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作者 blacksirius (洪中-瑞振手牽手)
標題 [討論] 大家喜歡悲慘世界的哪些歌?
時間 Sun Feb 17 03:36:56 2013

個人覺得Fantine's Death 很有感覺

Fantine's Death - Les Miserables - YouTube
AUDIO ONLY version of Fantine's Death, from Les Miserables, 10th Anniversary Concert. Sung by Ruthie Henshall and Colm Wilkinson.


I Dreamed A Dream 電影版 感覺真的很可憐..

I Dreamed A Dream (Full Version) Lyrics - Anne Hathaway (Please share!!!) - YouTube I Dreamed A Dream lyrics from the 2012 Les Miserables motion picture soundtrack - Anne Hathaway - Fantine Be sure to check out my video of "One Day More"!!! ...


The Confrontation 也算是很經典!!! 10週年版的很經典

The Confrontation - Les Misérables - 10th Anniversary Concert - YouTube "The Confrontation" performed by Colm Wilkinson as Jean Valjean and Philip Quast as Inspector Javert for the Les Misérables 10th Anniversary Concert at Londo...


Master of the House 在這部裡面,唯一逗趣的歌

Les Miserables 10th Anniversary (HD) - Master of the House (13/41) - YouTube Les Misérables: The Dream Cast in Concert 10th Anniversary at the Royal Albert Hall Playlist


Look Down 小孩真是唱得太好了

Look Down(天可憐見) - YouTube
@yenjanw 悲慘世界音樂劇十週年紀念演唱會  1995年十月八日,在著名倫敦艾伯特音樂廳(Royal Albert Hall, London)的這 場「悲慘世界音樂劇十週年紀念演唱會」(The Tenth Anniversary Concert),乃是 為慶祝改編自法國十九世紀人道主義小說家雨果,一生中最為...



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◆ From:
hopeblue:這前面不是有文章討論過了嗎?只是我疑惑 這裡不是電影版嗎? 可以討論歌曲嗎XD 但我不得不說 我比較愛do u hearthe people sing?1F 02/17 04:07
rootrn:                   Singing a song of angry men?4F 02/17 04:09
retsuya001:                        It is the music of a people              Who will not be slaves again!5F 02/17 04:37
drkkimo:Lea Salonga 的 On My Own7F 02/17 04:45
lovenode:do u hear the people sing8F 02/17 05:54
Limonata:stars!9F 02/17 07:49
bluerain0958:On my own     看回來後在我腦裡繚繞好久XDDDy
還有who am  I10F 02/17 10:00
vyeight:one day more12F 02/17 10:14
scimonster:On my own!13F 02/17 10:15
vyeight:代表每個人都充滿希望  雖然各有各的目標甚至互為敵人14F 02/17 10:15
girl10319:《Do You Hear The People Sing》 這幾天一直在聽15F 02/17 10:21
richardcyl:one day more16F 02/17 10:43
grimma04743:do u hear the people sing!!!17F 02/17 10:57

(blacksirius.): [討論] 大家喜歡悲慘世界的哪些歌? - Movie板