看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [外絮] 快艇要怎樣奪冠? Lue:以更好的速度打更快的籃球
時間 Thu Oct 22 10:13:50 2020

來源: Talkbasket
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y459sczs
Tyronn Lue on what the Clippers will need to win the NBA title: "Play faster, at a better pace" | TalkBasket.net
Tyronn Lue met with reporters and opened up about his plans for the 2020/21 season as the new head coach of the Los Angeles Clippers. ...


Tyronn Lue on what the Clippers will need to win the NBA title: “Play
faster, at a better pace”
Tyronn Lue對於快艇需要做到甚麼才能拿冠軍:「以更好的速度打更快的籃球。」

Tyronn Lue met with reporters and opened up about his plans for the 2020/21

season as the new head coach of the Los Angeles Clippers.
Tyronn Lue今天以新任洛杉磯快艇總教練的身分與媒體記者碰面,講到他對下一個球季的

Lue shared his thoughts on what the Clippers need to change to fight for the
NBA title next season.

“I think a few things. I think just looking at our team, we need to play

faster, at a better pace. I think getting easy baskets is one thing.

"I think sharing the basketball, playing through our best players and then
also making the other players on our team better, moving the basketball,
changing the sides of the floor with the ball, I think is very important for
this team."

"But also getting our players in the best position and best spots on the floor
that they are comfortable in, and they have kind of played in those spots or
positions throughout their career,” Lue told reporters, via Tomer Azarly of

影片連結: https://twitter.com/i/status/1318992549067907072
Tomer Azarly
Tyronn Lue on what it'll take to get the Clippers to the NBA Finals - "Just looking at our team, we need to play faster, at a better pace. I think getting easy baskets is one thing. Sharing the basketball, playing through our best players."


