看板 NBA
作者 saturday5566 (桃鉄ねね)
標題 [情報] Bradley Beal可能無法參加奧運
時間 Thu Jul 15 16:31:35 2021


USA’s Bradley Beal could miss Olympics after entering coronavirus protocols | USA basketball team | The Guardian
A person with knowledge of the situation says Bradley Beal has entered the health and safety protocols related to the coronavirus ...



USA’s Bradley Beal could miss Olympics after entering coronavirus protocols

A person with knowledge of the situation says US men’s national basketball team
 guard Bradley Beal of the Washington Wizards has entered the health and safet
y protocols related to the coronavirus, which raises the possibility that he mig
ht miss the Tokyo Games.

Beal will be tested multiple times in the coming days, according to the person w
ho spoke Wednesday to the Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the
 player involved for USA Basketball was not revealed publicly. The results of
those tests will likely determine if he remains on the roster, the person said.

“A member of the USA Basketball Men’s National Team has been placed under USA
Basketball’s health and safety protocols,” the federation announced in a state
ment Wednesday afternoon, without identifying the player involved.

USA Basketball could still replace Beal before heading to Tokyo. The Americans p
icked their 12-man team last month but noted that it may change if necessary.

Players, and their family members, in Las Vegas have been tested daily during th
eir training camp there. Many have family with them now since those loved ones w
ill not be allowed to travel to Tokyo for the Olympics because of virus-related
restrictions there. Mask-wearing has been required and many of the same rules an
d policies that players had to adhere to during the NBA season has carried over
to the US camp.


目前有消息指出Bradley Beal被隔離,

Bradley Beal的老婆是Anti vaxxer(反對疫苗人士)

https://i.imgur.com/iE20zHn.jpg  https://i.imgur.com/wp1gNEj.jpg
https://i.imgur.com/I4xfK6C.jpg  https://i.imgur.com/i5EnVkr.png
https://i.imgur.com/6QwD5h2.jpg  https://i.imgur.com/3P3TTua.jpg
https://i.imgur.com/QuI2twE.jpg  https://i.imgur.com/6Y2fPyl.jpg
https://i.imgur.com/r9rOBAm.jpg  https://i.imgur.com/lHpWbHv.jpg

