看板 NBA作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)標題 [花邊] LBJ新事業賣酒若成功 給每個朋友100萬鎂時間 Fri Nov 20 10:40:27 2020
來源: FadeAwayWorld
LeBron James Says He Will Get $1 Million To Each Of His Friend If He Builds
His Tequila Brand
LBJ說若是他的新龍舌蘭酒事業成功的話 他會給他的朋友們每位100萬鎂
LeBron James has vowed to give his friends $1 million if his new tequila
brand is successful. Bron saw a story of how Hollywood actor George Clooney
gifted $1 million for 14 of his friends and he decided to do the same, as
long as his new venture pays off.
LeBron keeps expanding his businesses after he entered the world of tequila,
along with some partners. The Los Angeles Lakers superstar has backed up ‘
Lobos 1707,’ a tequila brand that will officially be on sale in select
stores in California, New York, Florida, and Mexico.
湖人明星已經加碼在龍舌蘭酒品牌Lobos 1707上,預計會在加州,紐約,佛羅里達以及墨
James partnered with Maverick Carter, Rich Paul, and Anthony Davis among
others, to launch the tequila.
LBJ是跟Maverick Carter,富保羅,AD以及其他一些朋友投資這個龍舌蘭酒。
“I knew the first time I tasted Lobos 1707 Tequila that it was special. When
I learned more about the brand story and leadership team, I knew I wanted to
be a part of it,” James the Wall Street Journal. “Lobos 1707 is about
celebrating the strength of the group and bringing people together. It’s
about shared passion and values. I love sipping tequila with my friends, and
we want a brand that speaks to us.”
「當我第一次嘗到Lobos 1707龍舌蘭酒的時候,就知道它是與眾不同的。而當我更了解了
LeBron keeps making moves to create successful brands and hopefully, this one
will be another one.
NBA players have been known for been wine lovers but recently, tequila has
been getting more attention from the NBA world. A couple of months ago
Michael Jordan teamed up with other NBA owners to launch the Cincoro tequila.
The passion for tequila is big in the NBA right now.
Michael Jordan跟其他幾位球團老闆合作創立了Cincoro龍舌蘭酒;最近龍舌蘭酒在聯盟裡
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VjooVBw (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1605840031.A.2FA.html
推 ahwan: 現在加他FB好有來得及嗎3F 11/20 10:42
推 lin0738: 我跟母獅很好 我有嗎5F 11/20 10:42
推 ninaman: 我跟姆斯也有一點交情.......XDD7F 11/20 10:43
推 arashicool: 以姆斯的商業頭腦,實在很難想像他要怎麼在商場失利9F 11/20 10:45
推 tatata: 姆斯團隊的商業操作目前都滿猛的10F 11/20 10:46
推 pf775101: 球場上的成功會不會是他最小的成就呢14F 11/20 10:47
推 idolman: 成功的定義是甚麼?17F 11/20 10:49
推 EMSOK: 連做生意都帶著AD 看來穩了 接班人18F 11/20 10:51
→ ksaon: 找03梯的當上線 要求學弟們都要當下線 很快就成功了19F 11/20 10:52
推 slovil: 喬治克隆詹要來了22F 11/20 10:52
→ REI3173: wade:賣ㄐㄧㄡˇ嗎?找我合夥就對了23F 11/20 10:54
推 GHowPan: 喂 姆斯啊 你電話怎都忙線中24F 11/20 10:55
推 adashyu: 欸姆斯,我fantasy每次都選你夠意思吧,記得我喔26F 11/20 10:56
推 buyfood: 姆斯我們其實算好友對不對27F 11/20 10:56
推 ya123yo: 姆斯的電話打不通了28F 11/20 10:57
推 annela: 這倒不一定 畢竟錢永遠都不嫌多31F 11/20 11:03
推 taker627: 他這些朋友應該都不缺一百萬鎂32F 11/20 11:03
推 Shawnny: 欸姆斯,別忘了我每次都會借你wifiㄛ33F 11/20 11:03
推 a100205069: 姆斯 我們是好朋友 從你去熱火開始我就不離不棄酸你一載 沒停過35F 11/20 11:06
推 liusim: 克隆尼那是感恩啊 其實以姆斯的狀態不用等酒成功啊37F 11/20 11:11
推 js52666: 姆斯哥 是我啦!!!40F 11/20 11:15
推 Remforyou: 喂姆斯嗎,是我啦,所以我一直說你最精明能幹
風起水生西裝革履,你瞧你帥的42F 11/20 11:16
推 fade11: 姆斯還缺摯友嗎?44F 11/20 11:16
推 a26893997: 我2K都用姆斯 算不算提早卡位100W鎂了阿47F 11/20 11:18
→ MK47: 隊友爽賺48F 11/20 11:18
推 Acetoxy: 我家有100萬 可以吃很多碗52F 11/20 11:19
※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 11/20/2020 11:21:43
推 jeffsu: 我跟姆斯很熟 賺到了65F 11/20 11:25
推 adplz53: 兄弟 好久不見拉 要不要出來吃個飯阿67F 11/20 11:29
推 lav1147: 100萬美,好友會瞬間暴增吧XD69F 11/20 11:30
推 jor7382: 請問要如何當姆斯哥朋友呢71F 11/20 11:31
推 ando: 不是喬治克隆尼?73F 11/20 11:36
推 js52666: 我有一百種Bronny的處罰方式 可以當朋友了吧?75F 11/20 11:38
推 H132196: 哎呀 原來是小時候玩伴隔壁老詹 有時間來泡茶餒76F 11/20 11:39
推 tkalien: 喂,姆斯,我你朋友啦77F 11/20 11:39