看板 NBA
作者 LABOYS (洛城浪子)
標題 [外絮] Horton Tucker:Rose是芝加哥小孩的偶像
時間 Wed May 12 15:25:30 2021

Spectrum SportsNet
"It's big...not too many kids from Chicago can say they did that." @Thortontucker talks about his game-winner in OT over one of his boyhood idols in Derrick Rose. #LakeShow

Talen Horton-Tucker has known Derrick Rose for a long time, going to his
camps as a kid and now texting and keeping a friendly relationship in the
NBA. On the court, Rose flips a switch: "He's always keeping it competitive
when we're on the court, and I'm just trying to learn."

THT 是已經認識 Derrick Rose 很久了,芝加哥出身的他曾去參加過他的訓練營,
即使是進入 NBA 的現在現在也會發發簡訊,保持著很友好的關係。

但是當站上場後 Rose就會變成另一個人:


Talen Horton-Tucker grew up idolizing Rose, meeting him for the first time at
a store signing when the Chicago native was the No. 1 overall pick of the
Bulls.  Rose gave him a free basketball.

: "Do you still have it?"

THT: "No, it's adidas."

THT 從小就喜歡 Rose,當公牛以第一順位選入這位芝加哥在地好手時,
他也在一次的商場簽名活動和 Rose 首次碰面,那時候 Rose 給了他一個免費的籃球。


"不,那是愛迪達的。" < Nike 的

"It's big...not too many kids from Chicago can say they did that."
 talks about his game-winner in OT over one of his boyhood idols in Derrick

對於在自己的兒時偶像面前投進 OT 的關鍵球:

"確實意義重大...不是很多芝加哥出身的孩子能說他們曾在 Rose 面前投進這種球。"

Talen Horton-Tucker Hits the GAME-WINNER


其實今天被老經驗的 Rose 上課上了一整天,差點失誤上雙


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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1620804337.A.D7B.html
fred23: 推皇叔人很好1F 05/12 15:29
e4789215: 滿酷的2F 05/12 15:29
vance1024: "那是愛迪達的"wwww3F 05/12 15:29
b8454: 玫瑰~~~~~~~4F 05/12 15:30
k7626773: 推偶像Rose5F 05/12 15:30
davidturtle: 這隻以後一定是S級的6F 05/12 15:32
ilovekobe824: 淚推我羅7F 05/12 15:33
leg0125: 靠北放照片說他現在比rose老我也相信8F 05/12 15:35
asd831129: 雖然還很菜,不過湖人也算養出一名後場可用之兵9F 05/12 15:37
corlos: 魅力9910F 05/12 15:38
boyen0917: 乾 手夭壽長的11F 05/12 15:38
corlos: 2旬老漢比母獅還老12F 05/12 15:39
zero549893: Rose就是帥13F 05/12 15:40
sunkiswei: 這隻長臂猿只要加強持球訓練就很讚14F 05/12 15:41
hanslins: 皇叔是神,湖人今天差點被他搞死15F 05/12 15:42
sodistrues: 推皇叔人很好16F 05/12 15:42
hanslins: 尼克其他人天賦不足,只有紅茶與皇叔無解17F 05/12 15:42
LBJKO: 他該加強是外線穩定度 持球算不錯 只是切傳模式
抓不到 一但腦熱 就是死往裡切~18F 05/12 15:43
Russ: Rose最近真的強啊 拋投超穩20F 05/12 15:45
LABOYS: 湖人平常也沒有在練擋拆吧,都靠球員個人能力切XD今天還是有一球反手放的不錯的,吃老本21F 05/12 15:45
essential015: 真愛粉欸23F 05/12 15:45
corlos: 2旬老漢如果有像以前垃圾時間喬丹cook有跳投就好了24F 05/12 15:46
live147222: Rose感覺打的像尼克老大25F 05/12 15:49
saturday5566: Rose今天超鬼26F 05/12 15:55
shwkz: 年紀差那麼多 今天Live文還被酸 xD27F 05/12 15:56
LoMing1021: 永不放棄的精神 跌倒再站起來的典範 不只芝加哥 他可以是很多人的偶像28F 05/12 16:00
lionjona: 我真的覺得他長得很像獸之巨人30F 05/12 16:00
doooooooooog: 明明就AD比較像...31F 05/12 16:00
Qorqios: !32F 05/12 16:02
future0stw: THT今天根本斑馬...他的鬍子可修一下嗎..看起來很老33F 05/12 16:04
jerrys0580: Rose真的很猛 respect34F 05/12 16:12

作者 LABOYS 的最新發文:
(LABOYS): [外絮] Horton Tucker:Rose是芝加哥小孩的偶像 - NBA板