看板 NBA
作者 RobertLucas (Rational Expectation)
標題 [花邊] KD 忙碌的一天
時間 Wed Apr 14 09:35:16 2021


NBA 記者Shannon Sharpe 把 KD粉絲頁的內容當真,在節目中大加評論
GOAT Sports Analyst

I don’t think @KDTrey5 said that

Kevin Durant
Y’all drunk uncle out here lying again. When did I say this @ShannonSharpe ???????????????????????????https://twitter.com/goatanalyst/status/1381747788283834368 …

I don’t think @KDTrey5 said that

Shannon 閃躲,用老梗回擊,暗示KD也許用了假帳號,
shannon sharpe
Y’all remember the fake account when KD said: now everybody wanna play for the heat and Lakers? Let’s go back to being competitive and going at these peoples. Then joins 73-9 warriors and builds Nets into a superpower with Kyrie and Harden. OMGhttps://twitter.com/kukhahilnba/status/1381981964765368322 …

Do you y’all remember that fake Twitter account that was putting out fake quotes? THIS WAS ONE OF THE FAKE QUOTES FROM THAT ACCOUNT!

@ShannonSharpe bruh, you gotta do your research before you just start believing anything on this app https://twitter.com/kdtrey5/status/1381795070089773059 …

Kevin Durant
Ole Shannon refuses to respond to me. Yo Shannon why are u using your platform to push fake quotes about me???

Shannon 還是不正面回應,說:KD,我們不要在社群媒體上筆戰了,
shannon sharpe
KD, IF* you wanna talk to me. I’m not hard to find, but I’m not going bck and forth on social media. Whatever our differences are. They can be handled out of the eye of social media. https://twitter.com/kdtrey5/status/1381990313158381569 …
Ole Shannon refuses to respond to me. Yo Shannon why are u using your platform to push fake quotes about me???

KD: 我們公開談啊,憑什麼你可以在電視上公然造假,現在卻要私了?
Kevin Durant
We can talk in front of everybody, it ain’t that serious Shannon, u go on tv in front of everybody pushing fake shit but now u wanna talk in private??? Why u lying on tv Shannon???

Shannon 決定退出戰局,祝 KD 身體健康後,把KD封鎖了
shannon sharpe
KD, enjoy your day. Stay healthy and finish the season off strong. https://twitter.com/kdtrey5/status/1381998962375266308 …
We can talk in front of everybody, it ain’t that serious Shannon, u go on tv in front of everybody pushing fake shit but now u wanna talk in private??? Why u lying on tv Shannon???

KD: 還有人說我玻璃心…
Kevin Durant
But I’m sensitive

你以為 Shannon 退戰後就結束了嗎?
Kevin Durant
U callin a grown man Unc cuz he on tv is Suspect, have some respect for your real uncle

