻擋訊息的功能避免不認識的人傳詐騙訊息56F 11/17 10:20
sssyoyo: 悲哀,政府防詐用這種腳痛砍腳的方法都能有人護航58F 11/17 10:21
barttien: 全世界都在用,其他國家也是詐騙一大堆啊,是誰的問題很明顯吧?使用者自己選擇的問題啊,干政府警察機關屁事?59F 11/17 10:22
evermpeg2: 其實不是警政署廢,而是民進黨在位期間放任結果,高層都你家的人,底層也只能這樣防範而已,請問警政署如何治標?選我正解62F 11/17 10:23
barttien: 自己腦波弱要被詐還要牽拖?65F 11/17 10:23
hyghmax1202: 37樓 這種防詐騙的方法是 如果你無法確保自己能夠識別詐騙 就建議關掉 意思就是 如果你不會開車就不要開車 你覺得這個建議有問題嗎?66F 11/17 10:23
doom3: 簡訊APP能多一個功能拒絕非聯絡人的RCS簡訊就好了69F 11/17 10:24
hyghmax1202: 62樓倒是說說台灣要如何防範詐騙?都到機場宣導柬埔寨高薪工作是詐騙了還是有一堆人要去 是要妨礙他人出國自由禁止他們去柬埔寨嗎?
一堆詐騙在境外 台灣警力要怎麼去抓人? 緬甸抓了一批全部送中 是有在尊重台灣司法主權?70F 11/17 10:26
GTX960: 詐騙訊息iMessage也一堆啊,也不是只有RCS才有
腳痛砍腳確實是現在殘暴但有效的方式,幫家裡長輩弄手機我也是關掉RCS跟iMessage,但還是會有很少量的簡訊詐騙就是了,看個人能不能過濾才是真的75F 11/17 10:36
yuinghoooo: 結果仍只有蘋果用戶是藍色的,太靠北了79F 11/17 10:41
GTX960: 這件事還有引出美國青少年的同儕效應跟霸凌事件80F 11/17 10:45
vsbrm: 數位部應該直接跟apple與google 合作開發詐騙攔截或是app預設關閉之類,這樣效果比較好吧81F 11/17 10:53
sc2x2: 台灣是詐騙王國其來有自啦
每個國家都有詐騙 要想想看為什麼台灣特別嚴重
不管是被騙的還是騙人的83F 11/17 11:03
Colaman: 蘋果真的是都要靠監管單位推才會兼容開放標準
RCS and iMessage 都不會產生詐騙,從受害者的角度來看就跟傳個簡訊沒有差別86F 11/17 11:09
kevin190: 很多老人家對這些什麼訊息都來者不拒,把網路謠言當聖經在信,還是詐騙集團的重要客戶,對這些人來說直接關iMessage跟RCS對他們最好89F 11/17 11:13
kcl0801: RCS最大的問題就是跟傳統簡訊整合在一起用同個APP92F 11/17 11:21
hyghmax1202: RCS本來就預設關閉 關閉RCS和iMessage都無法阻止詐騙簡訊發送 只是增加詐騙集團簡訊寄送成本而已
但重點還是人民要有防範詐騙的意識93F 11/17 11:21
kcl0801: 可以理解這樣是方便 但如果能讓人自由選獨立APP更好96F 11/17 11:22
hyghmax1202: iMessage也是整合在訊息App裡啊…97F 11/17 11:22
luis1056379: 怎麼感覺沒什麼讓步啊 只是sms能走rcs(八成一樣綠色的) 正常的iMessage不會混進去98F 11/17 11:28
square4: 只要把otp碼輸到釣魚網站,不論otp碼來自簡訊或郵箱都能被盜,且sms安全受質疑,otp除擾民,根本無法防釣魚,需要更安全的身分識別方法,像passkeyshttps://reurl.cc/3eEjz9
關掉rcs繼續用sms/mms,從安全跟成本來說沒好處,一樣還是有詐騙簡訊問題228F 11/18 11:39
基於隱私安全考量,端對端加密通訊軟體Signal Android將移除SMS支援 | iThome
由於SMS並非安全的通訊協定,因此Signal決定Android版本將不再提供SMS支援,在提升整體安全性的同時也減少用戶混淆 ...

tonyian: 其實用google authenticator或是銀行app自己做(像是steam app)做otp基本上都很安全也沒有外洩問題(除了自己給)234F 11/18 19:24
sd785: 台灣詐騙特別嚴重?也太自我感覺良好237F 11/18 20:21

(kylefan.): Fw: [情報] Apple宣布明年支援RCS - MobileComm板