看板 NBA
作者 mingonly (字母鋼)
標題 [外絮] Skip:籃網組團是因為怕詹姆斯?這真是
時間 Thu Apr  1 06:06:35 2021


All they're doing in Brooklyn is trying to win a championship it's not about
 Lebron it's about them. Them and them only Sean Marks came from the spurs h
e knows only spurs dynasty and he said we've got to recreate a dynasty here
. and i'm going to do it i'm going to pull out every stop to do it. And i'm
going to go get steve nash to run this show as the coach and he's a two-time
  MVP. So i'm going for star power and if i can convince kyrie to come here
maybe he can convince KD to come here. And then  they convinced james harden
 to come and then the dominoes kept falling everybody wanted to be in brookl

Skip Bayless:他們在籃網所做的一切都是為了奪冠,這跟詹姆斯無關,籃網總經理(S
ean Marks)來自於馬刺,他知道有關於馬刺王朝的事,他說,我們要在布魯克林籃網建

When did they do it in san antonio?


What do you mean?they they were a dynasty


Yeah they were,but I'm saying when did they go outside and says okey,i want
one i want the best player over here and i want the best player over there


Okey well they kept surrounding Duncan Parker and Ginobili whom they draft t
hey stole in the draft the second two not first one but the second two, that
 did through the draft more than they did it through free agency


Okey,So here's the point. There's story last week and it's some trainer who
lives out here supposedly allegedly close to lebron and he supposedly allege
dly keeps in close touch with kyrie kd james harden and he's saying they're
all scared of lebron james. that is the biggest joke  i've ever heard.


Trust me kevin Durant is not afraid of lebron james. he went into lebron hou
se in back to back game threes. In the NBA finals and took the game over At
lebron's expense


and because he did that twice in a row he won back-to-back finals MVP, and i
 just thought he was the best player on the floor and he emerged as the best
 player on the planet. And again maybe when he was a baby he had fear of leb
ron,but he ain't a baby anymore. And Kyrie never had any fear of lebron in f
act he was the only player ever just stood up tp lebron and challenged him t
he moment the lebron came home, and they clashed repeatedly because kyrie sa
id i can do things you can't do and i'm not going to Listen to your


But Ki couldn't win,Kyrie was in the lottery every year. Kyrie got Andrew Wi
ggins,Anthony Bennett
,Dion waiters,the one thing kyrie could not do without lebron was win

Shannon:但是Kyrie無法贏球,Kyrie每年都在樂透區,Kyrie坦到了Andrew Wiggins,坦
到了Anthony Bennett,Dion Waiters,少了詹姆斯,Kyrie唯一做不到的事情就是贏球