筆戰完後,他場上出賽27分鐘砍下31分,7成3命中率,+/-值 32

不論日夜,場內場外,真正的MVP,沒有休息的權力   Q_Q

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WTaRRDC (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1618364123.A.34C.html
jasongo: XDDDD1F 04/14 09:36
Borges: 真.戰神2F 04/14 09:36
xxivz102: 美國鄉長3F 04/14 09:36
HellFly: 笑死 KD:KD才沒有玻璃心4F 04/14 09:36
SwissMiniGun: 發現勝利方程式  賽前先筆戰5F 04/14 09:37
dxwin0000: 笑死 被籃球耽誤的鄉民6F 04/14 09:37
roger2623900: 媒體就製造業啊 找他們戰幹嘛XD7F 04/14 09:37
Ikaruwill: 本業鄉民NBA只是兼差8F 04/14 09:37
boy1031: 老實說KD的心態也是好,在網路當酸民以一擋萬9F 04/14 09:37
bemjamen123: KD最好不要用到尼哥這個詞哦 要不然KI要開始當小公舉了==10F 04/14 09:37
SCLPAL: 戰神!!12F 04/14 09:37
tupacshkur: 戰神13F 04/14 09:38
lazybear1231: 笑死 記者還想挑戰鄉長阿14F 04/14 09:38
YeSerD: 根本打球發洩XD15F 04/14 09:38
BecKs0503: KD用過了16F 04/14 09:38
IaKoMu: 筆戰比打NBA還要累17F 04/14 09:38
luke031901: 真的是有實力才敢大聲 XD18F 04/14 09:39
madeathmao: 記者太沒品了,被電爆就裝死19F 04/14 09:39
earldunn: 親民的好球員20F 04/14 09:39
idolman: 真的是忙碌的一天21F 04/14 09:40
MarkeleFultz: 不太神啦
太神啦22F 04/14 09:40
somanyee: KD很耐戰耶!24F 04/14 09:41
corlos: 推特MVP25F 04/14 09:41
keepstudying: 將時間拿來追這種事情,也真的很無聊26F 04/14 09:41
YFL12: twitter MVP27F 04/14 09:42
silentsky555: NBA鄉長28F 04/14 09:42
Eric0605: 記者也戰不過KD29F 04/14 09:42
emptie: 如果NBA有社群媒體嘴炮獎 kd一定是贏家30F 04/14 09:42
bbbruce: 推特戰神31F 04/14 09:42
deadeyedan: 鍵盤界的GOAT真的當之無遺32F 04/14 09:43
f860506: 笑死 真忙碌33F 04/14 09:43
shifa: 鄉長現在沒這麼強好嗎?我大KD 94不一樣34F 04/14 09:43
willy911006: GOAT35F 04/14 09:43
mib999888: 全世界記者都很垃圾啊36F 04/14 09:43
dda: 被籃球耽誤的天才鄉民37F 04/14 09:44
bemjamen123: 置板凳坐等Ki叫KD不要用尼哥這個詞38F 04/14 09:44
Wall62: Twitter 的 GOAT39F 04/14 09:44
kaorikawai: KD哪有被耽誤  根本雙線進行40F 04/14 09:44
alligator176: 杯子蛋糕弱爆尼哥41F 04/14 09:44
corlos: 鍵盤GOAT 不知道圓仔會不會出鍵盤聯名款
黑白鍵盤  KD軸(比青軸還吵)42F 04/14 09:45
XiaoAnn: KI酸很急XDD44F 04/14 09:45
Y1999: 鄉民是本業,打球只是興趣45F 04/14 09:46
Strasburg: Shannon真的欠鞭46F 04/14 09:46
hanslins: 笑死47F 04/14 09:46
live147222: KD的推特時間好多喔48F 04/14 09:47
Ikaruwill: 看KD鄉民化會比看哪個球員灑了多少錢或摸了幾個大屁股還要有趣多了49F 04/14 09:48
live147222: KD來PTT應該就是那種會被反串釣爆的51F 04/14 09:48
wylscott: KD這回拿下勝利 球場網路都贏 XD52F 04/14 09:48
Wall62: 鍵盤界的 GOAT53F 04/14 09:48
ksk0516: 屌打全票MVP,太屌啦!!54F 04/14 09:49
monmo: https://tinyurl.com/3j38rzyu 這則好好笑55F 04/14 09:49
Kevin Durant's Burner ➐
KD on Twitter
Bigcookie2: 這傢伙就LBJ粉阿
捧LBJ 酸其他球員不遺餘力56F 04/14 09:51
js0431: NBA鄉民代表58F 04/14 09:54
bemjamen123: 講實話也是酸酸哦笑死 ki不是要幫忙淨化世界 連自己隊友都沒辦法淨化 還想要全世界59F 04/14 09:55
f860506: 可愛又迷人的反派角色61F 04/14 09:55
linfon00: 敢跟最新鄉民挑戰 真廢62F 04/14 09:56
AhirunoSora: 把氣出在球場上63F 04/14 09:56
bigbug6024: 戰神是不會休息的64F 04/14 09:56
linfon00: 最強65F 04/14 09:56
ciafbi007: 國外記者也是小時候不讀書的類型嗎66F 04/14 09:57
piwolf: 這記者真的廢到笑 被電爆就裝死 還封鎖對方67F 04/14 09:57
dadidi: 好愛嘴…還好他真的天賦高夠強XD68F 04/14 09:58
pf775101: KD:我是推特達人,打球只是副業69F 04/14 09:58
IrvingKyrie: nba酸民數量跟中職酸民數量差那麼多也拿來比70F 04/14 09:58
ahinetn123: KD:我要戰鬥 我要戰鬥71F 04/14 10:00
lickllll: 聽起來好屌72F 04/14 10:00
newtypeL9: 他真的是筆戰興趣的哈哈73F 04/14 10:00
onthesea: 讚 不爽直接嗆 KD已經成長了 懶得用分身了74F 04/14 10:00
UndeadBird: KD 推特戰神75F 04/14 10:01
CMPunk: Shannon跟skip兩個看久了其實蠻好笑的 很像在講相76F 04/14 10:01
a98061438: 笑死78F 04/14 10:03
sxing6326: 姆咪敢挑釁KD,不怕人家在場上找你主子開涮嗎?79F 04/14 10:03
rongun: 推特完,去打球 好生活化80F 04/14 10:03
bcqqa7785: 《為了成為專職筆戰鄉民而逼不得已只能參加NBA賺取生活費的我》81F 04/14 10:04
ianasd: 辛苦的一天 要帶隊還要筆戰83F 04/14 10:05
Strasburg: 簡單的質問為何在電視上造假可以被封鎖84F 04/14 10:05
z840326z: KD真口愛85F 04/14 10:05
MK47: XDDDDDDD86F 04/14 10:05
HotDogCC: 喜歡KD在推特上的表現 懂完耶87F 04/14 10:06
Nobodyesi: 筆戰後心情都好了起來88F 04/14 10:08
Brucetk: 不知道是不是史上最愛筆戰的億萬鎂富翁89F 04/14 10:09
jyings0303: 球場死神,網上戰神90F 04/14 10:10
lyhorcish: 大街罵人,小巷道歉91F 04/14 10:10
Siika: 笑死92F 04/14 10:10
LABOYS: 有時候錯了就道歉就好,對公眾人物好像很難一樣 XD93F 04/14 10:10
Timmy21: KD真的好有趣XDDD94F 04/14 10:11
LABOYS: 誰不會引用錯資料,有的時候拉不下臉結果更難看95F 04/14 10:11
RBC54321: 那記者真是弱到爆了96F 04/14 10:12
seiya1201: 以前我覺得KD內心很脆弱 現在我分不清楚他到底是堅強還是脆弱了?97F 04/14 10:12
bemjamen123: 講的好像只有kd會開涮哈哈 你還是管好你們的ki 他隨時會發作99F 04/14 10:14
HardDDDD: 很會打籃球的鄉民啦234F 04/14 21:31
fish0112: 樸實無華的KD一日235F 04/14 21:58
NOWITZKI4141: KD236F 04/14 22:47
Funkerz: XDDDDDD237F 04/15 01:49
tinhanho: kd: 我先虐一下場上那些麵包 你等著等等再炮你238F 04/15 02:22

作者 RobertLucas 的最新發文:
(RobertLucas.): [花邊] KD 忙碌的一天 - NBA板