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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VaEhZt8 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1603332835.A.DC8.html
※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 10/22/2020 10:14:24
DogBe105: 提速1F 10/22 10:14
ken720331: 可是你家雙星一個..要定期保養2F 10/22 10:14
jamesmyth: 笑死 提速3F 10/22 10:14
gn01948540: 這不就他的101招……4F 10/22 10:14
a8628989: 得分比對方多5F 10/22 10:15
※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 10/22/2020 10:15:25
CarisLeVert: 得分>失分6F 10/22 10:15
mrporing: 操主力就對了7F 10/22 10:15
Renishikawa: 之前騎士防守有夠爛,快艇也要這樣搞嗎8F 10/22 10:15
kenyon0619: 提速 閃電夾擊! 我頭好痛...9F 10/22 10:16
pounil: 不行餒 操到腿無法負荷 又要+0+0+0  這次沒Doc好怪10F 10/22 10:16
ya123yo: 無限提速11F 10/22 10:17
CarisLeVert: 讓我想起騎士16以後那個爛防守...只會一直提速12F 10/22 10:17
dwiee: 天下武功無堅不摧 唯快不破14F 10/22 10:17
madeathmao: 防守:閃電夾擊,進攻:快如閃電15F 10/22 10:18
YouGot5566: 就不要今年變一輪遊就好笑了16F 10/22 10:18
sbdr: 來了來了 提速 XD17F 10/22 10:18
Leo4891: 有夠鳥  輸球就是打不夠快18F 10/22 10:18
pounil: 之前騎士提速 結果還是爛  不過快艇防守比騎士好19F 10/22 10:18
YouGot5566: *明年20F 10/22 10:18
LABOYS: 嗨呀古,摸抖嗨呀古21F 10/22 10:18
madeathmao: Lue:摩豆嗨訝庫!!!22F 10/22 10:18
pounil: 但是沒有真正的組織者 會失誤連發吧23F 10/22 10:19
marlonlai: 那就再快一點24F 10/22 10:19
CarisLeVert: 很難說唷搞不好快艇團防也很鳥25F 10/22 10:20
er800100: 來了 提速 可是你家球員不是姆斯鐵人26F 10/22 10:20
nyyjeter8: 操阿操阿 先發給我打滿27F 10/22 10:20
atmmaxing: 提速之王上線了 提速 提速 再提速28F 10/22 10:20
js52666: 48戰術29F 10/22 10:20
CornyDragon: 快 還要更快30F 10/22 10:21
jordan1109: 快艇至少有一堆大鎖了,防守不太可能像以前騎士那麼爛31F 10/22 10:21
corner0111: 總結: 球給超巨33F 10/22 10:22
a894392000: 這麼愛提速建議去f134F 10/22 10:22
highwayshih: 快艇現在沒人控場...提速會掉一堆球吧35F 10/22 10:22
LVE: 閃電突擊36F 10/22 10:22
hyc0725zz: 提速的前提是體力調配 君不見18詹快累死了?37F 10/22 10:22
AbukumaKai: 摸斗嗨呀苦38F 10/22 10:22
wfelix: 可是騎士有鐵人姆斯 快艇沒有啊39F 10/22 10:23
hyc0725zz: 連老詹都喘成那要樣 其他人不敢想像40F 10/22 10:23
highwayshih: 以前在騎士有姆斯 現在疾舟連個正經的控衛都沒有41F 10/22 10:23
ISNAKEI: 跑起來42F 10/22 10:24
darkdixen: SPEED UP47F 10/22 10:26
CarisLeVert: 提速起來防守還能維持住嗎?48F 10/22 10:26
Leaflock: 提速 提速 提速49F 10/22 10:26
jarry9955: 閃電麥坤:速度我是速度50F 10/22 10:27
Dorae5566: LUE:快艇要怎樣?LUE:打更快打更多
我哥:湖人要怎樣贏球?我哥:防守、防守跟回家看錄影帶檢討防守51F 10/22 10:27
f12341076: L大 第一張超好笑XDD LeBron 說什麼 點頭就對了XDDD54F 10/22 10:28
recosin: 笑死 是要幫可愛叫雙暫停吧55F 10/22 10:28
gyaoqwas: 0248 1348 兩大戰術 還能輪用56F 10/22 10:30
tommica33: 提速57F 10/22 10:31
liusim: 提速提起來 024859F 10/22 10:32
kevinacc084: the提速60F 10/22 10:33
depo: lue表情太好笑了61F 10/22 10:33
matsuwu: GIF好煩XD62F 10/22 10:33
josephpu: 這gif包太強大了63F 10/22 10:34
hyc0725zz: 哈哈哈動圖超好笑64F 10/22 10:34
harrybbs: 為啥Lue負責點頭啊XDD65F 10/22 10:35
highwayshih: 他便當訂完了啊 除了點頭也沒事幹了66F 10/22 10:38
xjapan329: gif笑死XDDD67F 10/22 10:41
gigiii1134: 2348!提速!閃電夾擊!68F 10/22 10:41
anoymouse: 接近光速會發生什麼速?69F 10/22 10:43
kuoshenghsu: 哈哈哈70F 10/22 10:44
gigiii1134: 遇到問題我選擇提速,如果不行就再提速一點71F 10/22 10:45
as6354993: 閃電夾擊?72F 10/22 10:45
kartg123456: 爸不要~73F 10/22 10:46
sunnywing: 提速提速再提速74F 10/22 10:47
tkuce1b: 動圖也太蠢...75F 10/22 10:48
a3221715: 提速可以解決任何問題 如果不行 那就更快76F 10/22 10:49
joe4643: 摸斗嗨亞哭77F 10/22 10:50
neos042: Lue:很簡單,得分比對方多就贏了78F 10/22 10:52
cvbn7910: 為了Lue看起來很憨XD79F 10/22 10:52
ginopun10477: 超靠北笑死80F 10/22 10:52
nottell: 說是提速 但唯一一冠是打陣地戰來的81F 10/22 10:53
Miniac: GIF蠻靠北的~但有笑給推~XD82F 10/22 10:55
LuckyoPuppy: 好有道理,我去跟奧運100m選手分享83F 10/22 10:56
MotleyCrue: 那些圖好賤XDDD84F 10/22 10:58
toolittle: 提速 閃電夾擊 0248 134885F 10/22 10:58
Gotierre: GIF圖讓我差點在會議中失態~XD!太靠北了~!!86F 10/22 10:59
HSKAO: The 提速87F 10/22 10:59
cblade: 提速,那是姆斯的責任,沒有姆斯了qq88F 10/22 11:00
ChildX: 查伯狼休軋緊89F 10/22 11:01
ClutchShot: 毛巾架永遠只會提速~90F 10/22 11:01
gogorice: turbo鍵連發,啊幹,體力條怎麼那麼短?23號勒?!91F 10/22 11:03
icpolonaise: 有個秘密很多人不知道 分多的贏分少的輸 就這麼簡單92F 10/22 11:04
GianniC: 你紅藍水喝滿了嗎??93F 10/22 11:07
opse1020: 閃電...94F 10/22 11:08
GianniC: 至少18詹讓騎士打到Final  這還不夠嗎??95F 10/22 11:09
sunnydragon7: 攻守提速96F 10/22 11:09
samuelass: 紅隊 藍隊 時間鉗形攻勢97F 10/22 11:10
allssddaa: 摸斗嗨壓苦!!!!!!!!98F 10/22 11:10
GianniC: Lue玩賽車是不是很愛氮氣加速???99F 10/22 11:10
dengjyun: 臥槽 可以239F 10/23 00:44
EasyIsBeauty: 哈哈哈240F 10/23 02:03
ococ6798: 感覺會爆241F 10/23 06:55
a9527a: 提速!242F 10/23 07:02
jklm: 快艇要被玩壞了243F 10/23 09:51

dengjyun: 臥槽 可以239F 10/23 00:44
EasyIsBeauty: 哈哈哈240F 10/23 02:03
ococ6798: 感覺會爆241F 10/23 06:55
a9527a: 提速!242F 10/23 07:02
jklm: 快艇要被玩壞了243F 10/23 09:51
(pneumo.): [外絮] 快艇要怎樣奪冠? Lue:以更好的速度打更快的籃球 - NBA板