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Wx_9fP3 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1626337897.A.643.html
※ 同主題文章:
[情報] Bradley Beal可能無法參加奧運
07-15 16:31 saturday5566.
qwertgb: 追殺比爾1F 07/15 16:33
pf775101: 美國還可以升級2F 07/15 16:33
c2578910: 排?3F 07/15 16:33
balcony5566: 還會補G嗎?4F 07/15 16:34
benboy: 希望有機會的話換zion? XD5F 07/15 16:34
matrixjoke: 直接升級KD勇,怎麼輸?6F 07/15 16:34
bearbig: 補個禁區吧 不然也至少側翼7F 07/15 16:35
telescopy: Beal不曉得有沒有影響到其他人?8F 07/15 16:36
pighong: Curry考慮看看吧9F 07/15 16:36
vinsanity25: 鬍子?10F 07/15 16:37
xoxo8: 萬一隊友篩到有中就精彩了11F 07/15 16:37
a222317168: 等等 怎麼只有Beal被隔離12F 07/15 16:37
Royalweger: Select Team 機會來啦13F 07/15 16:37
Kazmier: 換Zion14F 07/15 16:38
lwswjs: 給美國隊升級的機會了15F 07/15 16:38
bighat0413: 反正也沒啥用,一個刷仔,換一個防守的來16F 07/15 16:39
breadsuper6: 換胖虎?17F 07/15 16:40
Monetelliz: 不缺Beal吧18F 07/15 16:40
e49523: 可以叫龜龜來嗎19F 07/15 16:41
a09898966656: 換鬍子吧20F 07/15 16:42
chineseb: 快換掉這個黑洞21F 07/15 16:44
LaoDa5815566: 鬍子養傷中吧22F 07/15 16:44
sikerkuaitai: anti vaxxer可悲23F 07/15 16:45
nadleeh: 少個旋轉門24F 07/15 16:45
aa01081008tw: 沒差..沒防守..說得分很猛麻?..打國際賽也還好XD25F 07/15 16:45
jordanlove: 補zion 啦 要禁區26F 07/15 16:47
grimnir158: Zion27F 07/15 16:48
kevinduh4: XDDDDD28F 07/15 16:48
a11011788: 趕快換隻攻防一體的29F 07/15 16:49
watwmark: Curry不打 鬍子養傷 換個有身高的3D就行吧?
Zion這選項個人覺得有趣 不知道他201的身高在國際賽30F 07/15 16:52
ymca8: 快問一下 playoff p32F 07/15 16:54
watwmark: 打C能不能依舊靠爆發力去壓制那些肉柱33F 07/15 16:54
Ralex: 胖虎來練練也好34F 07/15 16:54
losa: Collins或Zion啦 不補禁區太弱了35F 07/15 16:56
vance1024: 補個能對抗歐陸的中鋒吧 魔獸如何36F 07/15 16:56
alegoo: 給傻眼威廉斯上啦  滿期待的欸37F 07/15 16:56
c871111116: 不打了  這樣才不會丟臉38F 07/15 16:57
RBC54321: 美國是最不缺得分的39F 07/15 17:03
bucks34: 補禁區吧 要是阿爹也受傷或被隔離豈不慘上加慘40F 07/15 17:04
xgMd1trtw: 這隻就刷仔 以前就一直講的 配小李後場防守黑洞
但看這兩三場 小李至少都跟得到 他馬的這隻我光看到兩球都被一步過 到底打屁41F 07/15 17:06
scatman: 趕快去求J.Allen來打吧 趁機補個中鋒44F 07/15 17:10
lsslz: 還能換人還不快補中鋒45F 07/15 17:10
chouvincent: 利多46F 07/15 17:11
taikonkimo: 補個禁區能打爛仗的47F 07/15 17:11
possible322: 這隻熱身賽完全不行換掉也好48F 07/15 17:13
MK47: 美國隊利多 防守真的爛爆 換誰上來都比他強49F 07/15 17:13
Duncan7406: Zion已經連狗貝都輾了 面對肉柱進攻沒問題 而且他也50F 07/15 17:13
possible322: 換zion真的不錯51F 07/15 17:13
Duncan7406: 很懂怎麼打區防 問題是這支美國隊不見得需要他這類球員
現在側翼著重輪轉防守 進攻著重外線52F 07/15 17:14
forever920fv: IG Randle都可吧55F 07/15 17:16
hunt5566: 胖虎算了吧,感覺更慘56F 07/15 17:17
joy2105feh: 美國利多....?57F 07/15 17:18
ooxxman: 後場要進攻OK,問題不能全部都沒防守,尤其Beal最爛58F 07/15 17:19
LBJKO: zion噸位跟活動力 國際賽照理也是吃得開的59F 07/15 17:20
wpd: 甜瓜機會來了60F 07/15 17:22
jaff8071: Randle試試吧61F 07/15 17:23
miniUU: zion觀賞度高,以觀眾角度肯定愛死62F 07/15 17:23
