看板 NBA
作者 crownschou (最狂的那種銅牌)
標題 [花邊] Scottie Pippen的大兒子過世
時間 Tue Apr 20 05:06:02 2021


I’m heartbroken to share that yesterday,
I said goodbye to my firstborn son Antron.
The two of us shared a love for basketball
and we had countless conversations
about the game.


Antron suffered from chronic asthma
and if he hadn’t had it, I truly believe
he would've made it to the NBA.
He never let that get him down,
though—Antron stayed positive and worked hard,
and I am so proud of the man that he became.


Please keep his mom, Karen,and all of his family
and friends in your thoughts and prayers.
A kind heart and beautiful soul gone way too soon.
I love you, son, rest easy until we meet again.


Scottie Pippen
I’m heartbroken to share that yesterday, I said goodbye to my firstborn son Antron. The two of us shared a love for basketball and we had countless conversations about the game. (1/3)



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WVV2zum (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1618866365.A.E30.html
※ 編輯: crownschou ( 臺灣), 04/20/2021 05:09:41
※ 編輯: crownschou ( 臺灣), 04/20/2021 05:10:43
daniel0721:   RIP1F 04/20 05:12
kuiyy: R.I.P2F 04/20 05:15
az400570437: RIP3F 04/20 05:18
jj980734: R.I.P4F 04/20 05:53
SaTzuNaMo: R.I.P5F 04/20 05:56
L1ON: QQ6F 04/20 06:13
lovetina: R.I.P                33歲....是前一段婚姻的小孩?7F 04/20 06:24
pote790315: R.I.P8F 04/20 06:28
chccang: rip9F 04/20 06:45
DarkHolbach: R.I.P,這年紀真的英年早逝10F 04/20 06:45
hanslins: rip11F 04/20 06:45
ocean921: R.I.P.12F 04/20 06:48
its0130: QQ13F 04/20 06:52
Toy17: R.I.P.14F 04/20 07:01
gzliu: R.I.P.15F 04/20 07:13
hiarpu: R.I.P.16F 04/20 07:14
Gorsky: RIP17F 04/20 07:19
samuel3939: rip18F 04/20 07:27
kevin2002013: R.I.P.19F 04/20 07:27
crishding: QQ20F 04/20 07:28
Taiwangogogo: Rest In Peace21F 04/20 07:31
krauser2: R.i.p22F 04/20 07:34
hasn8620: RIP23F 04/20 07:45
js0431: R.I.P.24F 04/20 07:45
bemjamen123: RIP25F 04/20 07:46
wishxuso: R. I.P26F 04/20 07:50
HoshiRyou: 節哀 不知道什麼原因27F 04/20 07:53
keceyouw: R.I.P.28F 04/20 08:04
hau7341: R.I.P.29F 04/20 08:05
SCLPAL: qwq rip30F 04/20 08:26
yoshro: R.I.P31F 04/20 08:30
gn01948540: 好年輕……rip32F 04/20 08:34
ivansam: RIP33F 04/20 08:37
hank9515600: ..好年輕 R.I.P34F 04/20 08:41
sexycute: R.I.P.35F 04/20 08:46
SkyReaching: RIP36F 04/20 08:48
elytsevol63: R.I.P37F 04/20 08:48
gatimercy: RIP...38F 04/20 08:54
dkramses: RIP39F 04/20 08:57
gcar: R.I.P.40F 04/20 08:59
pippen2002: RIP41F 04/20 09:02
WTF555666: R.I.P42F 04/20 09:05
scottant: R.I.P43F 04/20 09:21
zombierick: 你永遠不會知道,意外和明天哪個先來。44F 04/20 09:24
southernwood: RIP45F 04/20 09:29
darkyoyo: R.I.P46F 04/20 09:33
ac147963: RIP47F 04/20 09:35
shockyeu: R.I.P.48F 04/20 09:37
fighterss: R.I.P.49F 04/20 09:42
nimaj: R.I.P.50F 04/20 09:44
gogorice: Jr.繼承哥哥的遺志加油吧!!51F 04/20 09:46
qwer453: R.I.P52F 04/20 09:46
s5167267: R.I.P.53F 04/20 09:48
timothy21: R.I.P.54F 04/20 09:51
lhyjojo: RIP55F 04/20 10:02
eiki787: r.i.p..56F 04/20 10:08
sodistrues: rip57F 04/20 10:22
IB1SA: R.I.P.58F 04/20 10:26
eugene73727: R.I.P.59F 04/20 10:36
cv120345: R.I.P. 好年輕阿...60F 04/20 10:40
yshsieh6698: rip61F 04/20 10:54
evangelew: R.I.P.62F 04/20 11:22
sycc: R.I.P.63F 04/20 11:24
Bao: 嘖嘖 保握現在吧各位64F 04/20 11:25
DeaGoo: R.I.P.65F 04/20 12:33
BryantChan: 前幾天才看到老皮兒子準備參加選秀的新聞..沒想到..66F 04/20 12:47
ac197: R.I.P.67F 04/20 13:20
MrHeat: R.I.P.68F 04/20 13:48
webberfun: R.I.P69F 04/20 14:46
skyear: R.I.P.70F 04/20 15:02

(crownschou.): [花邊] Scottie Pippen的大兒子過世 - NBA板