One thing kyrie could do lebron can't do is close because kyrie hit the shot

 of shots game seven at oracle to ein lebron a championship


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bakedgrass: Skip不意外1F 04/01 06:08
pennykidd: 不過就是一球 吹上天了啊2F 04/01 06:14
camelot0603: 我記得他好像討厭老詹?3F 04/01 06:16
sorryla: 原來2016最後比分是0:3險勝那顆關鍵三分,失敬失敬4F 04/01 06:16
scottham: 被回的第一句就打臉打的啪啪響5F 04/01 06:16
g987669: 馬刺那段被打臉到不行,skip慘喔6F 04/01 06:18
airandy1102: 笑死,這不是擺明了就是怕爆姆斯7F 04/01 06:22
Pinky555: 怕姆斯(X) 不想跟你同隊而已XD8F 04/01 06:24
XSZX: 可他們爭冠路上最大的阻礙就是詹姆斯啊!他們所有的抱團強化就是怕阻礙斷了他們的争冠之路,所以說他們怕詹姆斯完全沒錯啊!9F 04/01 06:38
bakedgrass: 2016硬生生砍了最高分咬住比賽算不算LBJ能做KI不能12F 04/01 06:43
hanslins: 我相信他們不怕喇叭,但是把喇叭當成最大敵人。把36歲喇叭當神一樣對待13F 04/01 06:43
bakedgrass: 做的事情?這傢伙根本就是被反駁以後就跳針別的話題15F 04/01 06:44
kart: Skip自己都說了他節目上的角色就是逢詹必反增加效果他說這些不就是不斷自打嘴巴嗎?湖人現在就是衛冕軍所以在被打敗之前,29隊本來就是要跨過他們,至於KD怕不怕老詹,我知道他站在73勝的球隊上時他不怕啊,失去了73勝怕不怕,就組六星集團就好囉 ^.<16F 04/01 06:45
adway: 致敬組團詹21F 04/01 06:50
dindaofay: 果然戰成一團囉22F 04/01 06:54
※ 編輯: mingonly ( 臺灣), 04/01/2021 06:57:46
k20057: 他是詹酸吧23F 04/01 06:58
zaqpptuse: skip很氣喔講話有夠低能24F 04/01 06:59
CarlosJR: 馬刺何時是王朝了  一次連霸都沒有過25F 04/01 07:01
ljk476820: 拿馬刺跟籃網比.?笑倒26F 04/01 07:02
poolo: Skip整個胡言亂語,要酸也認真點吧27F 04/01 07:12
uuss: 邏輯堪慮28F 04/01 07:12
HansonBobo: 可憐29F 04/01 07:15
theowing: 都2021年了Skip講話還有人會認真喔30F 04/01 07:18
jellyno1: skip沒邏輯31F 04/01 07:21
hohoman: 連例子都不會舉,合體詹在西區未組團的狀況下,連季後賽都進不了,舉這個就夠了。
打嬴73勇,也是搞了全盟第二大合體天團,這有什麼好歌頌?32F 04/01 07:27
birdman5656: skip好氣pu
ho什麼的也是36F 04/01 07:30
kiff: 馬刺什麼時候這樣做了? 這句笑死38F 04/01 07:31
nameless22: Skip的人設就是詹酸大將軍啊 連奪冠的當下都在酸39F 04/01 07:34
IBIZA: 怕姆斯(X)  怕姆斯組更大團(O)40F 04/01 07:40
NIKOGAKU: 講的話跟板上詹酸一模一樣呢 無視所有數據2隊第一只看超前那球就好 前一球才敗掉差點被小ai超前呢41F 04/01 07:44
applesck: 明明看起來就是很怕43F 04/01 07:50
nameless22: 這個節目的人設就是詹迷(Shannon)對決詹酸 (Skip)永遠在節目上吵來吵去 有時還沒有看板上對決的精彩.44F 04/01 07:55
hunt5566: 這咖之前湖人奪冠後,節目請來snoop dogg,結果skip整個被嗆慘,他說什麼都被狗爺狠狠打臉46F 04/01 07:58
danorken: 又一個再利用喇叭工作的  可憐哪48F 04/01 08:00
pounil: Skip笑死 被一一打臉49F 04/01 08:04
leo255112: 姆斯是不是畏懼了GAP才組LCD50F 04/01 08:07
tkuce1b: 呵 詹酸一個樣51F 04/01 08:08
iamchyun: Skip是不是詹酸浮木?52F 04/01 08:14
Jthepopper: 供三小53F 04/01 08:16
ks96021019: 看skip這詹酸跳針邏輯不就鄉民縮影,超像弱智54F 04/01 08:18
roger2623900: SKIP只有第一句是對的XD 後面不知道在講三小55F 04/01 08:25