leoncurry30: 利多啊。他在美國隊沒啥路用63F 07/15 17:24
shawn81321: 真的美國隊需要補長人64F 07/15 17:24
colchi: 唉,不要說熱身賽比NBA硬就沒事了65F 07/15 17:24
leoncurry30: 補個6’9以上的高個吧66F 07/15 17:24
chenghow: 補瓜好,反正現在刮也不佔太多上場時間
小球中鋒他也很硬,相信對歐陸這些中鋒瓜速度還跟的上,只是就矮了點67F 07/15 17:24
PeterHenson: 補個鋒線吧70F 07/15 17:30
CycleEnergy: 換 換 換 都換71F 07/15 17:31
Kazmier: 換Fox也好吧  防守不錯 又能控球72F 07/15 17:31
harry881210: 給KT上去練練手感73F 07/15 17:33
derrick1220: Zion+174F 07/15 17:33
seemoon2000: 剛好換個防守好的吧 不然這防守真的有夠雷的75F 07/15 17:36
forever920fv: 別再補後場了吧 側翼或禁區都好76F 07/15 17:38
ILLwill: 瓜其實很適合,他的腳步適合國際籃賽
坦白說Tacko Fall也許可以上77F 07/15 17:39
jack3600683: 推Zion79F 07/15 17:40
ILLwill: Bol Bol 或小沙(有美籍)都可以80F 07/15 17:40
SmallGG3cm: 找個3D側翼或後場吧81F 07/15 17:41
t24569871: 小沙都被斯洛維尼亞的77給幹掉了82F 07/15 17:47
bilibo: 多換幾個防守組的吧  反正火力夠83F 07/15 17:47
AtDe: 換奧運瓜?84F 07/15 17:52
idlewolf: 換幾個能防守的吧 都習慣了摸毛哨真的慘不忍睹85F 07/15 17:54
ILLwill: 後場你要補就是聰明或髒貝86F 07/15 17:56
abc1599: 補個瘋狗貝吧87F 07/15 18:01
supersonic8: Wood or Jarrett Allen88F 07/15 18:02
hsmeal: 胖虎89F 07/15 18:03
j008008: 嚇一跳,還以為又受傷90F 07/15 18:05
a26480924: 龜龜平反了 扛beal 扛得很累91F 07/15 18:05
MK47: 補瘋狗貝或Smart都不錯吧 不要再找娘泡籃球的了 沒哨音護體根本沒法打92F 07/15 18:06
WangJerry: 美國隊利多94F 07/15 18:08
oops66: 雷包滾95F 07/15 18:09
jonestem: 補禁區吧,尤其是平常沒裁判愛的那種?!96F 07/15 18:10
Pinky555: 建議歸化小丑  應該還來的及97F 07/15 18:11
c22501656: 簽名檔笑死98F 07/15 18:11
gydiaw: 吉翁啦 想看當代美國頂級肉體 強壓歐洲長人 然後過十年歐洲出現一票吉翁型球員99F 07/15 18:13
danielgogogo: 魔獸讚101F 07/15 18:18
yellowboy: 甜瓜來直接射爆102F 07/15 18:18
yusuke362: 聰明的選擇 這次沒拿牌不用背鍋103F 07/15 18:31
a0985969620: 給甜瓜吧104F 07/15 18:44
xkiller1900: 笑死,簽名檔看幾次笑幾次105F 07/15 19:00
melzard: 小丑在幫他的馬暑假合訓沒空106F 07/15 19:14
o0991758566: ......107F 07/15 19:17
ARCHER2234: 美國隊掰,逼甜瓜魔獸或姆斯來吧,哈哈哈108F 07/15 19:27
meloman: 可以找小甜瓜 老的就放過他了吧QQ109F 07/15 19:36
sxzc: 安全下樁了 這下沒金牌不用背鍋110F 07/15 19:38
zse952770030: 補個禁區吧111F 07/15 19:45
ptt98105: 瓜哥啦112F 07/15 19:47
testttt: 14世界盃半獸人Faried在禁區表現超狂 找胖虎去重現113F 07/15 19:49
float751: Playoff PG114F 07/15 19:56
fat980: zion 身材吃香,去看一下今年U19 美國小胖,對方在怎麼高還是被頂歪115F 07/15 20:10
duncanparker: 美國隊有救了 ?!117F 07/15 20:13
Shawnny: 武德跟JA應該會是比較保守合理的選擇118F 07/15 20:19
MikePiazza: Zion +1119F 07/15 20:34
ealleneee91: 利多
胖虎 美國字母欸 誰檔的住120F 07/15 20:46
percy0121: 換國民黨啦123F 07/15 20:58
kkjjkkjj: 沒差,防守爛成這樣124F 07/15 21:36
kyleliu2000: 別鬧了 NBA有防守三秒 國際賽沒有… 這點就差很多了125F 07/15 21:56
yaobj: 胖虎+1 起碼防完,還可以開一下坦克。126F 07/15 21:58
RainCityBoy: 瓜哥的確是最佳解,但是瓜哥已經說要退休~127F 07/15 22:13
aspired: Zion補上就來看轉播128F 07/15 22:18
dante110059: 換個中鋒,拜託129F 07/15 22:47

作者 saturday5566 的最新發文:
(saturday5566.): [情報] Bradley Beal可能無法參加奧運 - NBA板