看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [花邊] AD在板凳區替隊友加油的動作
時間 Fri Mar 19 13:44:18 2021

來源: ClutchPoints
網址: https://tinyurl.com/56uxeks7
Lakers news: Anthony Davis euro stepping after Talen Horton-Tucker layup
Los Angeles Lakers guard Talen Horton-Tucker's euro-step is indeed a thing of beauty, that even injured teammate Anthony Davis can't help but emulate  ...


Lakers’ Anthony Davis caught Euro-stepping after Talen Horton-Tucker reverse
湖人Talen Horton-Tucker反手上籃得分後 AD在湖人板凳區慶祝的動作

Los Angeles Lakers guard Talen Horton-Tucker’s euro-step is indeed a thing
of beauty, that even injured teammate Anthony Davis can’t help but emulate
his move while on the bench. THT once again pulled off that deceitful
side-step against the Charlotte Hornets on Thursday at Staples Center.
湖人後衛Talen Horton-Tucker的歐洲步真的是好看,好看到因傷沒辦法上場的AD都忍不住

The Lakers sophomore brilliantly used Motrezl Harrell’s screen to get away
from Terry Rozier before making a complete fool of Cody Zeller on his way to
the cup. Horton Tucker went right before going back to his left and finishing
a nifty lay-up over the 7-footer.
二年級生THT聰明的用了Motrezl Harrell的身體擋住了Terry Rozier的防守,然後用歐洲
步騙過了Cody Zeller上籃,先是往右後來變成往左,最後上籃得分。

影片: https://twitter.com/i/status/1372756525400301573
Los Angeles Lakers
AD is First Team All-Bench Celebrations  

(: @SpectrumSN)

That finish got the seal of approval from The Brow, who celebrated by
mimicking THT. AD’s festive mood continued a few possessions later when
Wesley Matthews drained a triple and he flashed his teammate’s bow and arrow
Wesley Mattews投進三分球,他給了他的隊友一個弓箭射出的動作。


模仿THT: https://imgur.com/U6YXBBB.jpg
弓箭射出: https://imgur.com/daw7Muu.jpg

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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1616132664.A.279.html
a3221715: 啦啦隊長1F 03/19 13:45
l2l: 不能做場上最強的人 就做板凳上最靚的啦啦隊2F 03/19 13:45
sx642220012: 這誰?整天拿個ipad裝高手,還以為是工作人員3F 03/19 13:46
sxzc: ...眼神 甲上4F 03/19 13:46
lasts: 暫停學姿勢5F 03/19 13:46
nnkj: 瘋狂假面6F 03/19 13:47
george7825: AD:渣哇魯豆!7F 03/19 13:48
srwcc: jojo?8F 03/19 13:48
queen100000: AD來湖人後整個綜藝化9F 03/19 13:48
c6500123000: ㄈㄈㄈㄈㄈ10F 03/19 13:48
joystation: 暫停學姿勢11F 03/19 13:49
live147222: 隊安,勿念12F 03/19 13:49
Weikey: AD本來就很綜藝了...
不是來湖人才變這樣的....13F 03/19 13:49
ken720331: 在湖人曝光率會高15F 03/19 13:49
pighong: 去年都是魔獸麥基在負責慶祝,總是要接班人的16F 03/19 13:50
TheoEpstein: JOJO立XDDDDDD17F 03/19 13:51
TRFgee: 受傷了還會到場邊表演
氣氛應該不錯18F 03/19 13:52
markvend: AD Carrrrrry20F 03/19 13:54
QAQer: 哪裡想得到 總有一天居然是一眉繼承myboy的衣缽21F 03/19 13:55
ID1: https://imgur.com/PRHWA2L.jpg  跳少女時代的舞啦22F 03/19 13:56
icou: 口noAD撒馬打!!!!!!!23F 03/19 13:57
atmmaxing: 養傷加上戰績大哥罩 氣氛爆表歡樂24F 03/19 13:57
silencepap: 悶到瘋掉25F 03/19 13:57
duece0927: AD也懂JOJO立26F 03/19 13:57
Verlander35: 暫停學姿勢!27F 03/19 13:58
w9: 世界28F 03/19 13:59
taikonkimo: 稱職啦啦隊29F 03/19 14:03
Hiara: jojo30F 03/19 14:05
zego41: 少麥基跟魔獸 不然這場下超歡樂的xd31F 03/19 14:07
Ensidia: 湖人戰績還行啊 有穩住了32F 03/19 14:08
nikesb: 老漢場場發功,讓AD自嗨爽爽33F 03/19 14:11
LBJ23: 假如沒有AD湖人還可以西一    老詹MVP就穩了34F 03/19 14:12
q10250826: 場邊AD一動也不動35F 03/19 14:12
sunnyyoung: 新一代舞王36F 03/19 14:14
gydiaw: 渣 哇魯豆 (重低音)37F 03/19 14:17
billyhuan: 暫停學姿勢XD38F 03/19 14:17
madyoungN: 第一張超JOJO的39F 03/19 14:18
ilikepili: 不好意思,一日球迷發問...這沒有走步或翻球嗎謝解答40F 03/19 14:21
sampsonlu919: 被籃球事業耽誤的舞王兼諧星41F 03/19 14:22
Hsan: ゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴ42F 03/19 14:26
Siika: jojo立44F 03/19 14:27
Hsan: https://i.imgur.com/HcrBzJZ.jpg 這個比較像吧
轉個90度角就是了XD45F 03/19 14:28
sosad0128: 收球踩兩步沒走步阿,發問的問題點在哪47F 03/19 14:31
Bigcookie2: 歐拉歐拉歐拉歐拉歐拉歐拉歐拉48F 03/19 14:31
VVinSaber: 第一張圖是jojo立吧ww249F 03/19 14:32
Bigcookie2: LBJ:AD 快用你的白金之星想想辦法啊!!!!!50F 03/19 14:32
c332008: ゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴゴ51F 03/19 14:33
no321: https://i.imgur.com/yQWdyJy.jpg wryyyyyyyyy52F 03/19 14:33
ralfeistein: 第一個是在擺JOJO立嗎?53F 03/19 14:37
b2305911: 原來也是個喜愛JOJO的人(?54F 03/19 14:37
windsad2006: JOJO笑死我55F 03/19 14:39
atmmaxing: 不推 歐拉歐拉歐拉歐拉 不行56F 03/19 14:41
kevin46833: 好好養傷就好……57F 03/19 14:44
islandant: 有種魔性58F 03/19 14:44
ralfeistein: 露伴 https://imgur.com/jaeGt2T.gif59F 03/19 14:46
takechance: JOJO立 笑死60F 03/19 14:50
wwwxxx1999: AD第一張這是jojo立吧???62F 03/19 14:59
Saynai: 阿星:我想當啦啦隊,小刀:不行63F 03/19 15:00
MrSatan: 王者沙奎接班人!64F 03/19 15:20
lwswjs: WM的箭 板凳默契好好65F 03/19 15:25
byemissif: 為什麼我覺得AD拉弓的樣子有點帥...濕了66F 03/19 15:25
LiamMcMorrow: JOJO!!!67F 03/19 15:36
ptp123456: 呀啦呀啦打賊69F 03/19 15:48

作者 pneumo 的最新發文:
(pneumo.): [花邊] AD在板凳區替隊友加油的動作 - NBA板