LiamMcMorrow: Skip與SAS,兩大詹黑總愛搬弄是非56F 04/01 08:25
shortimex: 其他人我不知道 但KD很想遇到喇叭吧 一直射一直爽誰不要啊57F 04/01 08:31
listen08: 阿要奪冠不就是挑戰去年的衛冕軍,正常思維呀,特地澄清有點多餘59F 04/01 08:35
JimmyBlue: Skip&Shannon綜藝味滿濃的
不過還是比SAS好一點61F 04/01 08:38
shananx: 笑死~
手下敗寇有啥好怕的63F 04/01 08:42
wizoz22770: 呵65F 04/01 08:42
mmchen: KD愛死姆斯了吧66F 04/01 08:44
dindaofay: 說組團是因為怕姆斯滿好笑,但Skip舉的例子真的蠻爛的67F 04/01 08:51
jeffsu: 這種做效果的茶餘飯後笑笑就好 認真幹嘛69F 04/01 08:58
er800100: KD當然怕老詹 自卑感到現在都很明顯70F 04/01 09:00
LeehomLee: 馬刺是王朝...勉強給過 史上唯一隔年奪冠的王朝71F 04/01 09:06
aterthy: KD天天被姆迷出征 怕死了72F 04/01 09:07
kinasem: 拿5冠不是王朝?很多人1冠就吹上天了73F 04/01 09:11
trayman: 笑死 明明就怕爆老詹 搶不到老詹的總冠就組大團 真沒志氣74F 04/01 09:13
kaodio: 3連霸算 2連霸勉強 跳著拿的也算30隊有很多都王朝76F 04/01 09:14
f860506: 那LBJ是不是怕塞爾提克?怕馬刺?77F 04/01 09:16
kaodio: 用有打進冠軍賽來看那LBJ也要算了是吧XD78F 04/01 09:18
apestage: KD 那個陣容 笑死 兩個人腳色互換 看LBJ拿幾冠
KD今天沒去勇士 還在0冠
當年雷霆三少 對熱火三王  KD被虐到歪頭 哈79F 04/01 09:18
Newstart: 兩個鄉民在聊天...82F 04/01 09:20
artistno1231: 馬刺跟勇士本來就是王朝!
官方都認證過了...到底是誰說三連霸才是王朝?不服的話,寫信去給官方吧!83F 04/01 09:20
goury: 那LBJ當然是怕塞爾提克、怕馬刺,不然當年怎麼被酸86F 04/01 09:25
topyaeh: 可憐87F 04/01 09:25
joulin: KD加入勇士之前 真的被LBJ打假的  輸多贏少88F 04/01 09:26
ZBeta: 快笑死89F 04/01 09:29
ApAzusa126: 要像前幾樓那樣說的話,籃網也不怕喇叭啊,只是怕有AD的喇叭90F 04/01 09:31
Superted: 最後一句頗討噓的,要認真拿絕殺數據來比怕不把臉打得啪啪響92F 04/01 09:32
ApAzusa126: 不然前年那支樂透隊誰會怕94F 04/01 09:32
IronKobe5566: 請問老詹是怕誰才交易來AD?95F 04/01 09:42
Bz5566: 別人抱腿抱到頭破血流不還不見得有1冠
馬刺5冠不能算王朝 笑死96F 04/01 09:48
qazwsx855193: 笑死  要酸也不做功課的代表欸==98F 04/01 09:51
gameking16: KI就是沒大人贏不了球啊...天生老二命99F 04/01 09:51
ThreeNG: 王朝公認的定義一直都是三連霸啊100F 04/01 09:56
roger2623900: 講補強是因為怕誰就真的蠻莫名其妙的XD 不就是想拿冠而已101F 04/01 09:58
blake1003: 呵呵 小丑耍寶103F 04/01 10:00
f860506: KD被LBJ打假的?12年總決賽KD對上三巨頭數據也沒輸104F 04/01 10:02
joulin: 我是說輸贏 你在說數據
要說數據的話 那LBJ哪有被KD勇打假的? 他數據很差?所以可以說LBJ被KD勇打假的 不能說KD被LBJ打假的喔106F 04/01 10:06
tatata: 講什麼邏輯不通XD109F 04/01 10:07
psybuster: 怎麼會怕,應該是尊敬姆斯抱團才學習啊110F 04/01 10:14
snow1212: 所以2011姆斯組團是怕馬刺賽爾提克?
姆斯20跟21連組二大團又是怕藍網?111F 04/01 10:16
Gentile: 姆斯隊友都蠻怕他的吧114F 04/01 10:23
erosha: 這個人厲害了 lol115F 04/01 10:46
AStigma: 第一段這打臉聲穿透螢幕了啊XDD116F 04/01 11:32
bores: 怕不怕姆斯我不知道 但我知道他們怕姆斯的組團能力117F 04/01 12:38
qaz19wsx96: 他們可能覺得最大的阻礙是爵士啊...湖人能不能到他們面前都不知道118F 04/01 13:29

作者 mingonly 的最新發文:
(mingonly.): [外絮] Skip:籃網組團是因為怕詹姆斯?這真是笑話 - NBA板