看板 NBA
作者 RobertLucas (Rational Expectation)
標題 [討論] KD是不是想轉挑戰最佳GM?
時間 Fri Apr  2 13:47:44 2021

自從他和 KI相約來籃網後,養傷期間就招募 Harden

The 2-Month Trade Request: How James Harden Forced His Way Out of Houston | Bleacher Report | Latest News, Videos and Highlights
There is no simple, easy playbook for forcing a trade in the NBA . There is no way to demand a trade where every stakeholder's interest is indulged, w ...

(縮: https://tinyurl.com/mvc965kz )
The 2-Month Trade Request: How James Harden Forced His Way Out of Houston | Bleacher Report | Latest News, Videos and Highlights
There is no simple, easy playbook for forcing a trade in the NBA . There is no way to demand a trade where every stakeholder's interest is indulged, w ...


去年11月時就和 Harden 約訓練營,練著練著就說好要來籃網了,




Blake Griffin Reveals Kevin Durant is Nets Player That Recruited Him Most Heavily
11-year NBA veteran Blake Griffin reveals that it was Brooklyn Nets superstar Kevin Durant who did most of the heavy lifting while recruiting him. ...

(縮:https://tinyurl.com/72j3xkm3 )
Blake Griffin Reveals Kevin Durant is Nets Player That Recruited Him Most Heavily
11-year NBA veteran Blake Griffin reveals that it was Brooklyn Nets superstar Kevin Durant who did most of the heavy lifting while recruiting him. ...


Griffin: KD 是最努力招募我的球員

過了不久,又再招來 LMA:

Brooklyn Nets News Headlines
Latest stories including team news, game recaps, and writer features. ...

(縮: https://tinyurl.com/4bbxwbbr )
LaMarcus Aldridge Answered Kevin Durant's Quick Call | Brooklyn Nets
A skilled shooter and post-up scorer, LaMarcus Aldridge adds to Brooklyn's frontcourt. ...


LMA: 我一被買斷時,KD馬上就和我連繫,要我一定加入他們



請問 KD若轉GM,是不是可以無痛轉職?

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[討論] KD是不是想轉挑戰最佳GM?
04-02 13:47 RobertLucas.
roger2623900: 他最閒啊 客串個GM不行嗎XD1F 04/02 13:49
seishin: 文有點廢w2F 04/02 13:50
fack3170: 最廢文3F 04/02 13:51
tonyparker18: KD連最佳GM都不放過 硬要跟喇叭比4F 04/02 13:52
martinshi: 反正我是信了5F 04/02 13:53
apestage: 46F 04/02 13:53
cigarette032: 代表KD實力強阿7F 04/02 13:54
new1974: 就是要全面槓老詹8F 04/02 13:55
hbkhhhdx2006: KD招募:最佳GM,LBJ招募:又在抱腿9F 04/02 13:56
tim900127: 最佳gm應該要入圍吧10F 04/02 13:56
SEVEnMonth: KD休息也只是在推特打嘴砲,很閒,多打2通電話而已11F 04/02 14:03
gowaa: 看來KD就算退休 應該也立刻會有工作12F 04/02 14:03
yuanpower: Kd去勇士結果都是說勇士抱腿13F 04/02 14:04
WJ: 就反詹聯盟阿...還看不懂??14F 04/02 14:05
Xenoglossia: 都是說勇士抱腿?我就說他投降跪舔15F 04/02 14:08
chuchu000: KD:明星賽只是跟你玩玩的16F 04/02 14:09
Willysun7: 抱團結果發現自己是最粗的那條腿17F 04/02 14:23
wish8042: 明星賽選的好只有爽一天,正規賽選的好才能拿冠軍18F 04/02 14:29
shingo135r: 完全以其人之道還其人之身...19F 04/02 14:30
RandyOrlando: 當年就敗在抱腿之下 當然要學起來阿20F 04/02 14:33
Xenoglossia: 講敗在抱腿之下 可是當年是勇士都過不了才跪舔www21F 04/02 14:41
PirateAC: 每一步都走在LBJ後面,真心魔22F 04/02 14:43
shingo135r: 但組團打電話身兼GM跟某人是真的很像23F 04/02 14:43
IB1SA: 姆斯大弟子 還4純血鄉民 比想像更有料24F 04/02 14:50
UCboy: 姆斯還在為明星賽沾沾自喜時 KD早就朝總冠軍前進了25F 04/02 14:57
sammy5062: 已經敗過熱火三王26F 04/02 15:01
ODFans: KD在嘴綠身上學到 被招募的只會是打工仔 招募人的可以留下來27F 04/02 15:11
allmygod: 走姆斯模式 兄弟籃球 電話直通 完美的捷徑29F 04/02 15:20
roger2623900: 自己招募才能在回顧影片把自己剪進去30F 04/02 15:21
testttt: GM只是兼差 正職是發Twitter31F 04/02 15:27
allyourshit: KD:在推特戰場上才剛戰勝一位導演 嘴爆他 必取死X頭32F 04/02 15:35
tommica33: 組團我只服LBJ33F 04/02 15:48
silentsky555: KD本來就main投資阿 招募對他來說小事34F 04/02 16:47
jeffsu: 當年傭兵身分被勇士高層看不起 現在自己當老大最爽35F 04/02 16:55
airandy1102: 喇叭:事情開始有趣起來了(笑36F 04/02 17:39

(RobertLucas.): [討論] KD是不是想轉挑戰最佳GM? - NBA板