看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [外絮] 問到Kobe過世周年 M.Gasol:我真的無法討論
時間 Mon Jan 25 10:01:14 2021

來源: SportsRush
網址: https://tinyurl.com/yyq56dgy
"Kobe Bryant is not someone I can discuss": Marc Gasol cuts off reporter for asking him a question about the Lakers legend | The SportsRush
Newly-signed Lakers center Marc Gasol said he was not comfortable talking about the passing away of Kobe Bryant to a reporter. ...


“Kobe Bryant is not someone I can discuss”: Marc Gasol cuts off reporter
for asking him a question about the Lakers legend
當被問到湖人傳奇Kobe Bryant逝世周年時 Marc Gasol直接打斷記者發問: 「Kobe Bryant

We are coming up to the first anniversary of Kobe Bryant’s passing. We lost
the Black Mamba on 26th January 2020. It has been a painful year for the
basketball fraternity and everyone involved.
快要來到Kobe Bryant逝世周年的時候了,他是在2020年的1/26過世,對籃球界裡的每個人

The Los Angeles Lakers beat the Chicago Bulls 101-90 yesterday. After the
match, a reporter started asking a question, that started with a reference to
a year of Kobe’s passing. Marc Gasol instantly cut off the reporter and
explained he still is not comfortable talking about the same.
了Marc Gasol問題。但是,Gasol立即打斷了他的發問,並解釋為何他對於這個問題會不舒

Marc Gasol訪問影片: https://twitter.com/i/status/1353228199077978112
Harrison Faigen
Here is video of this moment, via @SpectrumSN.

"I'm not comfortable talking about it. To this day, I cannot really talk
about it."

The reporter then skipped his initial line of questioning and continued with
a different line.

After skipping his initial question, the reporter asked Marc Gasol for the
significance of the “1-2-3 Mamba” in their huddles. Gasol replied by
stating that Kobe is a part of the Lakers, and would always continue to be
so. He says Kobe is part of Los Angeles forever, and they will keep honoring
him for as long as they can. The entire interview can be checked out here:
跳過先前的問題後,記者接著問到他們球隊在開打前聚集打氣的時候喊"1-2-3 Mamba"的意

Marc Gasol joined the Lakers in the off-season. He has a history with the
Lakers, as he was initially drafted by them, but he was traded before he
could suit up for them, for his elder brother, Pau Gasol. Pau and Kobe went
on to win two championships for the Lakers in 2009 and 2010.
Marc Gasol在休賽季的時候加入湖人,他之前就有跟湖人有關係。他起先是被湖人選秀選
上,但是就被交易掉,去換他的哥哥Paul Gasol。Pau跟Kobe在2009跟2010拿下兩次冠軍。

There is a world in which Marc and Pau may have played together with Kobe
Bryant at the Mamba’s peak. But the 35-year-old (soon to turn 36) was
stashed away with Barcelona and came back to the shores of USA too late.

Kobe+姊姊+馬甲獸  幾冠?

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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1611540080.A.4AC.html
mrif: 5+2+1=8?1F 01/25 10:03
Evan811007: 又不是喜事,要人家回答什麼2F 01/25 10:04
zealeliot: 我也不想回想起阿...3F 01/25 10:05
monkey6: 記者一直問就很無聊了4F 01/25 10:05
madeathmao: "to this day"比較像是"直到現在"吧?5F 01/25 10:06
azuresky: 浪費時間翻譯這些爛消息,拉低NBA版素質6F 01/25 10:07
lowl99: 問Gasol弟幹嘛,Kobe又沒跟他同隊,要問也是去問哥7F 01/25 10:07
mhkt: 馬甲還被當籌碼交易他哥哥來  所以記者問這問題是在……9F 01/25 10:08
King5566: 姐夫11F 01/25 10:08
bond30422: 為何是問他,北懶耶12F 01/25 10:09
corlos: 要問他哥吧,幫kobe撿子彈13F 01/25 10:10
kaede0711: 他是我哥獨有的14F 01/25 10:14
vasia: 非常得體,不蹭熱度15F 01/25 10:17
wicer: 無良記者中外皆然16F 01/25 10:19
toneyney: 問大舅子姐夫的問題,他當然沒法回答啊17F 01/25 10:19
sunnyyoung: 哪個白目記者18F 01/25 10:22
Bz5566: 兩個字:姊夫19F 01/25 10:23
Athchen: 跟他無感阿 陷阱題 終於回來南方了20F 01/25 10:24
peanut910013: 記者應該是搞錯人自己都不知道21F 01/25 10:26
brian3639: 真感情22F 01/25 10:27
AsakuraYume: 記者很無聊23F 01/25 10:30
pippen2002: 怒得15分15版啊!24F 01/25 10:33
Alipapa: 應該是搞錯人沒錯... 要也是問LBJ25F 01/25 10:34
jyunwei: 我看到最後一段才知道記者竟然是去問小Gasol,想說Gasol應該沒到不能評論Kobe那麼誇張吧26F 01/25 10:41
TexasFlood: 笑死,不熟吧當然不予置評啊28F 01/25 10:46
pp3435: 得體29F 01/25 11:16
j7410620: 回答的很得體30F 01/25 11:24
koae50: 去找我哥!!31F 01/25 11:39
mario8571600: 笑死 在nba版要求素質32F 01/25 12:00
Recoverism: 不是啊NBA版為啥不能翻這種,還扯到素質33F 01/25 12:30
kingroy: Gasol弟表示,問我哥好嗎34F 01/25 12:34
sosad0128: 記者:(不是阿我主管就叫我去問Gasol我怎麼知道35F 01/25 12:42
dingdong103: 26樓...第一段就寫了M Gasol了,你還要看到最後一段?不過不意外,有些人連內文都不看就推文了36F 01/25 12:57
karmel: 要問Pau Gasol吧38F 01/25 13:53
hit0123: 26樓該去檢查視力了...39F 01/25 15:08
shenjade: 感謝翻譯40F 01/25 15:13
killer922: 問他哥才對吧,問他幹嘛....41F 01/25 16:35
IRPT001: P甲獸:42F 01/25 17:47
kissung: 問嫂子好嗎43F 01/25 19:34

作者 pneumo 的最新發文:
(pneumo.): [外絮] 問到Kobe過世周年 M.Gasol:我真的無法討論 - NBA板