看板 NBA作者 azlbf (上邪!我欲與君相知)標題 [外絮] 阿拓不會給Zach Collins QO時間 Fri Jul 16 15:22:55 2021
作者:Dana Gauruder
Blazers Won’t Give Collins Qualifying Offer
阿拓不會給Zach Collins QO
The Trail Blazers will not extend a $7.36MM qualifying offer to forward Zach Collins, Jason Quick of The Athletic reports.
引自The Athletic的JQ報導,阿拓不會給Z摳價值736萬的QO合約
That will make Collins an unrestricted free agent next month. The 10th pick in the 2017 draft has only appeared in 11 games the past two seasons due to shoulder, foot and ankle injuries.
因為肩膀、腳部與腳踝的傷勢,這位17年樂透區的新秀在過去2年只打了11場比賽 ,而這使得他將在夏天成為完全自由球員
Ref: 1.去年9月開完左腳,復健時又傷到右腳踝
Collins learned late last month of a major setback when another fracture was discovered in his left foot. He underwent a second revision surgery to repair a left medial malleolus stress fracture and will require another 4-6 month recovery period.
Collins 上個月末得知了左腳踝骨折這個重大挫折。他被迫接受第二次手術來修復左踝,並需要4-6個月康復期
“Obviously with me being a free agent, it makes it tough,” Collins said. “But I’m less concerned about what type of deal I’m going to get, or how many years it’s going to be, or who I’m going to play for … I’m more focused on this rehab and getting this ankle right.”
Projected to be over the cap, the Blazers couldn’t afford to tie up another chunk of money on a player who will likely miss significant time next season.
拓荒者預計將突破Cap hold ,所以他們不能浪費太多資金在一位下季無法上場的球員身上。
Agent Mark Bartelstein is still confident he can land a multi-year contract for his client.
“There’s no question he is going to get a deal; he’s an incredible talent,” Bartelstein said. “NBA teams are looking for guys who can protect the rim, switch everything on defense and make 3s. Zach is really a unicorn.”
Collins is still hopeful of remaining with Portland. Bartelstein will hold discussions with Neil Olshey, the team’s president of basketball operations.
“Neil and I talk all the time and we will do what we always do — sit and talk and see if something makes sense,” Bartelstein said. “But they are in a tough spot. They are up against the luxury tax, and there’s a sense of urgency to win now … so there’s a lot to balance. But I know Neil believes deeply in Zach. They know he is going to be good.”
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推 sezna: 院長當然不給1F 07/16 15:23
推 pejawade: 至少要能上場才能達成會防守,會投三分這個條件3F 07/16 15:25
推 ivo88114: 要的話也是底薪給機會 他真的太痛了
而且上次復出橫移協防的亮點也不見了16F 07/16 15:31
推 ooxxman: QO要7.36M,爆貴難怪不給,波特蘭院長只值底薪1+1TO18F 07/16 15:31
推 hcl00: 不止這兩年 他新秀合約整張都是痛啊……20F 07/16 15:32
推 CMPunk: 他沒痛痛打季後賽那年被Reddit酸一直在顧他的髮型21F 07/16 15:32
→ azlbf: 2+1 底薪 可以賭吧(?22F 07/16 15:32
推 hsin8535: ZC這兩年真的太痛了 不然技能真的符合現在的meta24F 07/16 15:34
推 AtDe: 太陽底薪收28F 07/16 15:38
推 ltmps: 帥到不怕沒工作的球員32F 07/16 15:46
推 stevejo: 太痛了...不然還蠻期待他的33F 07/16 15:47
推 h321123aa: 等健康還是可以簽來開個福袋,起碼打替補很夠用了35F 07/16 15:49
推 ltmps: 看到是阿拓出來的,別隊其實可以賭一下健康,換個地方可能就不同36F 07/16 15:50
→ madeathmao: 管你有什麼技能,根本上不了場有什麼用
乖乖跟小賈一起退休吧38F 07/16 15:50
推 Ktime: 小賈不是口出歧視猶太裔的字詞,被迫沒球打了嗎?話說,這位的經紀人是誰呀40F 07/16 16:00
推 hcl00: 樓上可以舉例哪個在我拓一直傷 離開就超健康的嗎
真心想知道43F 07/16 16:02
推 bearbig: 去年泡泡跟季後賽上場很久可是數據超少45F 07/16 16:04
→ EZ78: 拓隊醫不行(X)阿拓真的很愛選痛痛人(O)50F 07/16 16:21
推 bll135: 帥哥來太陽吧 50收(欸51F 07/16 16:24
推 Toy17: 低薪加入太陽 去醫龍團隊治療看看54F 07/16 16:32
推 demonh311: 可以跟西門換看看,都帥但是都上不了場56F 07/16 16:48
推 bravery1117: 阿托好像只有小李比較健康,其他人好像都大小傷不斷...57F 07/16 16:51
推 dda: 真的帥59F 07/16 16:52
→ a20351: 唉...有潛力但太玻璃了60F 07/16 16:55
推 rawle: 每次都看他只能在板凳區加油,只有遺憾65F 07/16 17:03
推 zixo6318: 院長啊 看哪隊醫龍團要救一下68F 07/16 17:32