看板 NBA作者 Gotham (萬惡之城)標題 [情報] James Harden最快後天打馬刺復出時間 Tue May 11 08:11:31 2021
As @wojespn reported on SportsCenter, the earliest date that James Harden may
return for the Nets is Wednesday against the Spurs — that isn’t a certainty,
but Harden is getting close to returning.
Malika Andrews
As @wojespn reported on SportsCenter, the earliest date that James Harden may return for the Nets is Wednesday against the Spurs — that isn’t a certainty, but Harden is getting close to returning.
Woj消息: 哈登最快在後天打馬刺復出 目前尚未確定
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WcSkryh (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1620691893.A.F2B.html
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推 gooff: 打馬悍將 哈登59F 05/11 10:45
推 saten: 大哥終於要回來了63F 05/11 12:16
推 yutapon: 不要啦 多休一下不好嗎QQ69F 05/11 17:26
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→ uluvu0: 打完全體籃網的馬刺會比較可怕吧...71F 05/11 19:25