看板 NBA
作者 tonyparker18 (tonyparker183)
標題 [情報] Andre Drummond與騎士正式完成買斷
時間 Sat Mar 27 03:51:35 2021


Shams Charania
Andre Drummond has agreed to a contract buyout with the Cleveland Cavaliers and will become a free agent, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium.

Andre Drummond has agreed to a contract buyout with the Cleveland Cavaliers an
d will become a free agent, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium.

Bleacher Report
Andre Drummond has agreed to a contract buyout with the Cavs, per @ShamsCharania

Drummond is now a free agent.

Andre Drummond has agreed to a contract buyout with the Cavs, per @ShamsCharan

Drummond is now a free agent.


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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WNZjAIY (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1616788298.A.4A2.html
nekoten: 上車囉1F 03/27 03:53
LBJ23: C:抓猛 PF:AGG SF:KD SG:KI PG:Harden  這樣幾冠?2F 03/27 03:53
annela: 新冠吧3F 03/27 03:55
Kazmier: 應該是湖人啦4F 03/27 03:56
yuyian0118: 要來了嗎5F 03/27 04:02
HellFly: 恭喜湖人衛冕6F 03/27 04:04
kiralin: 湖迷我先不抱期待 QQ7F 03/27 04:05
tupacshkur: 湖人二連霸8F 03/27 04:06
ELV420: 上車囉9F 03/27 04:07
joey0207: 洛杉磯可以規劃封路了 LA香檳廠商也要加緊囤貨了10F 03/27 04:07
LBJ23: 應該是湖人名單:DH(2013) AGG(2015) PG(2018)11F 03/27 04:08
LBJ23: Kawhi(2020)
a503006: 抱歉 要去我艇了13F 03/27 04:16
carefreex: 我賽先謝了14F 03/27 04:19
pttxx: 快艇起飛囉15F 03/27 04:24
kyoko3678906: https://i.imgur.com/xZ1UnrY.png
不用擔心好嗎 一定去你湖的啦16F 03/27 04:26
LBJ23: 一定去籃網的啦18F 03/27 04:28
TnairB: 尼克別來亂19F 03/27 04:28
SeanR: 現在是舒服大賽嗎20F 03/27 04:29
bakedgrass: 湖人準備好了21F 03/27 05:00
a503006:  https://i.imgur.com/rYiXrNU.jpg
放心啦 湖人來抬轎完一定是去你艇的啦22F 03/27 05:07
krodang: 可以宣布湖人二連霸了24F 03/27 05:08
klj5462: 笑死 一開始是我艇被抓包就變你艇 精神錯亂是不是?25F 03/27 05:11
BlackCatXI: 二樓陣容太美26F 03/27 05:14
wewe44556: LBJ23 湖人來了你怎麼辦27F 03/27 05:41
JessicaA1ba: 宇宙艇爽翻28F 03/27 06:42
King5566: 去湖人我吃樓下懶叫29F 03/27 06:55
CenaWang: 準備上車?30F 03/27 07:18
david8840505: 不得不說湖人真的抬價仔55531F 03/27 07:26
kobe7785075: 湖人!!32F 03/27 07:29
sonesnsdsosi: 卡位33F 03/27 07:33
Taeja: 湖人收34F 03/27 07:35
everybody417: 抓猛:我以為LAC是湖人35F 03/27 07:37
overpolo: 誤認湖人為Cakers 合理36F 03/27 08:04
ghost069: 恭喜湖人37F 03/27 08:05
rokobe01: 新竹攻城獅歡迎你38F 03/27 08:19
chadford: 來我網冠軍就穩了39F 03/27 08:22
kbgarnett: 30樓要被29樓吃了40F 03/27 08:27
a949949: 來我獨可以嗎41F 03/27 08:47
roger2623900: 都買斷了是要抬什麼轎XD 錢又不會更多42F 03/27 09:08
jedisteven: 來我湖吧43F 03/27 09:11
waterCoka: 目前湖人這陣容,如果真的補了抓猛也沒啥用吧
少了LBJ就整個不行了,AD也還沒回來44F 03/27 09:23
hbkhhhdx2006: 補抓夢當然是要看以後雙星都回來啊= =46F 03/27 09:30
ak74box: 馬甲變抓猛怎麼可能沒用,笑死47F 03/27 09:32
zackluu: 湖人穩了48F 03/27 10:16
bemjamen123: 卡 記得直播吃懶叫 不要只會嘴砲49F 03/27 10:19
a1ibooda: 超越籃網三星了50F 03/27 10:35
wuzhenwei: 希望來太陽51F 03/27 10:59
fack3170: 我湖52F 03/27 11:25
cool41723: 二樓那種組合還是在2k裡面比較快53F 03/27 11:43
Achilles5656: 不懂湖迷為什麼要裝成別隊球迷XD54F 03/27 14:30
zaza1128: 如果是湖人我會翻桌55F 03/27 16:00
dylancdylanc: 樓上我想看你開直播翻桌呢...56F 03/27 16:33

作者 tonyparker18 的最新發文:
(tonyparker18.): [情報] Andre Drummond與騎士正式完成買斷 - NBA板