看板 movie
作者 akanishiking (arnold jackson)
標題 Re: [新聞] 尼可拉斯凱吉洽談在新作飾演尼可拉斯凱
時間 Tue Feb  4 12:43:25 2020

Nicolas Cage's 'Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent' Sets Release Date | Hollywood Reporter
Nicolas Cage's upcoming meta drama in which he will play himself has set a release date to hit theaters. Lionsgate will open The Unbearable Weight of  ...


Nicolas Cage's 'The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent' Sets Spring 2021 Releas


The Lionsgate film opens March 19, 2021.


Nicolas Cage's upcoming meta drama in which he will play himself has set a relea
se date. Lionsgate will open The nbearable Weight of Massive Talent on March 19
, 2021, the studio announced Monday.


United Artists' Tomb Raider 2 and a Paranormal Activity sequel from Paramount al
so set for that date.


As The Hollywood Reporter reported exclusively in November, Lionsgate beat out m
ultiple suitors to land The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, in which Cage w
ill star as actor Nicolas Cage. This version of Cage wants to land a role in a n
ew Quentin Tarantino movie, and must also deal with a strained relationship with
 his teenage daughter.  Cage finds himself under a mountain of debt, and makes a
 paid appearance at a Mexican billionaire's birthday party. After bonding with t
he man, the CIA informs the actor the billionaire is actually a drug cartel king
pin who has kidnapped the daughter of a Mexican presidential nominee. Cage ends
up working with the U.S. government to get intelligence.



Tom Gormican and Kevin Etten wrote the script, with Gormican attached to direct.
 Kevin Turen is producing.

導演是湯姆· 戈爾密坎
編劇和製作是凱文· 埃藤


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (日本)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1UEFPm8- (movie)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1580791408.A.23E.html
cheat: 笑死1F 02/04 12:45
Bastille: 李安應該用這題材來拍雙子殺手的2F 02/04 12:45
discoveryray: 爛片味濃3F 02/04 12:46
poopooShaw: 超級期待4F 02/04 12:46
bamama56: 拍爛片更好 才有凱吉哥的感覺5F 02/04 12:51
jim8596: 近年爛片看到無感了哈哈6F 02/04 12:55
KittyCirce: 自己演自己得奧斯卡獎的機會更高吧。XD7F 02/04 13:08
littlejackbr: 軍火之王是他人生最帥的時刻8F 02/04 13:09
fire124: 影評:演的真像凱吉9F 02/04 13:10
xxx60709: 第一段自婊www10F 02/04 13:12
nanachi: 很期待11F 02/04 13:12
DaveLu: 約翰· 馬克維奇的Being John Malkovich?12F 02/04 13:15
phenom42: 哇這演技真像凱吉………什麼?演員是凱吉?13F 02/04 13:20
lslayer: 尼可拉斯凱吉 飾演 尼可拉斯凱吉 很好這很凱吉14F 02/04 13:46
JerianGrant: 摩根費里曼在電影中飾演一位黑人15F 02/04 13:47
allanbrook: 最強特效團隊打造 完整呈現 給你比凱吉更凱吉的凱吉16F 02/04 13:47
chirex: 差評:演得太凱吉了(誤)17F 02/04 13:52
LordOfCS: 我大凱吉將重返榮耀18F 02/04 13:52
porscheruf: 影評:演技出色,演凱吉演得活靈活現,入木三分!19F 02/04 13:54
Algg: 一定支持我大凱吉20F 02/04 13:54
mysmalllamb: 支持凱吉!話說最近范達美在幹嘛呢?21F 02/04 13:59
shadow0326: 劇情看起來有夠難看22F 02/04 14:00
dakkk: 會比摩根費里曼演黑人還像嗎23F 02/04 14:09
w05241030: 猜到時候會不會有人砲轟演的不好w24F 02/04 14:16
KasmirLo: 我還不看爆25F 02/04 14:22
weddess: 比較想知道昆丁會客串自己嗎26F 02/04 14:31
zzahoward: 不會啊 就是那種黑色幽默的荒謬劇情 蠻有趣的27F 02/04 14:37
fishthehuman: XDDDD28F 02/04 14:44
wigping: 支持我大凱吉/29F 02/04 14:48
dahlia7357: 必看 這劇本太美30F 02/04 14:51
tel250: 前半段像Charlie Kaufman,後半Michael Bay。31F 02/04 14:55
ikumi0225: 這劇本莫名想看哈哈哈32F 02/04 15:12
k920354496: 凱吉飾演凱吉XD33F 02/04 15:22
FJHS: 滿分的凱吉XD34F 02/04 15:29
freeblade: 自己演自己 還要試鏡嗎XD35F 02/04 15:34
turnpoint: 影評:你到底會不會演凱吉啊?36F 02/04 15:38
GOODREAM: 一定要看!37F 02/04 15:47

作者 akanishiking 的最新發文:
(akanishiking.): Re: [新聞] 尼可拉斯凱吉洽談在新作飾演尼可拉斯凱 - Movie板